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Project Mon - In Progress ROM Hack

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by Toxic, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. Toxic

    Toxic Idk I'm bored

    Lugia Egg
    (Lugia Egg)
    Level 3
    Nov 21, 2012
    Project Mon is just a filler name until I get some progress done on this ROM hack.

    Okay, so currently there is no storyline for this game, but I will be writing up a storyline once I get closer to working on the project. As of right now I am looking for people to help me.

    Currently Looking for:

    Looking for a spriter to make recolors and to make custom fakemons. Please include your palette with your sprite. Please do not steal others works.

    Map Maker
    So I'm thinking of having the map being a mountainous region. Use either D/P/Plt, HG/SS map style. Do not steal others work.

    If you'd wish to help out and be a Spriter or a Map Maker just submit your submission in this post. I will go over all submissions and I will announce who's sprites will make it in my game and they will get early access to the game once it is finished. As well as getting early access they will be put in the credits and they will get a custom NPC in game.
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