Hey fellow Valorians. I, the one and only BraviaryScout have finally gotten to making his Q&A thread! Before we get started: As long as the questions asked follow the guidelines at the top of the forum category, it's fair game. I can't promise I'll have a good answer to whatever you ask, but I will try. I also reserve the right to refuse to answer whatever question I am asked. Although I can come off as a friendly guy, I am still guarded about many things in my personal life the least of which includes sensitive security info. This also applies to anything I deem to be meaningless, derogatory and such. If I choose to refuse an answer, I will simply respond with a simple "Yeah" even if it is a Y/N question. I will put a difference between that and an answerable Y/N question by elaborating further. I like to have a handful of questions build up on my thread before I answer them all in one go. If this isn't the case; then I'll do them individually. Feel free to ask me questions about A Hui Hou Kakou. I'll answer what I can without spoilers. If you ask me a question here on my thread. I'll be more than happy to return the favor. If you want to level up those Legendary Eggs of yours, shoot me something. I promise it'll be mutually beneficial. Now that we've established that; go on and ask away. I'm a pretty easygoing guy. Amuse me mortals!
:: Okay, I honestly don't remember if I asked you this, or if you mentioned it before, but what did you do as your Eagle Project? :: How do you like to relax or otherwise unwind? :: Have you actually gained the ability to fly?
I got it in a FB message from a friend. Actually I do hope to draw or create my own sometime. I earned a total of 39 badges. I designed and assembled a rolling orchestra instrument shelf for a Catholic Church. They were doing a makeover with their music hymn programs as well as for the private school attached. The shelf can store up to 10 violins/violas, 5 cellos, 2 double basses and all of their accessories. My preference to relax is to put in a pair of headphones, cycle through chill music and either write something or read a book. Sometimes I will have a light snack and drink. While I have no wings or means of flight physically, one of the perks of my job is that I can fly on an airplane to almost anywhere in the US and the world virtually free of charge. Thanks for asking.
Do you know the muffin man? But seriously, who is your favorite legendary Pokémon? Favorite type? What games do you like most besides Pokémon? Favorite book series? Favorite TV shows? Movies? Are you more into the stuff that's appropriate for all ages, or the more mature stuff, or somewhere in between?
I know the owner of a muffin and doughnut shop, so maybe...he is A muffin man...I don't know about THE. Favorite legendary? Oh man...it has to be a tie in between Genesect and Yveltal. I love both their designs and Genesect has a combo of having both natural and artificial traits. Reminds me a lot of combat drones and mechs. Yveltal's typing, lore of siphoning life forces away and being just about evil incarnate also got my attention. Mewtwo is an honorable mention here. Although I love all the types in Pokémon, my favorite has got to go to Bug. Although it's not one of the best to use in both offense and defense gameplay, I always seem to use at least one of them during my playthrough of a game whether it be on my final team or one that I'll use for about half the game before phasing it out. In terms of design; I think that the Bug type has the most diversity, which owes to the fact that there are so many species out there than we can count and more are continuing to be discovered! I really love many of the new ones introduced, especially those in Gen V and VII. I also tend to use a lot of Dark and Rock types as well. Aside from Pokémon, my other big favorite fandom has to be Halo. My dad got an Xbox just so he could get Combat Evolved in 2001 and got me hooked on the series. Since then; I've owned every game that has come out since and beat the story mode solo on Legendary (the hardest difficulty) all the way up to the recent Halo Wars 2. Additionally, I mainly play Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Gears of War, Star Wars Battlefront and Titanfall. I have to sneak in three here, all by the same author though . They have to be Clive Cussler's (Who is also an Eagle Scout BTW) Dirk Pitt, Kurt Austin and Oregon series. It really depends. In terms of movies; I'll watch anything from animated to live-action, although I really prefer the latter since it's more suited to adults. Same thing with TV shows too. Some of my favorite movies: Avatar (James Cameron), The Lego Movie, The Lego Batman Movie, all Star Wars (yes...even the craptastic prequel trilogy), Rogue One, Godzilla, Top Gun, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, all the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pacific Rim. Some of my favorite TV shows: South Park, Family Guy, Red vs Blue, Agents of SHIELD, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Hawaii-Five 0 (Both the old and new ones), The Last Ship, The West Wing, Flashpoint and Lost. Thanks for asking.
:: Have you ever gone swimming in ice water before? :: What was your favourite memory or experience from within the last 3 years? :: Where is Waldo, anyway?
As a matter of fact, yes I have. I swam competitively in high school during the season in the winter. There was an occasion where the pool temperature control had malfunctioned and while not exactly ice water, it dropped to 45 degrees Fahrenheit on its thermometer. The average temp for a pool is roughly 68-80. I've got two that are somewhat related. First is being able to pick and get my very first car, a Mazda! I love her to death! Second: Spoiler My first time that I had gotten intimate with a girl...in the front seat of said car. That is a very good question. I have no idea, but a lot of things I need at specific moments seem to take after him. Most likely not. The eagle is such a symbolic representation for leadership and the elite as well as the American people in general. I can't really think of another animal to replace the eagle with that holds that kind of status. Plus, I don't want to be that one guy who petitions a change that drastic to one of the biggest youth organizations in the world for more than a century now. It's so cemented as a longstanding tradition here that it would almost be considered heretical to deviate from. Thanks for asking guys.
I don't know how to use an axe effectively. I have used a chainsaw to cut down a tree, so that's my pick. My entire body was covered in sawdust afterwards. Oh yes, there have been times especially at buffets where I will get 4-5 plates pretty much heaped with food. I hate wasting stuff so I make it a point to eat all of it And that ends up making me feeling sick. Nowadays, I try not to gorge so much, so I eat until I feel sated. Thanks for asking
do you write? if so, what kind of stuff do you write? if not, why not? do you like reading? if so, whats your favorite book?
Yes I do write. It's mostly about my favorite fandoms of Halo and Pokémon. I have two ongoing series of the former and a Sun & Moon fic on the latter. I will likely be posting it up on here for everyone to read once I've gotten far enough. My forte genres are action, drama and romance. If you like any of the three, I imagine you'd like what I have been writing. Yes I do like reading just as much as I do writing. My favorite author is either Tom Clancy or Clive Cussler.
What's your favourite marine animal? Do you like savoury or sweet foods more? Have you ever had your face painted?
I'm going to have to say the barracuda. They're known for their fast flashy speed and sharp teeth which make them a pretty scary predator. I've went snorkeling a couple of times and ran into them on more than once occasion. Not as bad as sharks, but you have to err on the more cautious side. They're really tasty too. Savory. It can expand to a much more diverse array of flavors while sweet foods all have one thing in common; sugar. Not to say that I don't like sweet, but since most of the things I eat are more on the savory side, I'm inclined to pick that. A couple times. Mostly when I went to high school basketball and football games. I didn't completely cover my face, but it was enough to show that I had school spirit. Thanks for asking
In the Pokémon anime, overall, which group of Ash's companions is your favorite and why? Which of his Pokémon are your favorite? Please go into more detail than just saying 'Charizard and Greninja are really cool.' I have read some of your Pokémon stories and I really like them, especially 'A Hui Hou Kakou.' What shippings do you like most, and if you haven't written about them already, do you intend to sometime soon? Do you first watch the anime with the English dub, or just English subtitles after its original Japanese release? If the latter, did you see the most recent episode? I usually am not huge on Pokémon x Pokémon ships, but Lillie's Alolan Vulpix really seems to like Litten more than Rockruff and Rowlet. I ship it!!!!
It's been quite a while since I watched the anime, but I have to say the Advanced Saga. It was the one I watched the most and the addition of May starting her own journey on contests were a different approach since it was really the first time Ash was assuming a bit of a role model to her and eventually Max. While I don't care for the many rivals May established over her journey (I'm looking at you Harley) they were enough to develop her character and instill a competitiveness that made her my personal favorite of Ash's female friends. Max is a nice addition and I love the fact that he idolizes Ash. The fact that he got a few of his own centered episodes was pretty awesome. Brock was a nice familiar face that kept everyone together as the voice of reason. Had he been much more subtle in his flirtations with ladies, I imagine he'd get a lot more of their attention that way. There's a lot of Ash's Pokémon that I really like, but I think that his Infernape takes my vote. I wasn't really sure on how the show's producers were going to take him especially his less-than-enjoyable relationship under Paul's care. I wasn't surprised when he was released and immediately offered to join the other side. Ash had a much more different idea on how to train Pokémon than Paul did and it was a little saddening to see Chimchar crying with happiness because of its euphoric experience of kindness on Ash's part. That being said; Paul must've been quite an abusive trainer to make it have such an extreme emotion at being regarded as something more than just an asset or tool. It's determination to defeat and prove him wrong was one of the best storylines of the DP saga from getting stronger to even overcoming its fear of zangoose and it was very satisfying when the jerk finally did end up losing because of the Pokémon he gave up on. Infernape definitely had the last laugh in that one. Well thank you very much. I know this isn't a question, but I do feel that every part of what you've said deserves more or less attention. I've been putting a lot of effort and time into AHHK, so I'm definitely glad you are enjoying that story. Do give some feedback on what you liked/didn't if you have the chance. I may be bringing it over here to LV as soon as I find a good format to write it in! I prefer more game shippings than anime, simply because that's where I'm more likely to follow Pokémon. I don't ship a lot of people, but the ones I do...I am a DIE HARD fan of them. Calem X Serena, Hilbert X Hilda, Hilda X N, Sun X Lillie (My current OTP, this one has jumped in front of all the others by a big margin) and Gladion X Moon. I've written at least something about all of them except Gladion X Moon. No plans of yet to start, but that may change. We'll see. I actually prefer the Japanese version with the English subs. I'm part Japanese myself and I think it's a very complex and beautiful language. Picked up a few words and phrases by watching nonEnglish Pokémon episodes lol. Heh, I'm indifferent. There are some instances where Pikachu and Buneary looked pretty adorable. It's actually kind of amusing that Pikachu seems to be a bit of a ladies man himself. Haven't seen the most recent ones of the SM saga. Think the last one I saw was Ash catching Litten (Which was a really good episode BTW) Thanks for asking everything. Hope this covers it all!
Yes, a coworker of mine challenged me and as per the rules; I accepted within 24 hours. In addition to nominating my dad, uncle and brother, I did donate money to the ALS Association anyway. Thanks for asking.