Spoiler: Rainbow Square A large Pokémon city founded on a peninsula between the two bays of the Air continent. It is home to a large population of Pokémon that are focused on developing kindness and understanding between one another in order to prevent another Bittercold event. According to legend, this event was originally halted by the efforts of a human and the Force of Life which took the appearance of a hydreigon. Rainbow square is home to a legendary Pokémon named Ashia, a ho-oh who lives at the cities center in a large cathedral style castle. The first rate "Sacred Square" Guild takes residency within the city.
Spoiler: Paradise Town A small expeditionary town that popped up in an oasis southwest of Sahra town on the sand continent. The town is known for its extensive network of platforms built on the eastern side of a large plateau with an ancient tree housing the "Little Tree" Guild run by a Maganium named Floriane.
Spoiler: Little leaf Guild Mottos: "Another sunrise, another beginning." "Nothing ventured means nothing gained." "Winners never quit, and quitters never win." Male Female Leader/Treasurer: Floriane (Maganium) Deputy: Zelus (Mega Lucario) Scouting Team: Asya (Zorua), Itai (Mega Aerodactyl), Esther (Espeon) Cooks: Indie (Tropius), Aneira (Delibird), Persephone (Chansey) Rescue/Exploration Teams: Legendary Team First Rate Team Second Rate Team Third Rate Team Team Hyperion: Floriane (Maganium), Zelus (Mega Lucario), Sedim (Mega Salamance) Team Meteor: Ciela (Mega Alteria), Aera (Mega Latias), Recca (Mega Charizard X) Team Supernova: Kyteler (Delphox), Faust (Mega Tyranitar), Cyrus (Dusk Z Lyconroc) Team Paradise: Kunai (Mega Sceptile), Lilith (Lapras), Kurma (Torterra) Team Stargazer: Makani (Mega Pidgeot), Verna (Noivern), Agnel (Gliscor) Team Hurricane: Raya (Luxray), Herus (Heliolisk), Hatari (Zebstrika) Team Fey: Serena (Sylveon), Kyubi (Alolan Ninetails), Jupiter (Desidueye Z) Team Shard: Aegis (Hakamo-o), Kori (Alolan Sandslash), Aurum (Aurorus) Team Solstice: Amber (Torracat), Daigo (Metang), Ariel (Talonflame) Team Storm: Rosen (Crocanaw), Kami (Alolan Raichu), Roran (Dewott)
Spoiler: Atlas Characters Kala lvl 5 Eevee Ability: Anticipation Nature: Careful Moveset: Tackle Sand attack Helping hand Wish
Golden hues bathed him in light as he stood on a thin pane of sky. Kala tentatively stepped among the clouds, the pale wisps of water vapor drifting around him. It wasn't unusual for him to have lucid dreams, but even so he wasn't entirely sure if this was nothing more than a mirage. As he continued forward he found himself counting his steps, peering through the ripples they made to glimpse the fluid trees dancing far below the surface of the sky. A vast city shown in these trees with brightly colored stone beckoning newcomers like a lighthouse. Crrk--The sound of shattering ice sent shivers down his spine. Kala watched as spindling cracks cut through the expanse that held him aloft. The sky had fallen before he could even gasp, drawing his body towards the green talons that reached for him from the ground. His innards tried to fight the power of gravity as he felt them rise against his throat. The world was fast approaching, a blurry mass of leaves meeting him as his watery, windswept eyes clouded his vision. Everything went black soon after.