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Our Heart [Closed Because of Unchangeable Circumstances]

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by Pitmore, Aug 11, 2015.

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  1. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    We begin this story with a meeting. This meeting is held in a weird place. A place which is spangled with stars wherever they look yet the place which they are sitting is dense enough to support the tables. All sorts of higher-up Pokémon sat, swam or stood around the extremely long, dark, mahogany rectangular table with red diamond-shaped tablecloths spread over it.

    It seemed that it would be better suited in a medieval castle as per to Deoxys' bedroom. As you might have gathered, this is no ordinary meeting. Just like these things who are attending the meeting. Thats right, they are Pokémon. And these Pokémon are having quite an important meeting and I'll guess you'll have to see why.

    "So we all know why we are here today. I expect civil discussions, I don't want to make the final judgement if things get out of ha-" Thats when he slipped quite comically into the air, all four of his badly designed legs flying upwards like it stepped on a banana. A resounding thud was heard for all ears to hear. The next sound was scrabbling as the Pokémon tried desperately to get up as fast and fluidly as possible without falling over. When the Pokémon got on what he calls its feet again, it cast a sidewards glance at one of the giggling Pokémon and hurriedly mentioned that talking about his foot problem was prohibited. "As you feel so strongly about this subject, Terrakion, you may start this debate." Terrakion flashed a triumphant smile and the two sitting to his left who were already burying their faces in the table.

    "They need to go. Admit it. Not only are they getting more arrogant but they're basically repeating themselves! Have you seen the rockets! They're enslaving, maiming and killing us! We can't wait for a heroic trainer. Not this time. We need to fight back! Before too many are lost!" It exclaimed, hiding a script under the tablecloth. One of his friends' head had almost gone through the table.

    One of the more patient ones spoke up next.
    "That may be the case, but if one Pokémon attacks. Surely it will influence the Pokémon to get a little more rebellious. If we achieve a small thing the humans will take things too far and overreact. We could be wiped out. Yes. This needs to be stopped but I don't want to die just yet." She explained as other Pokémon nodded. This Pokémon has been the voice of reason at these meetings for a while. This is because Pokémon had been here a while, pondering over the topic whilst others came in. Then again, patience was all part of her job. She did stall after all.

    "I disagree" a high and regal voice announced. The Pokémon turned to look at its owner. Terrakion muttered something along the lines of 'you would disagree little miss mega evolve...' The Pokémon heard what he said but decided to spare him, giving him a withering glance for now. "Humans have found out more about ourselves than even us! Are you going to give up all this evidence just because the circle of life?!" Terrakion scowled, Pokémon whispered in harsh, sharp tones and even if on the outside the Pokémon looked composed, on the inside she was aborting all systems and yelling at herself for making such a bold and stupid act.

    "She's got a point" started a small yellow and silver one said. All eyes preyed on him instantly and he shuddered a small step back. A pink tail shoved him forward, the two Pokémon fought a silent battle for two seconds before he started again. "She's got a point. You could all have Mega Stones somewhere but we'll never find out. You'll never be able to reach your potential. Heck! We can reach a big potential right now thanks to items that they made for us. We both have the same scarfs made by humans Terrakion!" Terrakion looked down at his ocean-blue scarf with a bit of disdain. But only a bit.

    Terrakion recovered fast though. A bit too fast however as he didn't have time to properly assess the next sentence to come out of his mouth. If he had the chance between saying this next sentence or giving in on the spot right there, chances are, he'd choose the latter.
    "Yeah, but you're only 100's!" the Pokémon immediately stiffened and whispers washed over the meeting "You don't have as much potential as us"

    The small one who had spoken had stepped back; his eyes wide as if a truth he didn't want to know had been confirmed. The pink one gritted his teeth and there was a distinct green glow piercing the watery body of another. However there was one that looked distinctly like an onion who was a bit more... Vocal.

    "Excuse me? Are you saying that we don't have as much potential as your Highness there!?! You've made a massive mistake you talking boulder!" She cried, staring him right down. Everyone, including his siblings, joined the stare. Whispers grew into words. Words grew into shouts and before they all knew it. It was pandemonium.

    The Pokémon at the head of the table knew better than to waste his breath and skipped over to two Pokémon that were keeping out of the fray.
    "Sorry Mel, but I could really use you right now" he asked. The Pokémon known as 'Mel' looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
    "The noise bounces off things, it'll hit you too" She explained, her ironically smiling face moulding into a concerned one.
    "Don't worry about that" Said a voice behind them "I can freeze over your ears. It'll block most of the sound" They all looked at each other. He forgot how forgettable but powerful this Pokémon was.

    "SHUT UUUUP!!!!!!" said a voice that physically slammed into Pokémon. All but one Pokémon did one of three things. They either got straight back to their chairs and sat down with the blink of an eye, Jump seven feet clean into the air or breathe a sigh of relief. Unfortunately for Uxie, who relied completely on her hearing. She got so freaked out that she flew straight through the dimensional wall that was supposed to be unbreakable even by god himself.

    "Thats enough! I will make the decision MYSELF!" The leader roared as most of the Pokémon tried to look shame-faced. "We shall WIPE OUT These humans once for all!" He announced. Terrakion had to be elbowed in the ribs to stop laughing out in joy. A shout of surprise shout out of a younger Pokémon's mouth.
    "WHAT? No! You can't do this! Are we so bad as them to wipe them out completely? Even the humans aren't as bad at this..." She trailed off when her gaze met the boss'.
    "I expected maturity from your sister Latios." The Boss ordered.

    Latios finched and glared at his sister. She did not like this one bit. They fought a mental battle, the monotone droning of who will do what of the boss in the background. He had to do something. He gritted his teeth and tried.
    "What about this; We kill the Pokémon that have joined the humans. Maybe this'll teach them respect and the Pokémon will realise what they actually are. This'll please anyone else too." All eyes prayed on him but his expression remains smooth and as impassive as stone. People has been taken by surprise by his outburst and whispers were blown through the meeting but the more the people thought about it, the more they thought the idea was good.

    And that's where this Prologue ends. And I could sum it up with all kinds of quotes as the Pokémon got back but the normally silent sky group summed it all up in five words thanks to a serpent. Those words were
    "Well, Terrakion was a bitch"

    I won't be able to Update for a while because my ROM broke. Sorry
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    Thunder likes this.
  2. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Sorry I don't have a whole lot to say, but I'm interested to see where this goes, so keep it up.
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    Pitmore likes this.
  3. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    Well... I have a confession. That is that my ROM broke. I can no longer play my Sacred Gold ROM and therefore no more storylocke. Don't think this is the end however as Aaron is too good of a character to just cast aside. I'll leave you with the last chapters for now.

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]New[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px] Bark town. The town of [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]fresh starts. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Rumored to be the place where Will, the infamous psychic trainer decided to start a [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]new[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px] career as a Pokémon trainer. A place where every day, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]nothing is quite the same[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]...[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I've been here six years now years now.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]As my feet crunch up the grass, I have mixed feelings. I'm getting out, but is it the right thing to do? The Pokémon fatality rate is high and the human fatality rate is also largening from Pokémon battling. Was this the right thing to do? 'Shelle said so, so did Theo. But could he brave it?[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I took my body out of autopilot a couple of feet from the lab's door and turned looked back towards his house when I realised I couldn't see it. I decided I didn't fancy walking that tedious walk back and stepped into the Lab. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Aaron! I see you've made up your mind!" Said a brown-haired man, Straightening his back as he jumped off a computer. "Now, if you don't mind, I will have to cut the small-talk, we're researching an egg at the moment".[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Hey Elm! Oh no! its fine. I need to go quickly anyway!" I exclaimed[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Good... No offense!" He said jokingly whilst being open to type on his laptop. "Right. Excuse the obvious questions but regulations. Name?"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Aaron Bradley"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Good, Sex?"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Finally, Starter?" This was it. I hesitated, my mind flicking through ideas like a flipbook. My mouth spoke before my mind.[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Elm's hand swiped outwards, habitually picking the center ball and popping it into a port on his computer. The computer whirred for seconds before a light 'ding' rang out. Elm took out the card which looked just like a credit card, just a bit more interactive. Six slots were there and one was filled already with my starter of choice. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Tapping on the picture, the card digitally flipped like it was some kind of screen. On the other side it showed everything about Chikorita's stats. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Hey there Basil" were the only words that seemed to come out of my mouth.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Here, I'll give you this too" Said Elm's voice, I looked up and he handed me a Pokédex. I took it gingerly, turned it over in my hand to get a feel of it. It felt amazing. "I've put some pokeballs in your bag too" Elm continued, gesturing to my bag which was deposited on a lab table. "Have you got everything?" He asked, prodding me out of my dazed state. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Yes, I've got everything, even my bike!" I stuttered, all thoughts of danger were washed out of my mind with this equipment. [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I looked up to see Elm looking at me expectantly with an eyebrow raised. It took me a while to realise what he was expecting "Oh... and the food for the Pokémon too. Thank you so much Professor Elm!" He walked me towards the door.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"No, its my pleasure, we need people like you to go out with Pokémon. You know the new rules, right?" He asked as we walked out onto route [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Er... yes... Thanks to new regulations, only one Pokémon can be caught on each route to avoid every Pokémon being captured. Shiney Pokémon are an exception and mind for aggressive Pokémon"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Good! Now, you go and have fun!" Elm said, smiling[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Oh, I will!!!" Bye![/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"That man was creepy" I commented to a green mound on his head when the man in question was out of earshot. "Thank god I'm not gullible and went into his house" The green mound lifted its head and muttered a half-hearted squeak. "Still resting after the Pokémon centre?!" I laughed. The green mound unfolded its legs and jumped from my nest of curly hair onto my shoulder and gave me a smile. I smiled back as I stopped at a crossroads. "Lets go..." As I pondered, Basil (for of course, the green mound we he) marched off to the right. "To the right! I laughed, jogging behind him.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Maybe we should've gone to the left..." I commented looking at the dead-end with a house in the middle. "Its like a natural cul-de-sac! Although It's a bit... out of the way..." That was the moment when a blond woman stepped out the door looking like she stepped straight out of a rock-and-roll band. "Change of plan, good idea going to the right."[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Oh, hi there! Are you Aaron?" Not trusting my mouth, I nodded "Could you do me a favour?" The woman called beckoning them over. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Oh- er, me? Yeah. OK. Yeah!" I stuttered, hobbling towards the woman[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Can you take this Pokémon? Professor Elm said a trainer with a Chikorita was coming up and I wanted to give you this Pokémon which will help you on your journey. Its full of Potential!" She smiled, holding out an Eevee to me[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Er... yeah. Sure, that will be fun. Yeah. I'll do it. Cool" I said, smiling sheepishly[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Nice! See you!"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Ok, yeah! bye!"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I looked at the Eevee and saw the look it was giving me.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Oh shut up, I [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Nailed[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px] that"[/SIZE]


    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Oh! Aaron! Its horrible! Oh its... Come quickly!" Elm's panicked voice blasted in my ear drums. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Ok! Ok! I'm coming! I have something for you anyway! Guys! We need to go! Return! Both of you!" I shouted, transporting the Pokémon back to their pokeballs. I sprinted off from the little forest opening towards cherrygrove with Elm yelling gibberish in my ear and me trying to get him to speak in full sentences.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"OI!" I skidded to a halt with a start. A red-haired youth was in front of me looked relatively pissed off. "You're that trainer that got the Pokémon from the lab. Why the HELL did you pick the Chikorita? its a disgusting little thing that deserves to be in the ground and you picked THAT thing? What the HELL is wrong with you?! You know what, you must be so weak to pick a Pokémon like that. Weak trainers must be ELIMINATED!" [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Hey, hey" I said, unclipping a Pokéball from my belt. "Chikorita isn't my only Pokémon. GO MIILO!" I Yelled as I threw my Eevee's Pokéball out.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]The Cyndaquil started off with a powerful tackle and Milo the Eevee went sprawling across the dusty floor, that gave me an Idea. Milo used sand attack and the Cyndaquil reared back, blind and hissing. Milo beat Cyndaquil to the tackle this time and the Pokémon recovered quickly this time, coming back with a critical hit. "Milo! Use this!" said, tossing a potion to My Eevee. The Cyndaquil used tackle again but this time Milo was ready and jumped clean over the charging mouse. Milo attacked back with a tackle and the Cyndaquil came back, leering at Milo and making him think twice. "One more time Milo!" I shouted, renewing his confidence. He finished it quickly.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Ugh. Weak." The trainer muttered as he walked on[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"GREAT COMEBACK MATE!" I shouted back irately at him. "Good job Milo! You were great! I said to the Eevee and he smiled back. " We need to head back to elm![/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"So you're saying he was a red-haired youth or medium build, grey eyes and a Cyndaquil." Asked the officer, checking things over one last time. Me and Elm nodded simultaneously. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Wait!" Elm cried running to his computer "Aaron, you said that he was going to be the best trainer in the world, right?" He asked, not turning round as he loaded up programs[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"The strongest trainer is also known as a 'Champion' as you know. To be a champion you have to beat all eight Gym Leaders and for that you have to update your Trainer Card or you are not allowed to have a badge. I can track his trainer card as they have descriptions on the trainers." He explained whilst the computer cross-referenced all the trainers. He picked the Laptop up and showed the screen to me. "Anyone match it?" He asked. I studied the screen for a good two minutes but there was nothing. Then a flash came.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"No, but is it possible to illegally get a Trainer Card?" I asked the Officer. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Yes!" She cried, her eyes lighting up. "They're a big problem in Kalos at the moment! They're probably here too! OK Elm, thank you for your help. We'll take it from here and check the records every day until our mystery man shows up."[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Thank you! Also, you left something behind Aaron." Elm commented with a smile[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Yes, Yes, my Pokeballs... sorry... anyway, I need to go, this paragraph is getting way too long."[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Agreed" Elm said, walking out with me as the Officer gaped like we were crazy about mentioning [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]The Paragraph[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px].[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"OK Milo, we only get one chance to catch a Pokémon here, don't kill i- Oooh wow." I looked quite disapprovingly at Milo sitting on the disembodied corpse of a Rattata looking as innocent as possible. "Maybe next route..." I sighed[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]'Next Route' seemed much more fruitful, giving us David the Spoink. He's nice. Thats when I saw the old man ahead. I snuck up behind him, getting ready to sprint "Quick, David! Confusion!" I screamed as I ran past, holding my Spoink. David obliged and the man never saw what was coming, David's pink orb glowed a brighter pink and I'm pretty sure he managed to blow the old man's mind. Quite literally. I didn't feel too bad though. I probably saved a lot more kids' sanity.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]Later on, David looked at me with a concerned face.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]"Listen, I'm not taking the risk of that creepy man not getting his brain nuked by your confusion. Lets catch this inevitable magikarp and go." I said worriedly whilst making my bait twitch like it had just drunk a liter of Coke. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]'Corphich! Cor!' [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666666666667px]said a cry out of No-where. "Wait! HOLY MOTHER OF- IT'S A CORPHISH! Basil! Poison Powder!" My Chikorita leapt forward with a whirlwind of Purple dust. The Corphish was engulfed instantly in the cloud and could only spit out a weak stream of bubbles. I chucked a Pokéball at the hacking corphish and it was gone in a ray of light. "My god Ola, you've got adaptability and you're jolly, we're going to get on well!"[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6666666666667px]I also managed to nab Cameron the Sassy Weedle,[/SIZE]
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