So I had somewhat recently thought of writing a story about someone with similar problems as myself, and I think I may make a PMD fanfic out of it. Needless to say, I'm calling it Unstuck, or possibly PMD Unstuck. The protagonist is someone with several limitation stopping him from moving out and living on his own. He then stumbles (quite literally) across a game for the Switch called Unstuck. It unfortunately was not a ordinary game as it pulls him into what seems to be a typical PMD scenario, only with his memories intact. He wakes up near Serenity Town where he meets his first two friends in this Pokémon world, an Eevee named Chika and a Rockruff named Halle. As for the Pokémon he finds himself turned into, he can't even begin to tell. All he knows is that he is some sort of mix of several Pokémon. He finds himself on four legs, with the tail of an Eevee, the legs of a Mew, the front paws of a Rockruff, the head of a Riolu, the ears of a Zorua, and the body of a Cosmog around his neck giving him the appearance of wearing a nebula scarf. Recognizing some of these body parts would be a lot easier if it wasn't for the fact that his whole body is primarily blue with black or that he has not played a Pokémon Game since Heart Gold and Soul Silver. He soon finds himself living with Halle and his parents, a pair of Lycanroc, one Midday form, the other Midnight form. Eventually he forms Team Eclipse with Chika and Halle. Maybe he'll eventually meet someone else from his world or someone from a different Pokémon world. Either way, he also finds that his world is not like the Rescue Team or Explorer PMD Games. Going home is not as simple as finding Palkia, which was already easier said than done. Right now, I'm thinking about naming our protagonist Hiro. I haven't settled on the name, so I might go with something else later. Originally, I was going to have him evolve only once, but I'm thinking about giving him two evolved forms. His next form would be a mix of Lycanroc Midnight, Lucario (or possibly just Riolu), Mew, Umbreon, and Cosmoem with maybe some of Zoroark traits mixed in. his final evolution would be a mix of Lycanroc Midnight and Umbreon like before, except he will for sure have some of Lucario's and Zoroark's traits, and he will have some of Solgaleo, Lunala, and Mewtwo mixed in. This final evolution of Hiro's won't take place until near whatever final battle he might have. The next thing I want to talk about doing is maybe something inspired by playing Dragon Quest Builders 1 and 2. He already suspects he may end up doing some world saving as he is a human turned Pokémon. This is not confirmed until he discovers that Pokémon stopped evolving when a rather annoyed Pikachu is seen not evolving despite holding a clearly unspent Thunderstone in his paws. This would result in him going over his PMD knowledge and attempting to build a chamber that enables evolution with the help of multiple Pokémon. There's two ways I may have him go about this: convince Legendary Pokémon such as the Regis to help, or he recruits evolved Pokémon, one of each type.
I think I've finished writing the first chapter now. I've decided that to name the protag Quinn instead of Hiro. I had the name generated randomly. It sounds strange, and Quinn looks pretty strange now, so I guess it fits. So far after going over what his human life was like, Quinn has arrived in a PMD world, met Chika and Halle, and went over some of his problems being that he is not used to moving around on four legs, being unable to blend in or even fit in, fighting as a Pokémon, and the fact that he eats meat most of the time in his world, which isn't going to fly anymore. He also discovers that he has also gotten much younger, thanks to Halle pointing it out soon after. With this realization comes the problem he will likely have to go to school all over again. he quickly mentions he will not put up with being bullied or punished unfairly again and makes a note to learn Scary Face to make life easier. Afterward, the trio heads to Halle's home. There, they will discover most of the Pokémon he shares body parts with. Eclipsee Pokédex Entry This strange Pokémon shares body parts with six different Pokémon: Riolu, Zorua, Rockruff, Cosmog, Mew, and Eevee. Its wisp-like arms and mane give it the appearance of wearing a scarf, and its arms are frail and ill-suited for battle. Its stamina seems boundless, and it has the ability to detect aura waves. Ability: Adaptability