Some Sinnoh Pokémon have started coming to Pokémon GO! Who's excited to catch their almighty overlord, Bidoof?
Sadly, you can't do this yet. It's out now, but only about 20 Pokémon. Starters, Bidoof line, Starly line, Buneary line, Riolu line, Shinx line (?), Pachirisu, Carnivine and Chatot. Might have missed one but yeah it's not a ton right now.
That is unfortunate. Maybe with the field research there will be an easier chance of catching the more elusive Pokémon.
Arceus had better be an EX battle, lore wise, but then again if that happens I probably won't catch him
found bidoof and got gps error found starly and got another error and disappeared first sinnoh mon is turtwig!