This is my first role play so bear with me... I'm not that good at roleplaying, but I am good at making up stories so we'll see how this goes. Introduction: For many years the Pokémon world has lived in peace and harmony. Though far from perfect, Pokémon from Kanto to Galar have lived quiet lives. (No Paldea since I don't know enough about it yet) They did, that is, until one day when a strange darkness crept over the land. Little by little it slowly engulfed town after town, city after city. No one knew the origins of this darkness or who controlled it. All they knew was what it did to humans and Pokémon alike. At first, there was no apparent change but little by little, the beings began to lose their emotions, their feelings, everything... until they were only corpses not dead, yet not alive... The last hope for the Pokémon world lies in the legendary Pokémon that rule over it. The only to defeat the darkness is to discover its source and destroy it. No one knows where that source is, but there are rumors that a clue to the source lies in each region and it can only be found when all the clues are united. To sign up: Character name: Character species: (A legendary or mythical Pokémon except for Arceus, Dialga, Palika, or Giratina. Try to take one that no one else has taken) Known moves: Inventory: Backstory: This works a bit differently from normal role play as it will be more of a story. Feel free to provide any suggestions! Taken Pokémon: Latios Rayquaza Shaymin Keldeo Spoiler: My Character Character name: Lateo Character species: Latios Known moves: Luster Purge, Psychic, Dragon Claw, Steel Wing, Inventory: Mega Stone (Doesn't know how to use it yet) Backstory: Lateo is a wandering Latios from the Hoeen region. He doesn't know who his family is and has been living with other Pokémon for most of his life. When he hears about the spreading darkness, he is determined to fight for his home. Roleplay will start once there are 3-4 people who have signed up.
I understand you. I've written lots of stories too before I got into roleplaying. You need the ability to improvise. Was thinking of playing as three characters (with the third one not legendary or mythical at all) which make up my PMD headcanon team. That okay?
Sure! As long as you can handle all three characters and make clear which one is doing an action or talking.
Okay! Let's try it. Spoiler: Rayquaza Name: Rayquaza Species: Rayquaza Moves: Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Ascent Inventory: Explorer's bag, Exploration Badge Bio: Having spent a lifetime guarding the atmosphere from within the ozone layer, Rayquaza also leads the exploration team Green Point (also known as Team GP) - with the most unlikely and smallest possible companion in a Shaymin while also taking up a Gardevoir apprentice. He has led occasional explorations but hasn't met with his team frequently due to his duties in guarding the skies while also mediating between Groudon and Kyogre in any dispute. During explorations, he leads his team with his firepower and incredible navigation skills. His ability to use Dragon Ascent is a secret that he has kept from everyone, knowing that it would transform him into something more powerful. While on one of his patrols, he detected a darkness spreading on the ground below, giving him cause to summon Team Green Point for help. Spoiler: Gracidea Name: Gracidea Species: Shaymin Moves: Energy Ball, Seed Flare, Magical Leaf, Synthesis Inventory: Map and pencil Bio: Gracidea is a resident of the hidden Shaymin Village. She convinced Rayquaza to form an exploration team with her just in a chance meeting with him at the top of the Sky Peak. She has a very powerful intuition in surveying large expanses of land and translating them into usuable maps, and also has a natural ability to disable traps while on explorations. As a result she became essentially a support officer for Team Green Point, providing valuable intelligence on land masses as well as finding ways to generate income (something Evergreen loved to make use of). One secret she has yet to tell her companions about was that she could change into a different form if she was exposed to a Gracidea flower. Spoiler: Evergreen Name: Evergreen Species: Gardevoir Moves: Magical Leaf, Psychic, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam Inventory: Explorer's scarf Bio: Evergreen is a fiercely independent Gardevoir, having lived with and been raised by her Trainer (and also best friend) Maria in Larousse City since she was a Ralts. She is even independent enough that she self-proclaimed herself to be her Trainer's guardian! And also has the unique ability to communicate with humans via telepathy. Her independence also meant she went out on excursions on her own (and at times has been mistaken for a human), which led her to joining Rayquaza's Team Green Point from time to time, and even trained under the legendary Pokémon. That is a secret she has kept from Maria, and she could only imagine the shock her Trainer would have if she knew about it. Gummies are her favourite food, and she still resides in Larousse City with her Trainer.
@122 Generation Looks good! I'm unfamiliar with PMD so could you explain what the Explorer's bag, Exploration Badge, and Explorer's scarf are?
No problem! At least in PMD Time/Darkness/Sky, the Explorer's bag holds all the team's items, the Exploration Badge is what allows the team to teleport themselves back to base or to rescue others, and the scarf is just a fashion accessory to show off exploration status (so they're not just any Pokémon).
In that case, I hope this will work... Keldemaru Name: Keldemaru (I was kinda tempted to name this guy d'Artagnan tho) Species: Keldeo Pronouns: He/him Moves: Sacred Sword (Ordinary Form) or Secret Sword (Resolute Form) Keldemaru alternates between these two moves depending on his current form Bubble Beam Aqua Jet X-Scissor Inventory: (spoilering this part because I'll update the list over time and it can get quite long) Spoiler TBA -- haven't even decided yet Backstory: Keldemaru hails from a forest in Unova -- what would be the Moor of Icirrus today. When said forest caught fire due to a war among humans, Keldemaru was separated from his parents. He was soon taken in by a certain trio who had previously evacuated the forest dwellers: Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion (still undecided on their names yet). These three also taught the Colt Pokémon everything he needed to survive while they were at it until he eventually left the nest (metaphorically since the Swords of Justice usually roam around the world). As for Keldemaru's masters, I'm tentatively considering to throw at least one of them in. Will need to see how the story goes before doing so, however.
Looks good! I'll let you know when we start! P.S. I'm curious, where does the name Keldemaru come from? It kinda sounds like Togedemaru... and 'maru' means ball in Japanese...
Yay~ That's... from Kelden's Japanese name -- Blake's Keldeo in PokeSpe. The Japanese version of PokeSpe has his team named with a part of their species names plus suffix -maru.
@SAF @122 Generation You know what, I think we'll just start. If anyone else wants to join they are free to do so later. I'll get a thread for the RP up in a bit.
@ColsonOtis Minor nitpick, but aren't all Kangaskhan supposed to be female? Second, how do you want to go about gathering the heroes? Not sure what to write next in the thread.
Oh... right... my bad, I'll change that. I think each hero should see the effects of the darkness in their homes or around their homes before and then hear about a prophecy (which I'll write shortly so you guys have it). The prophecy will tell them to look for the 8 clues, so they'll meet up in Kanto while looking for the first one.
In that case, you'll want to write four versions of the scene: one for Keldemaru and three for each of Green Point members. Or maybe three versions should do if you want Rayquaza to pass by one of the other three's locations.
Probably will do three versions. Since Rayquaza will probably be watching the effects on the earth below. Was actually thinking of the intro scene to Super Mystery Dungeon actually.