We all love music, but sometimes we like that one specific version of it than the other. As you go to find the music you've been looking for a long time, you discovered that you got a different version of your song. What kind of music is your least favorite? I do not mind remixes from time to time, but I can not stand live versions. You would be able to hear the crowd cheering when all you want to do is listen to the song itself. Plus, the singers and musicians would be harder to hear. I honestly prefer the original than live.
Oh man, I'm with you on the live music opinion. It just bugs the living crud out of me when somebody shows me the live version of a song, it's just painful. The recording is never top quality, and the audiences are just too loud. I don't mind remixes, especially as somebody who creates remixes of their own (that would be funny, a remixer who hates remixes). I should specify, I hate finding horrible remixes, I have found some that literally hurt my brain, and I'm not talking about bad arrangements, just straight up bad music.
I can't stand the live recordings. Fanchants and cheers are nice, but they overpower the song. Considering it's live, it's a one-shot take. Therefore there are no do-overs and there are more flats, sharps, and overall strange musicianship.
I like live music sometimes... Depending on the genre and musicians/bands playing at the time. Other times I see it as just a wall of noise, that is drowned out by excessive cheering and clapping. as I said. it all depends on who is doing it. Cd quality will always sound better, but it isn't the same as seeing a band live. Whole different kettle of fish. CD being more exclusive and personal and live being more for the whole getting together of fans. So I would say I am neutral about live music overall.
For me it's mixed. What version of a song I like is on a case by case version. Some songs I like a fan remix version better while others I might prefer the live version. My tastes are honestly in a constant state of fluxx so I may honestly like a song one day then hate it the next follwed by loving it a week later. I don't know I'm just really wierd.
I absolutely hate remixes, I simply don't like them and I feel most of the time just make perfectly fine songs horrible, also I feel is a disrespect towards the artist, I know most of you don't have a problem with remixes but I simply cannot stand them and about live versions, well it depends on the band, there are bands that manage to have really great live versions but there are others that aren't that good so I'm kind of neutral toward live versions
For the most part, I love remixes and feel that they're a love letter to the original song. However, I have some across some "dubstep" remixes that are't really dubstep and not good at all. Those are probably the songs I hate the most.
Im neutral towards live music - it can be ok if the crowd isn't too load. I love remixes, but the amount of crappy ones out there is ridiculous ?? There are some hidden gems ( Techno and Dance remixes, when handled well, can actually be better than the original) However, i can't stand " Horror " remixes. Seriously, i don't want a bunch of screaming and disc scratches with a slight rhythm and words in the distance. I want music.
Personally, I've grown quite fond of the Nightcore genre, which isn't even really a remix, but rather a slight modification of the original. And yet I love it to death, even I'm not too sure why. I totally get why people think it's lame, and doesn't even make sense. It also depends on what version you hear first. Most songs that I hear as Nightcore first, I can't stand the original because they sound so incredibly slow. I guess it all comes down to personal taste in the end.