What my shop has to offer: Breeding Services EV Training Pokédex Filling Items PKHeX Breeding Rejects All Pokémon that I sell in my shop were bred/hatched/caught by me and will have these details: OT : Rafael ID : 18342 (XY) / 50738 (ORAS) / 278045 (SM) (This does not apply for Pokémon that I make from "Recieve as Egg" breeding requests.) My 3DS Details: Name : Rafael Friend Code : 5000 - 2326 - 0875
REQUEST FORMSBreeding Spoiler Form Pokémon: Nickname: Pokéball: Gender: Ability: Nature: IV Spread: Egg Moves: Recieve as egg?: Prices 5 specific IVs: 30 PokéPoints 5 specific IVs (Hidden Power spread): 40 PokéPoints 6 specific IVs: 40 PokéPoints 6 specific IVs (Hidden Power spread): 50 PokéPoints Recieve as egg: 15 PokéPoints 4 egg moves: 10 PokéPoints Notes You may request the Pokémon as an egg so you can be its OT. Specific IVs are 31, 30, 1, and 0. Any IV spreads having a 1 or 30 would count as a Hidden Power spread. Example of a 5 specific IV spread: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 4 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe Example of a 5 specific IV Hidden Power spread: 31 HP / 4 Atk / 30 Def / 31 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe (HP Ice). Example of a 6 specific IV spread: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 31 SpA / 31 SpD / 0 Spe Example of a 6 specific IV Hidden Power spread: 31 HP / 30 Atk / 31 Def / 30 SpA / 31 SpD / 30 Spe (HP Fire). Take note that all HP attacks now have 60 Power, regardless of whether the HP spread is perfect or not. Pokédex Filling Spoiler Form Pokémon Needed (list them down, preferably by Dex #): Prices Each Pokémon: 1 PokéPoint Notes Pokédex Filling will be done using chain trades, meaning I will trade you a Pokémon, then you trade it back to me while I trade you the next Pokémon on your list and so on. When listing down the Pokémon you need, please try to include their Pokédex number so I can prepare them faster for you. EV Training Spoiler Form Pokémon: EV Spread: Prices 6 / 252 / 252 patterned EV spread: 20 PokéPoints Other EV spreads: 30 PokéPoints Notes EV Training requests take about 2 hours to finish. Leveling Up Spoiler Form Pokémon: Current Level: Desired Level: Prices Each level: 2 PokéPoints Notes Just to be clear, the price will be computed using this formula: PRICE = 2 * (DESIRED LEVEL - CURRENT LEVEL) Pokémon for Sale Spoiler Breeding Rejects None available at the moment. Shiny Pokémon None available at the moment. Prices Breeding Reject: 10 PokéPoints Shiny Pokémon: 30 PokéPoints Notes Breeding rejects are guaranteed to have at least 5 perfect IVs. Items Spoiler Prices 20 Beast Balls: 40 PokéPoints (Individual Price - 3 PokéPoints) 20 Apricorn Balls: 50 PokéPoints (Individual Price - 4 PokéPoints) Evolutionary Stones: 10 PokéPoints Evolutionary Items: 15 PokéPoints Ability Capsule: 20 PokéPoints Gold Bottle Cap: 40 PokéPoints 2 Fossils: 35 PokéPoints (Individual Price - 20 PokéPoints) Berries: 5 PokéPoints Mega Stones: 10 PokéPoints Other BP Items: divide BP price by 5. Notes I will attach the item to a random Pokémon from my boxes. If you get lucky, you might get a 5IV Pokémon with it. Some items are not available right away. It might take me up to 2 days to get something I don't have. Apricorn Balls: Fast / Friend / Heavy / Level / Love / Lure / Moon Evolutionary Stones: Dawn / Dusk / Ice / Moon / Shiny / Sun Evolutionary Items: Deep Sea Scale / Deep Sea Tooth / Dragon Scale / Dubious Disc / Electirizer / King's Rock / Magmarizer / Metal Coat / Oval Stone / Prism Scale / Protector / Razor Claw / Razor Fang / Reaper Cloth / Sachet / Up-Grade / Whipped Dream Fossils: Armor / Cover / Plume / Skull Berries: Aguav / Apicot / Aspear / Babiri / Bluk / Charti / Cheri / Chesto / Chilan / Chople / Coba / Colbur / Figy / Ganlon / Grepa / Haban / Hondew / Iapapa / Kasib / Kebia / Kee / Kelpsy / Lansat / Leppa / Liechi / Lum / Mago / Maranga / Occa / Oran / Passho / Payapa / Pecha / Persim / Petaya / Pinap / Pomeg / Qualot / Rawst / Rindo / Roseli / Salac / Shuca / Sitrus / Tamato / Tanga / Wacan / Wiki / Yache Mega Stones: Absolite / Aerodactylite / Alakazite / Blastoisinite / Charizardite X / Charizardite Y / Garchompite / Gengarite / Glalitite / Gyaradosite / Kangaskhanite / Lucarionite / Metagrossite / Pinsirite / Sablenite / Salamencite / Scizorite / Sharpedonite / Slowbronite / Venusaurite --- THE FOLLOWING SERVICES ARE DONE THROUGH MODIFICATION --- (PKHeX or Powersaves) PKHeX Spoiler Form Pokémon*: Nickname: Shiny?*: Gender*: Level*: Nature*: Ability*: Origin Game: Ball: Met Level: Met Location: IV Spread*: EV Spread*: Attacks*: - - - - Egg Moves: - - - - PP Max?: Original Trainer: Trainer ID : *REQUIRED Prices Ditto: 30 PokéPoints Regular Pokémon: 60 PokéPoints Shiny Pokémon: 70 PokéPoints Event Pokémon: 80 PokéPoints IMPORTANT: If you want the Pokémon to be fully "yours" (for example, you will have the ability to rename it on your own), please send me any junk Pokémon that you caught yourself. I need this so that my details are more accurate. Notes Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. You can leave the rest blank and I'll fill them in with my default settings. In the PP Max field, indicate whether I should maximize the PP for your Pokémon's moves. If you want an event Pokémon, please specify which event it is so I can make it more legitimate. The Egg Moves field is only for Pokémon with a Generation 6 origin game. This will allow the Pokémon to relearn its egg moves from the move tutor. Cloning Spoiler Form Pokémon: Number of Clones: Prices 1 Clone: 10 PokéPoints IV Changing Spoiler Form Pokémon: Desired IV Spread: Prices 1 IV: 20 PokéPoints 2 IVs: 35 PokéPoints 3 IVs: 50 PokéPoints 4 IVs: 65 PokéPoints 5 IVs: 80 PokéPoints 6 IVs: 95 PokéPoints Notes In the Desired IV Spread field, use this format: HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe. Substitute 0, 1, 30, or 31 into the IVs you want to change. Substitute x into the IVs if you don't want to change the IV. EXAMPLE: I want to change my Bulbasaur's HP IV to 31, Atk IV to 30, Def IV to 1, and SpA IV to 0. I don't want to change its SpD and Spe IVs anymore. Therefore, I will type in 31/30/1/0/x/x into te Desired IV Spread field. Shinifying Spoiler Form Pokémon: Prices 1 Shinified Pokémon: 50 PokéPoints Pokéball Conversion Spoiler Form Pokémon: Desired Ball: Prices 1 Conversion: 15 PokéPoints Notes Some Pokémon cannot be traded in a certain Pokéballs (for example, Keldeo can't be traded when it's in a Lure Ball). I might reject some requests depending on whether or not it will remain tradable. Nature Conversion Spoiler Form Pokémon: Desired Nature: Prices 1 Conversion: 15 PokéPoints Gender Conversion Spoiler Form Pokémon: Desired Gender: Prices 1 Conversion: 15 PokéPoints --- If you're interested in a service that is not listed here, just reply to the thread and I'll let you know if it's possible. ---
Hey Rafael, if I am not mistaken, you said you are taking free requests? Is this only for breeding or does it include ev-training? Pokémon: Ambipom Nickname: Penny Pokéball: Pokéball Gender: Male Ability: Technician Nature: Jolly IV Spread: 5IV (-Sp Atk) Egg Moves: Fake Out Receive as egg?: Yes EV Spread: 252 Atk 252 SpDef 4
The breeding request has been completed. Please let me know when you are available to pick up the egg so I can begin EV training.
Ok so I got a big order, one being one that you are making and I'll be paying you for it. Pokémon: Aron Nickname: None Pokéball: Any Gender: Female Ability: Whichever Nature: Adamant IV Spread: 5iv Egg Moves: None Recieve as egg?: No Breeding Rejects: Pokémon: Meditite Ability: Pure Power IV Spread: 5iv (-spatk) Gender: Male Pokémon: Meditite Ability: Pure Power IV Spread: 5iv (-spatk) Gender: Female Pokémon: Pinsir Ability: Moxie IV Spread: 5iv (-spatk) Gender: Female Pokémon: Pinsir Ability: Mold Breaker IV Spread: 5iv (-spatk) Gender: Male Pokémon: Abra Ability: Magic Guard IV Spread: 31/x/31/30/31/30 [HP Fire] Gender: Female Pokémon: Cleffa Ability: Magic Guard IV Spread: 5iv(-atk) Gender: Female Pokémon: Cleffa Ability: Magic Guard IV Spread: 5iv(-atk) Gender: Male Pokémon: Fennelkin Ability: Magician IV Spread: 31/x/30/30/30/30 [HP Fighting] Gender: Male Pokémon: Togepi Ability: Serene Grace IV Spread: 5iv(-atk) Gender: Male I think this is all I have for my order, I know it's a alot, but can't afford to miss the opportunity and all lol. This will all add up to 160 I believe.
Hey Rafael, I got a request. Pokémon: Scraggy Nickname: Exiled Pokéball: Pokéball Gender: Male Ability: Intimidate Nature: Jolly IV Spread: 5 IV (-Sp Atk) Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Fake Out Recieve as egg?: Yes EV Spread: 252 Atk / 252 spd / SpDef 4 Could you let me know the cost for this beautiful thing?
Hi, I would like to request: EV Training Form Pokémon: Vulpix EV Spread: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe ------
Breeding reject form Pokémon: Shuppet Ability: Cursed body IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Gender: Male Thank you!
How fast can you get these to me? I'm willing to pay a lot for these. (Hopefully no form is required) 5 IV Gligar Impish Gligar, with immunity, with perfect IV's in all stats except Special attack. (Unless somehow you get really lucky and get a 6 IV one!) 5/6 IV Timid Eevee, with it's hidden ability with perfect ivs in all stats except attack If you could EV train them too, that would be amazing. Gligar in this smogon set: http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/gliscor (first one) and Eevee in this first set: http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/espeon Thanks a bunch. I'll pay as much as I can for this if you complete it.
I might be able to finish this pretty quickly. Just finish these forms and I'll start right away: Pokémon: Gligar Nickname: Pokéball: Gender: Ability: Immunity Nature: Impish IV Spread: 5IV (I can do 6IV too since I have a 6IV parent already) Egg Moves: Recieve as egg?: EV Spread: 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 Spe Pokémon: Eevee Nickname: Pokéball: Gender: Ability: Anticipation Nature: Timid IV Spread: 5IV (I can do 6IV as well or if you want) Egg Moves: Recieve as egg?: EV Spread: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Pokémon: Gligar Nickname: none Pokéball: don't care Gender: don't care Ability: Immunity Nature: Impish IV Spread: 5IV (I can do 6IV too since I have a 6IV parent already) Egg Moves: don't care Recieve as egg?: no? how would i know that it has the right ivs???? i don't want any hacking involved. EV Spread: 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 Spe Pokémon: Eevee Nickname: none Pokéball: dont care Gender: dont care Ability: Anticipation Nature: Timid IV Spread: 5IV (I can do 6IV as well or if you want) Egg Moves: none Recieve as egg?: same as before EV Spread: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe Thank you.
Pokémon: Gligar Nickname: "Acid Rain" Pokéball: Pokéball Gender: Male Ability: Poison Heal Nature: Impish IV Spread: 5iv(-Sp Atk) Egg Moves: These aren't egg moves, but I would like my Gligar with these starting moves - Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Knock Off Recieve as egg?: Yes
I got three request. I'll take the Shuppet 5iv (-Sp Atk) Pokémon: Gligar EV Spread: 244 HP / 248 Def / 16 Spe Pokémon: Shuppet EV Spread: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Sp Def
Pokémon: Ferroseed Nickname: none Pokéball: don't care Gender: don't care Ability: Iron Barbs Nature: Relaxed IV Spread: 5IV (I can do 6IV too since I have a 6IV parent already) Egg Moves: don't care Recieve as egg?: no evs:252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SpD Thanks!