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Read Before Watching, Or Vice Versa? (Anime/Manga Adaptions)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Sanctuary, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. Sanctuary

    Odd Egg (S)
    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 2
    Sep 6, 2014
    If you've ever liked a series that has both an anime and a manga, do you read the manga first and then watch the anime, or do you watch the anime first and then read the manga?
    If they're slightly different in a way, do you prefer the anime or manga version?

    In my case, I indulge myself in a lot more anime than I do manga, so most of the time I tend to watch the anime version, and then later on find out that there's a manga, and read that if I'm interested in it enough.
    Still, I prefer watching an anime first before reading a manga.
    I personally find the anime versions to be more enjoyable and prefer the anime version of the story over the manga, even if the anime is an adaptation of the manga.
    I think the reason for that is because there are times that the anime version does something different than the manga version, but just because it wasn't done exactly as the original story did it doesn't mean it's any worse (because personally, I find it better most of the time).
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  2. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    I'll generally go for the anime first, then I might go for the manga. Fairy Tail, which I actively read the manga for, one of my friends showed me the manga at the X792 arc and i decided to start reading that because I wasn't able to watch the anime much cause of school and my sister not being able to watch. Puella Magi Madoka Magica I've started reading the manga spin-offs since they are just as cool as the original.

    Part of the reason is that I can't get as much action in still images and I've found a lot of the time in things like Kuzumi Magika and Re:Monster that I have a difficult time with what attacks are coming from who and where they are going. Thus if I watch the anime first and I want to go read the manga after then I know how all the action connects.
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  3. JirachiWish

    JirachiWish You only get two wishes

    Apr 9, 2013
    Anime first, then manga, but usually because I don't have much access to the mangas and quite a few animes I watch didn't have a manga. I actually have read mangas based on the anime rather than animes based on a manga. They're pretty good but usually don't connect to the show much.
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  4. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    Of all the anime I've watched, I have never read the manga before watching the series. I would rather continue reading the manga from where the anime left off, rather than be disappointed at where the anime ended if I read the manga first. Plus I do generally prefer anime anyway, as I like the visuals and the animation that manga doesn't quite offer.
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