As one animated miniseries comes to a close, another rises to take it's place. A few days ago, an eight episode anthology series called Pokémon Evolutions was announced, with each episode telling a story focused around a different region, from Galar all the way back to Kanto. The first episode of this series, The Chapion, has just been released of YouTube, and stars Leon as he prepares himself for the title defense match against against Victor while also looking back on the fight with Eternatus. So far this series has already been groundbreaking for several reasons, such as quite possibly being the first piece of official Pokémon media to use the darkskinned version of a protagonist, as well as being one of the few pieces of official media to feature both male and female protagonists at the same time (Gloria makes a cameo in the first scene and the trailer shows other episodes will also feature both male and female protagonists). If you haven't watched this episode yet, here it is. I know I for one am already loving this series and can't wait for more, but what are your opinions on the show so far? Any characters you're hoping to be featured? Any scenes from the games you want them to adapt? Do you love the little details like a pair of Pikachu wearing Victor and Gloria's hats, or that Polteagiest drinking from a soda cup?
It's just okay. It isnt really amy different than the chronicles (was that it) before. Just telling cannon stories. I kinda wanted something more unique. But i cant be picky. It's not like a paid for it.
Episode 2 is out now, The Eclipse. This episode takes us to the Alola region, as Lillie and Selene arrive at the Altar of the Moone, focusing on Lillie as she reflect on her personal journey so far. Fans of the seventh generation may note that this short is specifically based off of the events as they occur in Ultra Moon.
Episode 3 is out now, The Visionary. Head back to the Kalos region where Lysandre attempts to put his plans into motion while reflecting back on his motivations.
Episode 4: The Plan, follows the journey of N from his childhood through his battle with Hilda at the climax of Pokémon Black version, as narrated by Ghetsis. One thing I found interesting is that they've changed he design of N's puzzle cube. It now has differently-colored markings painted on each side and the chain has been replaced with cylindrical wooden beads on a cord.
A trailer was just released this morning showcasing the second half of the series, which will cover the first four generations. The next episode (Gen IV) will be out on December 2nd. Personally I think I'm even more excited four these episodes than I was the first half. How about you?
Episode 5: The Rival is out now! Follow The Flash Barry as he challenges his father to a Pokémon battle while reminiscing on his journey so far, and the many losses he has faced along the way.
Episode 6: The Wish has been released! Climb the heights of Spear Pillar with May follows Zinnia while learning the history of of the Hoenn region, then summon Rayquaza and learn you aren't the chosen one after all. Zinnia is one of my favorite characters in the series and I always love seeing her get some love. How about you, what are your thoughts?
Episode 7: The Show is out now! Watch the Kimono Girls (with spiffy new redesigns) put on a stage production of the legend of the Ecruteak City's two towers! I love the little details in this one, like the Pokéball hair pieces.
The time has come for Evolutions to come to a close. The final episode, The Discovery, follows Green as she attempts to find and catch Mewtwo, only to find that she isn't the only trainer looking for it. Certainly didn't expect the Let's Go games to be represented in this series instead of the more traditional Kanto games, but I can't say I'm disappointed with what we got.
While Froakie and Fennekin have been Kalosian regional starters from Professor Sycamore, along with Chespin, neither Greninja and Braixen had appeared in Pokémon Evolutions, nor even in the Pokémon Evolutions episode "The Visionary", even though they were two of the popular Pokémon among fans. That's all.