Let's be honest, we've all mispronounced at least one Pokémon name wrong in our life. Wheter it was really close or nowhere near the actual thing, it's a very common mistake. And I seem to have a a lot... Here are the ways I pronounced some Pokémon's names before I learned the correct way: 1. Blastoise (Blast-tos) 2. Cubone (Cub-bone) 3. Groudon (Ground-don (so close there >.>) 4. Kyorge (Ky-org) 5. Kyurem (Ky-rim) 7. Kirlia (Krill-ah) I'm sure there are many others I'm forgetting... The two I hear the most are: 1. Arceus (Ar-sea-us) It's Ar-KEY-us. I'm serious. Google it. 2. Raichu (My brother keeps pronouncing it Rata-chu. No matter how much I correct him. This is on the list because... well... I live with him, so I hear it a lot.) The biggest one I've learned recently is: Pokémon. I'm serious. Ever since I started watching Pokémon Sun and Moon theory videos on YouTube I realized they pronounce it Poke-a-mon. When I found out this is correct (at least, I think it is), I facepalmed, because where I live, everyone pronounces it Poke-ee-mon. I heard it pronounced Poke-a-mon in official videos, so I'm assuming that's right. WOO! Long start! Anyway, what are some Pokémon you guys mispronounced (or still mispronounce but can't remember the correct way for some reason)? Don't worry, we were all noobs without pronunciation guides once, too.
Yessss, no one could ever say the Pokémon names correctly when I was younger, including me. Kyogre was Kyogra, Meowth was Mew T, Dialga was Diagala and we never even attempted to say Suicune's name omg.
Oh tons! To be honest I thing some of my pronunciations are better than the actual ones. I always used to call Suicune Soo-i-seen, which I thought sounded kinda cool lol. My sisters used to have trouble with Rattatta, which they called Rat-at-ack (Like rat attack! Sounds better right?) And I was watching the Pokémon anime not too long ago and saw that Vivillon was pronounced Viv-ee-yon. I mean come on, I swear they want us to pronounce them wrong. And then there's the ones that I still don't know how to say At least I can say that I've improved over the years and none of my old pronunciations have stuck with me.
For the life of me i will always say Pokémon not Po-kae-mon, i dotn care if im wrong, I dont care if barry says im wrong, im saying Pokémon. Illumise, The Air mattress-bug. I had always pronouced Illum-i-saei, As in illu, Me , Say, I dont know why, it just looked like it. Rayquaza, Ray-QuAA-za , Before i listened to the anime saying Ray-quae-za, For somereason i have problems with ae and I. Raikou, Rai-ko, Not raikoou, huh, Who knew.
I purposefully mispronounce Chinchou because my younger self thought it was catchy to say Chin-choo-ow instead of chin-choo. XD Also, apparently the correct pronunciation of Pidgeot is pid-jit but I will always pronounce it as pid-jee-awt.
I have issues with some of the new legends Zygarde for some reason I always pronounce it Zi-an-gaurd. No clue why since is it zÄ«-gärd. Also Volcanion, not that it is hard but I keep saying Vol-C-ona which is not the right Pokémon, I keep pronouncing it like a bad pronunciation of Volcarona. I haven't had issues with it but a lot of my friends cant pronounce Suicune, it comes out as Sue-ih-sune or Swi-cun
The Pokémon I always mispronounced as a kid was Gyarados, I ended up saying something like gy-arah-dose. When my brother and I first saw the name Gyarados I think we spend a good amount of time just trying to figure out how you pronounced it,
I still pronounce Arceus as Ar-SEA-is because that's what I and everyone around me pronounced it as. The movie changed nothing. My brother and I used to add so many extra "atatata"s to Rattata it sounded like a machine gun. Rattatatatatatatatatatatatatatata.
Alomomola, I always want to say Alolomola for some reason. Also Cinccino, I originally thought it was pronounced Sin-chino not chin-chino.
For me it was Yveltal (Y-e-v-l-tall) when its (E-v-e-tall) and Alomomola (Which I just want to yes Amolamolamolamola- till times end)
Here's my list! Gyarados - I used to say: Guy - ra - dose Giratina - I used to say: Ji - ra - ti - na Rattata - I used to say: Ra - ta - ta - ta Kyurem - I used to say: Kuy - rem Suicune - I used to say: Soo - wi - sine (When I told my friend a long time ago (I was 7) that I caught Suicune he thought I said 'I committed suicide') Kyogre - I used to say: Kuy - gorge Groudon - A common one, I used to say: Ground - don I'll let you know if there are more!
Just Giratina, which is strange because it's my fave, I still do because I think "jiratina" sounds better.
Hm, I've been altering between Mis-mag-ee-us and mis-mage-ee-us. The second one seems to make more sense to me, but everyone says the first one, so i alter between both versions.
How do you even know you're mispronouncing them? As far as I know there isn't any official guide on how to pronounce Pokémon names :\ And I stopped watching the anime long ago so I can't know for sure if I'm right or not (not that I trust anime anyway xD) But there was this Pokémon whose name I used to read incorrectly and that was Linoone, I read it as Lioone. Then some day I was talking to a friend and mentioned Lioone and then he looked at me and said "what Pokémon is that?" and that's when I realised I was wrong.
Used to pronounce: Kyogre as "Key-oh-ger" Nincada as "Nin-kah-dah" Still pronounces Arceus as "Ar-sea-us" Chinchou as "Chin-chow" Growlithe as "Growl-liff" Houndour as "Hound-door" Milotic as "Mee/Mai-low-tic" (interchangeable)
Used to call Chimecho "Chimmycho" until one day I heard James pronounce it on the show, quite frankly the design cue of it bein a bell was lost on me. Chimmy
Oh, i forgot about Dialga and Rayquayza, two of my favourite legendaries. Also, how the hell do you pronounce Pykukumu? is that how to spell it? help ;0;
And this whole time I thought it was Chin-chow. This is embarrassing! I don't remember how I used to say it, but I pronounced Rayquaza wrong and @[member="Deltheor"] had me thrown in the dungeons.
To be fair I still don't know whether Milotic is supposed to be pronounced [ˈmaı-ləʋ-tık] (my low tick), or [ˈmıl-/ow/-tık] (mill ow tick) or even just [mıˈlɒdık] (melodic) Seriously please someone help I can't live with this problem it's been torturing me for years