On November 21st, 2003, Pokémon Colosseum was released in Japan! The first 3D role-playing Pokémon title - although not the first 3D Pokémon title - Colosseum went on to be one of the best selling RPGs on the Nintendo Gamecube, doubled the console's market share in the United Kingdom, and selling over a million copies in the United States. It also spawned a sequel, Pokémon XD : Gale of Darkness. Have you played Pokémon Colosseum? Do you have fond memories of it, or did you enjoy its sequel more? Would you like to see a third game in the series, or perhaps a remake of the original title on the Switch? Can you dance like Miror B?
I actually haven't played Colosseum; never got around to it. Played XD : Gale of Darkness, though, and it's easily one of my favorite Pokémon titles. Definitely would love another game in the Orre region.
..I have.. mixed feelings on Colosseum.. mainly because I had a game breaking bug, and had to delete my save I love the series none the less, and still hope for a 3rd.. Or a reference in the main games.. Miror B. was the bomb..
@ShinigamiMiroku I was in the Underground City place and you had to rescue a kid from 2 Cipher grunts. I fainted to the first grunt, and when I came back both of the grunts were gone and I couldn't rescue the kid. Then I saved the game as I had been playing without saving for several hours and thought they would respawn next time I turned the game on. They never came back and I was screwed. I had captured every shadow Pokémon (from that point), including Entei..
One of my friends in high school gifted me this game. I never beat it, but I liked what I played! I love the Espeon/Umbreon pair to start.
I love Colosseum, but I feel like XD just gave the mechanics that little extra polish. Having said that, Wes is the most badass Pokémon protagonist of all time. No exceptions.
Colosseum I feel is one of the most underappreciated games in the series. Though XD Gale of Darkness polished the rough edges it had, Colosseum's darker tone, unique Shadow Pokémon mechanic, and great soundtrack keep me coming back to it periodically. The one real issue I have is the small pool of available Pokémon, but XD rectifies that issue. I'd love to see a proper return to the Orre region, though maybe not right now, just somewhere down the road.
I played both it and a sequel far more than I'm willing to admit, I put a lot of hours into Colosseum just to get all the pokémon and clear everything before start over after transferring them to the Gen 3 games. I'd love to see more games like this just with a higher number of pokémon because both these games had a very limited number of pokémon.
I played it a long time ago, I love the new mechanics with shadow Pokémon. Funny story, I got a players guide and it misprinted the final Colosseum the player went through in the story to say they were 20 levels higher than they were (mid 80s instead of mid 60s) so I grinded a TON.
I’ve always wanted to try one of the Gamecube Pokémon games, but they’re getting harder to find. None of my local game stores have them, and the prices online are getting pretty high.