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RSE Remakes still possible?

Discussion in 'Other Pokémon Games' started by Trainer_Ebony, May 6, 2013.

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  1. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    In the wake of all the X and Y news, the subject of a gen 3 remake has pretty much dissapeared. Do you think GameFreak has forgotten too, or may we see these long-awaited remakes after Gen 6 gets started?
    Personally, I am still keeping my fingers crossed. I have alot of fond memories of Ruby, and I still have my beloved Swampert from it in my B2. Id love to go through again in a full 3D world, especially in such a beautiful reigon.
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  2. PrinceNiro

    Nov 24, 2012
    The company obivously shows that they don;t want a Gen 3 remake, although many (including myself) would want one. Gen 3 and 4 were my favs. and I would love a Gen 3 remake on DS (Please not 3DS Q_Q). However, doesn't seem possible as of right now.
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  3. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    I think Gamefreak is avoiding the Mario approach to remakes and sequels, which is good because it keeps Pokémon clean. They can probably make them, since every generation of games seems to be remade at least once. The first and second gen games have found remakes two generations later, so I was expecting a gen 5 RSE. Maybe we'll see one after the release of X and Y.
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  4. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    There's no need for Gen 3 remakes until well into the "3DS era" of Pokémon when the old DS is firmly obsolete, the GBA games can still be played by lots of people. It's not the same as Gen 1 and 2 which became no longer compatible to transfer Pokémon, unable to be played unless you held onto an old GBA, and no longer would save data. The battery dying in those old ones made the games unplayable, while the battery dying on the GBA games just makes the clock events fail. It's probably on their radar for the future but not for a while, like it should be.
  5. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    I was soooooo looking forward to one, and I was expecting it as well based on the two previous gens. It's sad and I really am hating gen 6 more and more.
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  6. 7Demented

    7Demented Hex Maniac

    Feb 18, 2013
    I think it's still possible, though it doesn't look like Game Freak will work on it until after Gen 6. But my question: Will they implement Gen 6 into the remake? They put Gen 2 and 3 into FireRed/ LeafGreen, and Gen 3 and 4 into HG/ SS. At this point, there's a hell of a lot of mons to catch and actually completing the Dex is virtually impossible.
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  7. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    I was looking forward to a remake too, actually in truth. I wanted a remake over a new generation. But either way, I'm not mad at their choice. The new gen looks cool.
    THOUGH *gets self back on track*
    A remake would be wonderful. But from the sight of it, it may just be on a shelf of "possibility" or placed into the land of "not gonna happen."
    But man... that Pokédex is gonna be huge. So then they would have to either allow trading from other generations or they're going to have to figure out how one can catch a Pokémon in an area.
  8. Pizza Bandit

    Pizza Bandit Black Belt

    Apr 3, 2013
    GameFreak has done a remake every time a new system comes out: GBA saw FR/LG remakes. DS saw SS/HG remakes. Hoping this pattern continues and they remake Hoenn in 3D. Personally, I don't think they would have remade Hoenn any earlier than this -- the remakes would have been way too similar to HG/SS graphics.
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  9. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    I never realy paid attention to the system thing. I always thought it was just 2 gen later. I like that way better now tho, mostly because it raises my hopes for a remake.
  10. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    I think it is very likely that a R/S remake will be made after X/Y and whatever game is the 3rd installment if any. I would actually be kinda surprised if there wasn't.
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  11. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 1
    Jan 11, 2013
    The reason the remakes were made was because it was impossible to get the starter and legendary Pokémon from those regions, since you couldn't trade across Generations. You couldn't get Generation 1 starters or legendaries in Generation 3, so they remade it. Same thing for Generation 2 when Generation 4 was released. That being said, it's still possible (though it's a long and arduous process) to get Generation 3 starters and legendaries in Generation 5. I will agree with a few of the above posts, though; once the regular DS becomes obsolete, only then will the remakes be likely to be made.
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  12. Fluffy_Eevee

    Fluffy_Eevee Black Belt

    Mar 23, 2013
    A remake of RSE would be awesome but I'm not really sure if it will come out. But when it will come out than it should be for 3ds. I'm sure that the old cities would look awesome in 3D! Anyway the next game should be a remake!
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  13. OmegaBlazeBoy441

    OmegaBlazeBoy441 Poké Maniac

    Nov 24, 2012
    There will Most likely be a R/S remake later on once the 3DS era of games gets settled in for couple of years. Most remakes of classic games end up being more fun than the original in Pokémon.
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  14. Scrafty1

    Scrafty1 Hex Maniac

    Mar 6, 2013
    It could be possible but to be honest, I'd much rather have something else like a Gen 5 stadium game over a remake any day. However, I am still content with X and Y instead of the stadium game and if we do get a remake, I would be alright about it but then again I might put it down after beating it because it's the same game I've played but only with updated graphics. And I do agree with the DS being an obsolete console as well and the 3DS has reduced prices too (I even have two 3DS's and bought my first one before the price drop). So, maybe after 6th gen there can be a 3rd gen remake? I really don't know.
    Either way, I really don't care for a 3rd gen remake.
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  15. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    It's still possible because I think Emerald came out in 2005. That means 2015 will be the earliest we can see a 3rd gen remake. If they decide to make one.
  16. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    I can agree with that kind of timeline for the purposes of Gen VI and the 3DS era of Pokémon being in full swing by then, but I'm not sure what you mean by 2015 being the earliest we can possibly see it in relation to 2005, as far as I know there isn't any kind of strict 10 year time limit for remakes like that.
  17. Slugkid

    Slugkid Slacker Extraordinaire

    Nov 23, 2012
    They will remake the games. I'm glad they decided not to remake them now - Starting a new generation, and a new system with a remake doesn't seem like a good idea at all. Besides, they'll add more stuff to the remakes, stuff they tested on X & Y, and improvements over them, to the remakes.

    I agree that the remakes will be made way later into the 3DS's life, and it's fairly obvious that they'll be for 3DS.
    I didn't care that much for the remakes, I kind of hope they'll be done but it's not that bad if they don't. And for those of you mad crazy about getting the remakes: The more you wait, the better the game will be. Especially since they'll make some mistakes in X & Y they'll not repeat in SomethingRuby & WhateverSapphire.
  18. Shadow Blaze

    May 17, 2013
    I think eventually we might get one, but I'm not sure it will be this Gen. There isn't a need for one now since the DS is still used and has a Gameboy Advanced slot on it.
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  19. midnightclubx

    midnightclubx Black Belt

    May 15, 2013
    I used to have the original DS too, but I lost the charger cable for it; anyways, none of the newer DS models have a GBA slot, and I doubt most people even play with the original DS anymore. >> However, there are talks of having GBA emulation on the 3DS/Wii U VC though.
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  20. Peppercat

    Peppercat Youngster

    Aug 10, 2013
    I haven't heard anything from GameFreak about a remake of RSE, but I really hope they do one. Emerald is my favorite game in all the Pokémon universe. Anyway, when old DS's became unusable or the cartridges start to fail -my Emerald Version is currently unusable-, Hoenn will became unaccesible -also Kanto, I think since RBG remakes were for GBA- and a remake will be needed to complete the pokédex. And, I don't know, maybe there would be another reasons to do a remake. Hoenn in 3D with all the advances made to the Pokémon metagame in this 6th gen, sounds like a lot of sales. Probably they are just keeping this secret gun for later, when the XY euphoria has vanished a little.
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