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Discussion in 'Pokémon Fangames' started by Professor Azelf, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. Professor Azelf

    Level 1
    Oct 14, 2016
    Recruit Team Members Here

    Are you in need of team members to help complete your fan game? Look no further! Post here if you're in need of team members to help complete your project.

    Specify what you're looking for and fellow users can reply to you to assist.


    Project Title:
    Look to recruit:
    Current # of team members:
    Information about game:
    Method of contact:
    Additional info about help needed:
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    #1 Aug 8, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2020
  2. Haunted Ditto

    Level 29
    Jun 18, 2018
    Oran Berry ★★Helix Fossil ★★★
    I already made a thread on another Forum, but I will try it here too.

    Project Title: Pokémon Last Hope
    Looking to recruit: 1 Digital Artist
    1 Eventer
    Team Members:
    • Me (Haunted Ditto)
    • Berkan
    • TSC Omega
    • Tablet Pillow
    • Tedx
    • Comedioe
    • SenKeyMaS
    Informations About the game: You can find Screenshoots and other things on our thread: https://lakevalor.net/threads/pokemon-last-hope.22326/
    Method of contact: Send me a message on Discord (Haunted#4332) or send me a dm on this Forum.
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  3. Fable_PH

    Fable_PH Pixels and Paints

    Level 45
    Feb 4, 2018
    What extent of digital art do you need? Graphics work or concept artwork? Do you need human characters or is concept/graphics art of just Pokémon fine?
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  4. Haunted Ditto

    Level 29
    Jun 18, 2018
    Oran Berry ★★Helix Fossil ★★★
    Mainly graphic work (logos and some promo art), but concept artwork would be a nice addition. Only Pokémon (you can make promo art of the protag, but this isn't needed.)
  5. Nova Ozuka

    Nova Ozuka Hex Maniac

    Level 25
    Jan 11, 2017
    I've got one I'm wanting to start.

    Project Title: Pokémon Crimson Star

    Look to recruit:
    Spriters potentially, a mapper (someone that's good at mapping out areas or can at least make a map of Galar to put on the rom), a scripter, and maybe a fellow story writer.

    Current team members: Just me

    Information about game: Crimson Star is a Rom Hack that transforms Fire Red into a Sword and Shield remake. In this game, I intend for the player to have the option of choosing to follow Sword or Shield at various points. This includes Stow-on-Side, Circhester, and Sordward and Sheilbert at the Slumbering Weald.

    There will be level caps of course, and I also intend to include Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra. I'm also planning on including a LOT more Pokémon (potentially even Pokémon from Hisui like Overqwil and Hisuian Arcanine), Z-Moves, and Mega Evolution. This is will be made possible using the Complete Fire Red Upgrade Engine and Dynamic Pokémon Expansion.

    Totem Pokémon will be hidden all across the map guarding different Z-Crystals, and the few "caves" will have more depth than the original Sword and Shield games. In addition, I hope to do the story of Sword and Shield a bit better. Even if it is mostly the same story, I hope the planned changes make the Galar region more fun. With a built in Randomizer and Nuzlocke mode, I'm also hoping to add to the replay value.

    Will the final product be harder? Yes, but not necessarily Radical Red hard. If we want it that difficult, we might consider adding a Hard Mode option. I should of course mention that this is more of a practice project. I have something more ambitious in mind than this, but I'd better start smaller so I can prepare myself for the bigger project.

    Method of contact: If you PM me on Comic Fury, I can at least read it in my email. Otherwise, Discord DMs (NovaOzuka#3004) will do just fine. Due to issues involving my computer and internet speed, I can only show up here or in Discord if I'm not home, and I spend way more time on Discord.

    Additional info about help needed: Making this project is going to require a lot of note taking and sprites that I don't actually have yet. I'll also need someone that's good at making area maps to help transform Kanto and the Sevii Islands into Galar.

    On a related note, we likely need someone who can make an actual map of Galar that we can put into the game. As far as scripting goes, I don't have a freaking clue what I'm doing for the most part. We're going to need someone better than me. Like, I can make static encounter scripts, but that's the most I know how to do right now.

    As for story writing, I could probably use someone that could help me find parts of the story that I can tweak, like maybe I could add a new rival here, or a character from an older game there, or even a Legends Arceus reference in the Wild Area. Things that won't necessarily change the overall plot too much. Then again, I feel like we can do a little better than Chairman Rose going overboard at least, so maybe we can work in some new story elements in regards to that.
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  6. Neb

    Neb Cosmog Enthusiast

    (Flabébé (O))
    Level 25
    Nov 4, 2018
    GS Ball ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Poké Ball ★Potion ★Oran Berry ★★
    Hello! I’m working on a Pokémon Crystal rom hack that includes 251 Pokémon from the first 8 gens, an increased challenge, and changes to the type chart. Nearly every Pokémon will be buffed or nerfed to the point where they can be usable in-game. I’m looking for a sprite artist that can help make sprites for around 200 of the Pokémon. There’s no need for animation frames since I’ve already removed them from the game. If anyone’s interested feel free to DM me!
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  7. Nova Ozuka

    Nova Ozuka Hex Maniac

    Level 25
    Jan 11, 2017
    I doubt I'll be making Crimson Star at this point, but I have a new project to work on.

    Project Title: Don't have on yet, but I'm taking suggestions
    Look to recruit: map builders, spriters, and potentially writers.
    Current # of team members: Just me
    Information about game: Game is being made with Pokémon Essentials in RPG Maker XP. I would like to include as many regions as possible starting with Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Shinnoh in that order with regions from Gen 5 or later being added in.

    I intend for players to be able to choose their starting region and gaining the ability to travel between regions by their third badge. For example, being able to travel to Olivine, Slateport, or Vermillion by sea or between Goldenrod and Saffron by train. The Kanto region maps will be based off of hgss. No story concept has been established yet, but we could do something with Shadow Pokémon.
    Method of contact: DMs here or on Discord
    Additional info about help needed: There's a ton of maps that need to be made, and I can only work so fast. In order for this to go anywhere, I need people working on the maps with me first and foremost. If I can't get anyone, I'm stuck eyeballing it all by myself. The maps don't have to be 1-for-1 copies, just close to the same. Spriters will be needed afterward. Essentials only comes with Pokémon battle sprites from Gen 5 or earlier, so if we want any sprites for gen 6 or later, we're going to have to add those things ourselves. I'm not worried about anything from Gen 6 or later just yet except Mega Evolution.
    Jeydis likes this.

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