Tsss… Tsss…. Tssss.. Terminal Extract: Viable Cameras: Operational Motion sensors: 0 | 30 minutes Anomaly contained: 8 Anomaly breach: 0 Security doors: 29 Close | 3 Open Power:38 Admin:| ——— In a world ravaged by monsters and uncertainty, humans contain the beasts to further understand the plague of the world. Light weight monsters to world enders, all are meant to be contained. Due to random draft, you have been selected to be sent to work in SECTOR 92. Failure to arrive at the sector come January 27th will result in legal force of action. Working in SECTOR 92 will consist of Maintaining company protocol in suppressing anomaly classes ranging from Rabbit to Dragon. Extracting new samples of anomalies each day, to allow for the creation of weapons and armor to defend from the anomalies. Suppress anyone not loyal to the system by any means necessary. If any creature manages to mean the downfall of the sector.. The system will personally resurrect you to kill you ourselves. You will start off as a NEW RECRUIT. And work your way up to being a manager. As a new recruit you shall have no say in the anomalies contained in your sector. As you raise in your ranks, you shall be granted more control over what happens. Honor to the System, we thank you for your service. Do not show us disservice. ——— Congrats, you made it to the end of the world. Now you’re here reading classified and[REDACTED] info. I am Riri, and I shall be your voice of surveillance and guidance through this hell. You can trust me, I was made to help you. As you make your life as a member of the Sector 92 team, you will be tasked with handling anomalies, working with your team to learn about these monsters and craft ways to fight them. Communication is of up most importance and tomfoolery will get you killed. Death is of course inevitable, however Sector 92 has been given a machine to resurrect anyone dead. Collection of their ID card and put into the life sync will form a new body of them. They shall keep all memories except for the last THREE MINUTES before their death. This time can be extended by external forces. As the sector is only now opening, there will only be two anomalies placed in the system. It’ll be your responsibility to learn about them. Everyone Anomaly has its own quirks and what they respond to. Certain noise frequencies may work well with one creature but be fatal with another. Experiment, use pawns to your disposal to learn about these creatures. Humanity depends on you. An example of your work flow on a good day will be. Wake up, morning routines, medications, team meeting where you will be given as much info of the new anomaly coming in. Every new day a new anomaly will come in, as well as a choice of making a pawn. During the day you shall extract as much samples and information of anomalies as possible. At night you will be subjected to searches to make sure nothing breaches. Decontaminations and then finally showers, dinner and then sleep. No there is no lunches, your medications give you enhanced abilities for your hunger, sleep and general understanding. For the eight hours your medications are in effect you will be at your best state. A pawn is an AI given the power to work with anomalies, they don’t feel pain, they’re meant to be used to experiment and die. They’re given human emotions as well as resemble them purely to guarantee this is how the anomaly works with a human. This is an RP where your characters can die, of course there’s choices of resurrection. Be it the life sync, or anomalies. In the event of all units dying and being unable to retrieve the ID cards. A mysterious force will always rewind time to the previous day. Your characters will retain their memories minus the three minutes before their death. ALL WEAPONS AND ARMOR ARE KEPT HOWEVER. In the event of anomalies being too strong, the same power can be used to rewind a week. You will retain your memories, weapons and armor. However you’ll lose some stats. The RP will start on January 25th, your character has already read their letter. The start of the roleplay will have certain effects of anomalies but nothing serious. You’ll be given your ID upon entering the sector. Riri is a form of tutorial and guidance. It talks through texts on your Holo port, which is a machine embedded into your arm. Holo ports will be explained during the RP. Due to the affect of the anomalies, humans have been modified. This allows for animal parts to grow on humans, as well as altered eyes, skin details, ability to glow, hair can suddenly shift colors. You can be creative with your characters, but understand.. Modifications can happen. Yes your uniform will be modified to handle your modifications. Spoiler: Character Files Spoiler: A A Spoiler: B B Spoiler: C C Spoiler: D D Spoiler: E E Spoiler: F F Spoiler: G Spoiler: G-423 |Unit Code:G-423 Name: Gwen |Age: 24 Basic Personality: Gwen strives for chaos, a fight can only go smoothly.. If Gwen is not around. Explosions, bullets, big swords, those are all she needs. She's very enthusiastic and loves her work. Working in the sector never seems to bother her, and she loves the thrill of a fight. |Appearance: Gwen is tall and lanky and tanned, her sclera blackened her pupils red and pulsing. Hair blackened, shoulder length and glows a crimson red near the bottom. Long pointy fox ears that pierce the sky, they seemed to move as if they have their own personality. Arching back when she's annoyed, standing straight when alerted. From her finger tips to a bit before the elbow darkened a deep black and scale like. Ranged or Melee weapons preferred: Ranged! But can multiclass into using melee weapons, using explosions to cause chaos in a fight, as well as general mischief. |STATS: Red: |White: Purple: |Cyan: Spoiler: H H Spoiler: I I Spoiler: J J Spoiler: K K Spoiler: L L Spoiler: M M Spoiler: N N Spoiler: O O Spoiler: P P Spoiler: Q Q Spoiler: R R Spoiler: S S Spoiler: T T Spoiler: U U Spoiler: V V Spoiler: W W Spoiler: X X Spoiler: Y Y Spoiler: Z Z Spoiler: Anomaly Files Spoiler: A A Spoiler: B B Spoiler: C C Spoiler: D D Spoiler: E E Spoiler: F F Spoiler: G G Spoiler: H H Spoiler: I I Spoiler: J J Spoiler: K K Spoiler: L L Spoiler: M M Spoiler: N N Spoiler: O O Spoiler: P P Spoiler: Q Q Spoiler: R R Spoiler: S S Spoiler: T T Spoiler: U U Spoiler: V V Spoiler: W W Spoiler: X X Spoiler: Y Y Spoiler: Z Z Spoiler: Deployment Sheets |Unit Code: Name: |Age: Basic Personality: |Appearance: | Every character is given a mandated company attire, please don't focus too heavily on clothing.| Ranged or Melee weapons preferred: |STATS: LEAVE THIS BLANK Red: |White: Purple: |Cyan: Spoiler: G-423 |Unit Code:G-423 Name: Gwen |Age: 24 Basic Personality: Gwen strives for chaos, a fight can only go smoothly.. If Gwen is not around. Explosions, bullets, big swords, those are all she needs. She's very enthusiastic and loves her work. Working in the sector never seems to bother her, and she loves the thrill of a fight. |Appearance: Gwen is tall and lanky and tanned, her sclera blackened her pupils red and pulsing. Hair blackened, shoulder length and glows a crimson red near the bottom. Long pointy fox ears that pierce the sky, they seemed to move as if they have their own personality. Arching back when she's annoyed, standing straight when alerted. From her finger tips to a bit before the elbow darkened a deep black and scale like. Ranged or Melee weapons preferred: Ranged! But can multiclass into using melee weapons, using explosions to cause chaos in a fight, as well as general mischief. |STATS: Red: |White: Purple: |Cyan: