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Gameplay Journal Scorching Flames || Avatar Nuzlocke || Pokemon Black

Discussion in 'Other Pokémon Games' started by PikaandChu, May 6, 2017.

  1. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    Hello guys! Chu here doing an Avatar-themed Nuzlocke in Pokémon Black. The basic rules are listed here. Many thanks to funnyman2416 on DA for creating this!

    So in this run, I'll be playing as part of the Fire Nation, which means I can only catch Fire, Electric, Dark, Dragon and Normal types in my run. Oh boy, not too many choices!

    Here are my rules (some are additional) for my Nuzlocke:
    1. I can only catch the first Pokémon I encounter in an area, which means that if I don't catch it, I won't be able to catch any more Pokémon in that said location. Also, if my first encounter is a Pokémon I already have, it's not my first encounter, just so I have a wide variety of Pokémon.
    2. I can catch a Pokémon that is not in my nation for a specific HM that only a Pokémon from other nation can learn, but it cannot battle and must be sent to the box after its served its purpose. I can use it again and again, only for their HM capabilities, not for battling.
    3. I must nickname all of my Pokémon (Hooray for Avatar related nicknames)
    4. Usage of the Pokémon Center's healing is limited to one per city/town. It is increased to two if the city/town hosts a gym.
    5. Obviously, if my Pokémon faints, it is dead, and I have to send it to the PC, in a box named Spirit World.
    6. If I catch a Pokémon, but I don't plan on using it, I can send it to the PC as a back up in case I want to switch Pokémon. The box they will be staying will be called Capital. (Fire Nation Capital? Anyone?)
    7. I can only catch Fire, Electric, Dark, Dragon and Normal types during my entire run.
      As an extension to this rule, if a Pokémon that was compatible to my nation evolves and becomes incompatible to my nation, then it can no longer be used. Starters are excluded from this.
    8. Also, I may catch Pokémon that gains a type compatible to my nation once they evolve.
    9. If a Normal-type Pokémon has a second typing that makes it incompatible for my nation, then I cannot use it.
    10. In this game, I need to capture the Legendary Pokémon; Reshiram, because it is one of the last dragons, and the game forces you to do so (Ooo more Avatar references.) I must also nickname it Ran. Reshiram may only be used once.
      1. After being used, Reshiram will stay at the box named Capital.
    11. Also, rule 1 is negated if I find a Shiny Pokémon. PRIORITIES!
    Yep, good luck to me! I'm already scared of Lenora, Clay and Drayden. Also, my IGN will be Zuko, just cause :D
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    #1 May 6, 2017
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    JadeFox likes this.
  2. JadeFox

    JadeFox Valor Veteran

    Level 1
    Jan 21, 2017
    Premier Ball ★Beast Ball ★★★★Park Ball ★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    This is gonna be interesting! I don't think I've seen anyone do a nuzlocke based off of Avatar before on LV, and I like the limiting of types (is gonna be challenging)! Good luck, and I hope you do well!
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  3. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    @TheIllusionFox Thanks! It'll definitely be challenging cause there aren't many Electric-types to work with at the beginning of the game, we got Purrloin for Dark, but that's if Purrloin is my first encounter in a Route, and Dragon... uh, I dunno too much about that XD

    Okay, time to begin my Nuzlocke!

    Nuvema Town
    I still don't know why the professor decided to bring it to our house instead of making us choose in her lab; this made our house look like a cultural hub. Being in the Fire Nation, of course, I gotta choose Tepig. And somehow, we don't get to nickname it yet. Bianca chooses Snivy while Cheren chooses Oshawott. After that, Bianca had a REALLY great idea of us battling each other. I battled Bianca's Snivy, and somehow, it managed to get critical hit using Tackle. Best thing ever. Anyway, Tepig almost leveled up from the battle. And now we are back to my room which was definitely not fine. Then Bianca had another idea where I battle Cheren, seemingly not caring that my room has been completely messed up. I was expecting something more from Cheren, but he babbles about not letting Bianca and I have all the fun, so he challenges me. Meh, the battle was over after a mere few seconds. They also helped level up Tepig to Lvl. 6.

    We then headed to Professor Juniper's lab, where I finally got the chance to nickname Tepig. Decided to nickname it Iroh, after Zuko's uncle, since they have uh, the same characteristics, I guess? The professor also gives us a Pokédex, blah blah blah, going on a journey, things that we already know about. Mom also gives us Town Maps before we head to Route 1.

    Route 1
    We all take our first step at Route 1 at the same time. Later, the professor shows us how to catch a Pokémon, and we already know that. She later gives us Pokeballs, finally letting us catch some Pokémon. I encountered a Lvl. 4 Male Lillipup, which is my first encounter. I decided to catch it anyway, and since it's a Normal-type, I CAN! Decided to nickname it Shyu, the Fire Sage that helped Aang get in Roku's Temple. No more catching in Route 1! Anyway, decided to train a bit, causing Iroh to level up to Lvl. 7, learning Ember. Same happened to Shyu, leveling up to Lvl. 5 learning Odor Sleuth. Decided to stop training cause my Pokes were low on health.

    Accumula Town
    Professor Juniper showed us around the Pokémon Center, telling me about Nurse Joy, the mart and the PC. Also, thanks to the prof, I used up my healing limit at Accumula Town. In the PC, I decided to rename the boxes; one box Spirit World (SPRTWRLD) and one box Capital (CAPITAL). I then came outside, hearing about some people, wearing hoods. Ghetsis began a speech about Pokémon Liberation blah blah blah. After that, some random guy- bah, N, asks me to battle him. I easily defeated his Purrloin with Shyu, with the latter growing from Lvl. 5 to Lvl. 7.

    Route 2
    At Route 2, mom calls me and catches up with me, finally giving me the Running Shoes. Feel the wind! Trained quite a bit here, but nothing too interesting happened other than the rival battle with Bianca, which I won easily.

    Striaton City
    After arriving, I quickly headed to the Gym, only to find out that the Leader is not there. I went to the Trainer's School since the Guide told me he was there, only to find Cheren. We battled each other, and it was another easy win for me cause my Pokémon are too high leveled against his. I trained a bit in the Dreamyard, just cause. Afterwards, I used my first healing limit in Striaton City to prepare for my first Gym Battle.

    Striaton City Gym
    Entering the Gym, the guide comes and talks to me about how this is my first time and also gives me a Fresh Water. Pretty neat! And then, with the last curtain opening up, the Gym Leader reveals himself. Oh wait, there are two. No, there are three! Cilan, Chili and Cress were waiting. Why am I not surprised that I'll have to battle Cress?

    VS Gym Leader Cress!
    1st Turn: I send out Shyu, while Cress sends out Lillipup. I outspeed his Lillipup, and attack with Bite. Cress's Lillipup uses Work Up.
    2nd Turn: Lillipup uses Work Up again. Shyu uses Leer to lower its Defense.
    3rd Turn: Lillipup uses Work Up. Shyu uses Bite, bringing Lillipup to the Orange Zone.
    4th Turn: Shyu uses Bite one last time and makes Lillipup faint.
    Midway: I withdraw Shyu and send out Iroh against Panpour.
    5th Turn: Panpour uses Water Gun against Iroh, but Iroh was able to tank it. Iroh uses Tail Whip.
    6th Turn: Panpour uses another Water Gun, which was once again tanked. Iroh uses Tail Whip again.
    7th Turn: I withdraw Iroh and send out Shyu to be hit by Water Gun.
    8th Turn: Panpour uses Work Up to raise its stats, while Shyu uses Bite on a defense lowered Panpour.
    9th Turn: Panpour uses Water Gun once more, but it faints when Shyu uses Bite.

    Striaton City Gym
    After the battle, I receive my first badge; the Trio Badge, as well as TM83 (Work Up). Well, that was it for my first Gym. Feel quite happy about that :D

    Striaton City
    Going outside, I was stuck in another cutscene with Fennel. Oh, the woman the professor wanted me to find. Riiiight. Thanks to her, I also got HM01 (Cut), which is useful in many different levels. She also wants me to get Dream Mist from the Dreamyard, so I head straight to the Dreamyard to do so.

    I found a small tree that is obviously cut-able by Cut, but when I tried to teach it to my team, both Shyu and Iroh were unable to learn it. Oh well. There's a woman here who could give me a Pansage, which can use Cut. So I take the Pansage and nickname it Huu, the waterbender in the swamp that controls the seaweeds which I thought I was cool. Unfortunately, it's not compatible with my nation, so I can only use it for HMs and not for battling. I immediately taught it Cut so I could progress in the story.

    After cutting the tree, Bianca comes to me, apparently tasked by Fennel to find the Pokémon that's giving Dream Mist as well. When I entered the destroyed warehouse thing, I heard a cry (which was definitely a Munna cry) and Bianca manages to find it, as well as two Team Plasma hoodies. They were forcing Munna to give off Dream Mist, I battle them, Fennel gets the Dream Mist, she gives me the C-Gear, sidequest over! Conveniently, since I got my C-Gear at Fennel's house, and she has a PC there, I deposit Huu into the Capital Box where Pokémon that are still alive are sent to.

    Well, that's it for today guys! Had a lot of fun doing this :D Here's a record of my team:

    Deaths: 0 (Thank god nobody died from Cress)


    Iroh ♂‚ Lvl. 14 (Tepig)

    Shyu ♂‚ Lvl. 14 (Lillipup)


    Spirit World (Dead):

    Capital (Alive or for HM Pokes):

    #3 May 6, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
    ShireHime likes this.
  4. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    I did this one once, fire nation as well actually, except that I had it so that I got a random egg to replace non compatible Pokémon. It can be really hard to find the Pokémon that you can use. Good Luck
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  5. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    @[member="HiddenLore"] That's cool, on what game though? Yeah, it's really difficult on finding the Pokémon you need; especially for the other typings since they are usually not your first encounters in an area.
  6. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    I played it through Omega Ruby, this made it even harder since there are so many water pokemoemon in that game. When I played it I only counted the first catchable Pokémon. It meant looking up each route to see if I could catch anything, but it worked for me.
  7. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    Yeah, Hoenn is pretty much a Water-type haven, but I'm glad that you managed to pull through ^-^
  8. Syaoron the Fox

    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 5
    Apr 19, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Dawn Stone ★★★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
    Good luck my friend. I'm currently struggling with this Nuzlocke as well. I won't be updating mine for... well, let's just say a while. :sweat:

    Pro tip, if you are lacking in Special Defense, do NOT go to the Desert Castle off of route 4... not even if you really need that extra Pokémon. T_T
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  9. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    Thanks! Even I am scared for my life with Unova's gyms and locations, so I might be extra careful; and that tip will be quite helpful!
  10. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    Welp, time to continue where we left off!

    Route 3
    Ah yes, probably one of the few places where I could get Electric-types. I'm crossing my fingers now; I hope my first encounter is a Blitzle or something! Oh wait, still no grass, just twins. Okay, I defeated them. Maybe now? Forget it, Cheren just appeared, and ugh, he wants to fight. I easily defeated him in the battle. Afterwards, some hoodies (Team Plasma grunts, that's what I'm going to call them now) ran past us, with Bianca and a girl trying to follow them. They stole the girl's Pokémon, we get the picture, so I head on to the direction on where they ran off to, which is the cave.

    Wellspring Cave
    Battling these hoodies allowed Iroh to learn Flame Charge, so I let him learn it, forgetting Ember. After battling the original two, another couple of hoodies appeared, this time, challenging Cheren and I to a double battle. It was quite easy to finish seeing as Iroh just learned Flame Charge. We quickly retrieved the stolen Pokémon.

    Route 3
    Cheren had probably already given back the Pokémon, as the girl gave me some Heal Balls, which can be useful. Cheren introduced me to dark grass, which can give me double encounters. Okay, this time, I'm really crossing my fingers. Do we get another Normal-type or do we get an Electric-type? We'll see! And... yes! We encounter two Pokémon, a Patrat and a Blitzle! Now obviously, it's bye-bye to Patrat, time to catch Blitzle! The Blitze was a Lvl. 10 Female, so now... I nicknamed it after the amazing semi main-villain of the Last Airbender, Azula! However, like Azula, it took me quite a few tries before I was able to catch her, as she was agile and nimble (HA! AZULA REFERENCES). Well, that was a good catch!

    While training, Azula learned Shock Wave, while Iroh had finally evolved into a Pignite, learning Arm Thrust! Okay, I'm not so worried about Lenora that much now. I'm so proud of him XD

    Nacrene City
    After arriving, Cheren gave me some Chesto Berries, and gives me advice about Lenora. For your information Cheren, I already know that Normal is weak to Fighting, and I don't need to catch new Pokémon cause my trusty Iroh is here. Come to think of it, in Book 3 of Avatar, Iroh did get quite muscular, so I guess the Tepig line really fits Iroh. I used up my first healing limit at the Center, to try and prepare for Lenora. I'm quite scared on how Azula will fare in the battle; not gonna lie, she's currently the weakest member.

    Pinwheel Forest (Area 1 - Outside)
    Being the paranoid Nuzlocker I am, I decided to train up my team before facing Lenora; who knows, we might lose Shyu or Azula. I'm pretty sure that Iroh could tank Lenora's attacks on his own, but the other team members need some work. I also encountered a woman who gave me TM94 (Rock Smash), which I could teach Shyu so that he could try and at least land super-effective damage against Lenora.

    My first encounter was a Lvl. 14 Female Audino, one of my favorite Normal-types, so I was like, why not catch it? I nicknamed it Hama. Hama lived and blended in at the Fire Nation, but she was actually from the South Pole and a Waterbender.

    While training, Shyu got paralyzed, but luckily, a wandering Nurse, by battling her, restored my Pokémon's health. Afterwards, I continued training, until Shyu finally evolved into Herdier! We're doing great so far. Also, Azula learned Thunder Wave while training, forgetting Tail Whip in the process. In the end, the training before challenging Lenora was a success; I evolved Shyu and Azula grew from Lvl. 11 to Lvl. 16.

    Nacrene City
    The real battle starts here; I don't know if it's just me, but ever since Normal-type Gyms became a thing (I became a fan at Gen 3, but I've played the remakes of Gen 1 and 2), they always seem so difficult to beat. And since I'm on a Nuzlocke, the pressure of not messing stuff up is real, because if your Pokémon faints, it's over-over. And what do you know, as I was about to enter the Gym, a familiar figure appears, it's N. He challenges us to another battle, right before a Gym match, like, really? (At least I haven't been to the Center yet, haha, you can't fool me N!) With almost half of his team being weak to Azula, the match didn't take that long to finish. He then babbles about becoming friends with Zekrom, walking away. Good thing I've played BW quite a few times and I still remember the second encounter with him before the gym. After that battle, that's when I healed my Pokémon.

    Nacrene City Gym
    I entered the Gym when Hawes gave me a tour; wasting the time I could've just used to manually walk to the entrance of the Gym itself, but whatever. I'm here now, and what's important is that I'm ready. As usual, the Gym Guide gives me a free Fresh Water. I had to battle some trainers and find some books, answer some questions, basically a puzzle. I'd like to see this Gym redone in 3D where there are more books that can be checked in order for it to be more of a challenge than it is now, but eh, we won't be seeing that for a while. I entered the secret room, revealing Lenora inside.

    VS Gym Leader Lenora!
    1st Turn - Lenora sends out Herdier, while I send out Shyu. It's a Herdier battle! Although not gonna lie, her Herdier is higher leveled. Herdier uses Take Down, the same for Shyu.
    2nd Turn - I switch out Shyu and send Hama. Herdier uses Retaliate, which is tanked by the tanker Hama the Audino.
    3rd Turn - Herdier tries to use Take Down, but misses. Hama uses Growl, lowering its attack.
    4th Turn - Once again Herdier uses Take Down with an attack stage lowered. Hama uses Growl once more.
    5th Turn - Used a Super Potion on Hama. Herdier uses Take Down.
    6th Turn - Herdier uses Take Down. Hama uses Double Slap, making Herdier faint and Hama levels up from Lvl. 14 to Lvl. 15, learning Attract. Shyu levels up as well.
    Midway - I switch Hama out in favor of Azula. Lenora sends out Watchog, changing the music.
    7th Turn - I switch out Azula in favor of Iroh's type advantage. Watchog uses Retaliate.
    8th Turn - I use a Super Potion on Iorh. Watchog uses Retaliate again.
    9th Turn - Retaliate is used by Watchog. I try to speed up Iroh by using Flame Charge.
    10th Turn - I use a Super Potion on Iroh. Watchog uses Crunch.
    11th Turn - Iroh moves first, attacking with Arm Thrust, making Watchog faint, making us win the Gym Battle! And none of them fainted! Not even Azula!

    Nacrene City Gym
    I receive the Basic Badge and TM67 (Retaliate). After that, Hawes come in, telling that the Hoodies (I love calling Team Plasma Hoodies) are attacking the museum. Oh great, another issue with the Hoodies. Using Potions, since I used up my healing limit at Nacrene City, I followed Lenora to where the Hoodies where. I quite cracked up when they were using the smokescreens and they were shouting Plasmaaaa! Idk why, but they are still going to remain Hoodies for me.

    Nacrene City / Pinwheel Forest (Area 1 - Outside)
    Of course, we had to try and follow them outside when Burgh showed up. This was briefly followed by Bianca and Cheren appearing right after. I also received the Dowsing Machine from Bianca that came from Fennel. I had to follow Burgh to the entrance of the Pinwheel Forest.

    Pinwheel Forest (Area 2 - Inside)
    Since the Hoodies were here, they obviously had to play their team. Burgh decides to not get his hands dirty on the other winding way in Pinwheel Forest, and instead decided to check the way straight ahead. Way to go Burgh. Then he tells me that if they weren't there, he'll block the exit and really leave the rest of Trainer battling and winding path to me.

    Anyway, that should be enough for now! Today was a fun chapter to do as I managed to evolve two of my Pokémon. Here's a summary of my Team and the PC.

    Deaths: 0

    Iroh ♂‚ Lvl. 19 (Tepig, evolved into Pignite)

    Shyu ♂‚ Lvl. 17 (Lillipup, evolved into Herdier)

    Azula ♀ Lvl. 17 (Blitzle)

    Hama ♀ Lvl. 15 (Audino)


    Spirit World (Dead):

    Capital (Alive or for HM Pokes):

    #10 May 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  11. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor

    Dem Avatar nicknames. XD
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  12. ClefairyKid

    ClefairyKid (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

    Dec 15, 2016
    Psychium Z ★★★★Poké Doll ★★Waterium Z ★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★
    Took me a while to figure out that you meant Avatar as in what I think is the airbender thing that I know nothing about, and not Avatar as in the movie (I was like cool idea! But how will you implement it I can barely remember any of the Na'avi names as is LOL)
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  13. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    Yep, the airbender thing is my fave series xD I actually haven't watched the other Avatar, but I heard tis getting a sequel :)
  14. ClefairyKid

    ClefairyKid (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

    Dec 15, 2016
    Psychium Z ★★★★Poké Doll ★★Waterium Z ★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★
    Eh! I actually would be totally fine if it doesn't, even though its exceptionally well made and making a great point, I still find myself having trouble loving it, rather than liking it. I'm not sure if it spanning across a trilogy is really necessary.
  15. PikaandChu

    May 5, 2017
    I see, I don't think it has a big fanbase, but I think it's pretty popular.

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