I like riddles. Entertain me. And others, I guess. If you guess the answer to someone's riddle, put it in a spoiler so you don't spoil it for other people who want to guess.
Heh, I have a couple. What room has no windows or doors? If you have three chocolates and take away two, how many do you have?
I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean, and yet remain dry. What am I?
Spoiler: Room riddle a mushroom Spoiler: chocolate riddle two, because you take two away Spoiler: Bird riddle I would guess... a penguin's feathers?
I have a couple of good ones. I used to ask theese to my friends in school. - Whoever makes me, sells me. He who buys me, never uses me. And he who uses me, well, they’ll never know it. What am I? - You’ve heard me before, and will again, till fast I die - But then you’ll summon me again. What am I? - A box without hinges, lock or key, yet I’ve golden treasure within me. What am I? - Each morning I appear to lie at your feet; all day I’ll follow you no matter how fast you run, yet I’ll nearly perish in the midday sun. What am I? - My life lasts but hours, and in service I’m devoured. Thin, I am quick, fat I am slow, and wind is ever my foe. What am I? - Three lives have I, gentle enough to sooth the skin, light enough to caress the sky, or hard enough to shatter stone. What am I? - One by one we fall from the heavens, down into the depths of the past; our world is ever upturned, so that yet some time will last. What are we? - I always run, yet never walk, I murmur often, yet never talk, and I’ve a bed, yet never sleep. What am I? - I’m always hungry, and must be fed always, lest I flicker away. Yet I will always bite the hand that feeds me, if it touches me. What am I?
I might need to think about this one for a while. Spoiler: lots of riddles, i'll just answer in order 1. time? 2. a voice? 3. an egg 4. a shadow 5. a fire? 6. water in the three states of matter. water, water vapor, and ice 7. sand in an hourglass 8. A river. 9. Fire. (Now I'm second-guessing number 5.
Spoiler: I think I figured out 1 and 5? still working on 2. 1. A coffin 5. A candle? edit: or an oil lamp?
I have some- 1)I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I? 2)What flies when it’s born, lies when it’s alive, and runs when it’s dead? 3)What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? I have some more but will give bit by bit