This topic isn't actually game-related but...I wanna mention this since I kinda do deal with this in RPs. It's pretty miscellaneous, though. Grooming some Pokémon's fur must be a pain and a half-hair knot, but I can imagine it being really beneficial to some things...Like, Noivern manes for example. It just feels so SOFT to me in some fanart it's crazy, but I'd always keep a brush ready to try and keep it nice and smooth. Pokémon caretaking sounds like quite a chore but it's definitely tougher when you want to a Pokémon's fur in tip-top shape... Also, I need to make a comment on how soft Reshi's fur looks to me. It's probably the most huggable out of the big legendaries. Thing must have heck trying to be groomed though....or lug around what is essentially a hakkero for a tail. Lasers need not apply. Personally I'd have to get a special-order comb to groom him, and even then it might take an hour because of how much there is to comb, whew...! But I imagine it's worth it! I like to imagine Pokémon without fur are a lot easier to keep nice and tidy, i.e. Steel and Rock types just need polished for the most part, but I dunno... (Also note to self, pressing Enter while entering tags causes the thing to post. Oops.)
Oooooh boy. Grooming a mamoswine, oh geeeee...Having a lot of fur is great in cold weather, though! Speaking of Pokémon fur I've had to discuss between a couple of friends once whether a Noivern has a light coat of fur over its body, or scales with just the mane being fur. I decided to go with the former myself since I thought that made the most sense for a bat (and I remember this one article one time about a Noivern being a "false dragon", being more bat than dragon so it wouldn't have scales). I wonder if I should have mentioned Furfuro in my opening post? I mean grooming is kind of its schtick in X/Y.
I feel like Woobat would be super soft to touch. I mean, it's literally a ball of fluff. I remember I had an OC whose main Pokémon was an Arcanine, and in a scene I wrote out for her, she was having a ton of trouble brushing and grooming it because it's so large and there's just so much fur. Dog Pokémon must be a nightmare to groom
Arcanine is kind of the original high-fur Pokémon when thinking about the Gen 1s. As for Woobats/Swoobats, heck yes! Their real-life counterparts are ultra furry too, IIRC. Plus they're small enough to easily hold, so they're not too different from flying plushies if I were to imagine them purely as pet.
That is pretty crazy thinking about it... I feel bad for whoever has to groom a Stoutland... I mean have you seen all that hair? Spoiler I wonder if Regice has to constantly refill its ice cracks or cut off pieces of ice that grow so it stays the same shape? Would that hurt it even though it's made of ice? How do you groom a Vanilluxe? Do you have to re-inflate Drifloon/Drifblim sometimes? So many unanswered questions.
I'm pretty sure Reshiram actually has feathers since in pokepark 2 you can find it's feathers scattered around. Maybe it's a mix of feathers and fur. I wonder what a Smeargle's fur would be like and what it would be like to take care of it. It produces the oil in its tail naturally, but I'd bet producing too much or too little could be harmful for it, so that would be difficult to manage.
I wonder how hard it would be to maintain an Altaria. I'd want it to remain fluffy and pure, but I feel thos ewings would collect dust and dirt very quickly... ;_;
I dunno how to groom a scalie, though...I heard that sand can sometimes get between scales and that's like a rough itchy thing, but I imagine it's easier to do. Reshi has...feathers? This sounds like a fur-feather mixture, with the feathers being on the wings. His antennae really seem more like fur than anything so he can't be all feathers, methinks.