Since about when Gen 6 came out, Pokémon has kept up with the idea of having demos for their newest games. XY had something, ORAS did, as well as SM. Now, with about a month away from Ultra Sun and Moon coming out, is there going to be a demo? Well... if anything, it might be better to ask, "When is a demo coming out?" Sun and Moon had their Demo come out a month before the actual games were released, so maybe USM will do the same. And if/when it does come out, what kind of content are you guys looking forward to seeing? I'm honestly wondering if maybe we'll get a sneak peek at Ultra Megalopolis, and get a little bit of an idea of what this new world is like
Its highly unlikley but possible, the demo maybe like ORAS where you just partake in special missions(possibly in ultraspace?) And meet team Recon.
It did. It wasn't available to the public, like they have been since the ORAS demo, but there was definitely a demo. You can read all about it here! Personally, I don't think we'll get a demo for USUM, as much as I really want one. The focus of the SM demo was Ash-Greninja, and using Z-moves for the first time. It also allowed for the player to get Ash-Greninja in their game. For USUM, I don't really see what they'd be giving out, unless they either announce a new Ultra Beast that's exclusive to the demo, and use that as their "Ash-Greninja", or they unveil something completely new, and have that as the demo's main focus. They definitely won't be putting us anywhere near Ultra Space, since I feel like that'd ruin the surprise of getting there in the game. Another reason I don't think we're getting an USUM demo is because the SM and ORAS demos were data-mined, revealing a lot of the game's information before it was released. After it happened in the ORAS demo, they took measures to prevent it in the SM demo, but it was still data-mined anyway. Perhaps this will be Nintendo's way of telling us what happens when we overstep our boundaries? Who knows, but I'm personally unaffected by any data-mine leaks that come out. I always look at them, because I love seeing what's in-store for me, but I'm still just as surprised when I find them in the games as well.
I think it's better to not have a demo released for everyone. Look at what happened to Sun/Moon, people datamined the demo and all the Pokémon got leaked. It wasn't fun for people who wanted to discover the new Pokémon themselves (myself included lololol). If they leaked the plot before the game was even released it's going to be a lot of trouble.
Tbh I don't think we're gonna get a demo for USUM. Like Pixel said above, S/M Demo was mainly for Ash-Greninja, and I don't think there are any special Pokémon/items that would could be offered (Unless there's some new Alolan form/UB yet to be revealed). It still would be fun though!
I honestly doubt there will be a new demo for US/UM, just as most everyone above me said. Still would be pretty cool to see some new content before the official games come out though.