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Summer Scramble 2020 Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Valor Archive' started by Professor Rowan, Jun 25, 2020.

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  1. Professor Rowan

    Professor Rowan Pokemon Professor

    Jun 24, 2020
    Summer Scramble 2020 Sign Ups
    Good evening young trainers!

    I'm here to tell you a story about the mighty Swords of Justice and their heroic efforts to end a disastrous civil war. Long ago, the three Pokémon, Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion, joined forces to protect the Unova region. After ending the war, they disappeared into myth and that was the last anyone saw of them.

    These three heroes are now needed again as a horrible monster terrorizes our people! This beast descends during the night, when the sky is dark and the wind is cold, and takes away humans and Pokémon to be eaten. We used to think these were tales...but the monster seems to have resurfaced and the tales...seem to be true. Its name is...Kyurem.

    To rid the land of this monster, it is important to find Keldeo, an ancient Pokémon with immense power, who after being united with the Swords of Justice, can defeat Kyurem and restore our livelihood. Yet...Keldeo is no where to be seen.

    It is up to you then, to join forces with the Swords of Justice as they race each other to see who can find Keldeo first and put an end to Kyurem's terror. With your help, they may be able to save the people of Unova!

    Be brave!
    - Professor Juniper


    What is Summer Scramble?

    Summer Scramble is an annual event month at Lake Valor that runs from July 1 - August 1 where members have the chance to compete in a series of fun individual and team-based events.

    Members collect "Scramble Points" based on participation as well as performance that adds to their team's total on the scoreboard! At the end of the month, the team with the most Scramble Points comes away with some of LV's biggest prizes; a special name glow, rare Pokémon encounters and access to never before seen Pokémon on the forums!

    Events include art (drawing and design), writing, roleplaying, quizzes and trivia, internet gaming, movies, and other fun and silly activities!

    *We've taken a good look at the feedback from last year and strongly think this SS will be an awesome balance between casual and competitive among other things!


    Team Wisdom

    Team Courage

    Team Might

    How to sign up?

    To be placed on a team by the start of events (July 1st), please post below using the template given.​

    *Sign ups after July 1st will happen on a separate thread and members will still be able to join.
    - Your timezone:
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    - Are you on LV's Discord server?
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?​
    #1 Jun 25, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2020
    RWBY Gaster, PoserPanda, Zane and 6 others like this.
  2. HeroofFire101

    HeroofFire101 Stirlingite

    Level 37
    Feb 13, 2017
    I live in EST/EDT
    Often enough. I keep a tab open for LV. So that counts as every day?
    Writing occasionally, Trivia, Misc...like Tetris...
    Well, does Monster Hunter World: Iceborne count? And Mario Kart? I have several games I can play in my collection. We'll see.
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    #2 Jun 25, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  3. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 28
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Timezone: EST
    I always have LV open on my laptop. If there's stuff going on involving me I'll definitely be checking it more.
    I am on the Discord server.
    You know, I don't have anything I really do here. So posting and trivia I guess. Maybe I'll try and write a short story just for the hell of it.
    All I have that I can play online with others is Smash and Splatoon. And Mario Kart 7 if for some reason you want to play that instead of 8.
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  4. Riddles

    Riddles Extra Spooky

    Level 15
    Mar 15, 2018
    Legendary Triforce ★★
    - Your timezone: EST
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?: That varies, but I always try to check at least a few times a day.
    - Are you on LV's Discord server?: Yes
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most?: (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc): Mostly art and battling events
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?: As far as multiplayer games go, the only one I've been playing lately is Smash.
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  5. DuoM2

    Groudon Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 18
    Jul 7, 2019
    Your timezone -
    - EST.

    How often do you check LV during the day? During the week? -
    - Once a day at the very least, often more than that.

    Are you on LV's Discord server? -
    - Yes, and I think I'm somewhat active as well.

    What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc) -
    - Mostly art and battling, but I'd be fine with trivia if it were based around Pokémon.

    Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event? -
    - Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Maker, and Smash again because it's a good game.

    Question - Would we be allowed to set a preference for what team we're on, or are they assigned to us? I remember I was able to mention that Moongeist was preferred for me last time.

    EDIT: Another Question - I have an idea for how a potential points system could work, who would I message about that? I mention this because I remember the points system being a major complaint last year.
    KnightBlader and Mango like this.
  6. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    EST / EDT

    I lurk around every day, so very often.


    Shiny hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc.

    I'll have to see about that one.
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  7. RadEmpoleon

    RadEmpoleon certified EPIC Gamer™ (they/them)

    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 2
    Jun 4, 2018
    Comet Shard ★★★★Poké Doll ★★
    - Your timezone: EST
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week? At least once a day
    - Are you on LV's Discord server? Ye
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc) Battling and posting
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event? Idk probably not
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  8. Wolf Expert

    Wolf Expert Canine Scholar

    Level 24
    Jun 27, 2017
    Moon Ball ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Premier Ball ★Friend Ball ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★
    - Your timezone: EST

    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    Usually I'll check in at least a couple times a day even if I don't post.

    - Are you on LV's Discord server?

    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    Art and Shiny Hunting

    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?
    Not really.
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  9. Flumph

    Flumph PKMN Breeder

    Azelf (Anniversary)
    (Azelf (Anniversary))
    Level 4
    Oct 14, 2017
    Amulet Coin ★★★
    - EST
    - Every Day
    - Yes
    - I like battling. poison stall tactics go brrrrrr.
    - I'd say smash but I'm too poor for online so I'm going to go out on a very thin limb and say paladins. I wish to battle for dominance by shooting other people with a cannon
  10. Jeydis

    Jeydis Getting cozy

    Level 44
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    This is a very different hype for me this year. Can't wait!

    - Your timezone: EST
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?: Daily
    - Are you on LV's Discord server? Yuppers
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc) Art, Trivia and Battling
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event? I play plenty of other games but none that would really suit the Spirit of the Scample
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  11. Beffie

    Beffie clear your cache

    beautiful and perfect
    Level 36
    Apr 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorDawn Stone ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★

    - Your timezone:

    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    i try to check the site every day i can, i dont go more than a week without checking when im busy

    - Are you on LV's Discord server?
    yep! i dont talk much tho.....

    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    ART!!!! shiny hunting is fun and posting is nice too!! i guess anything thats not pkmn battling lol

    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?
    can animal crossing be an event i have mario kart 8 and splatoon2 on the ready if needed!
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  12. lexicalMagician

    lexicalMagician The Lamest Loser of them All

    Level 4
    Apr 27, 2019
    - my timezone is CST!
    - Everyday as of late, I like to pop in and see some new stuff. I'm on the forums for about 1h - 2h daily (give or take)
    - I am indeed!
    - I really enjoy battling and writing a lot!! And trivia is a bunch of fun as well.
    - I play smash, splatoon2, and ninjala (brand new) in terms of multiplayer stuff! Not much else besides those :/​
  13. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    - Your timezone: WIB (UTC+7)

    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    Not really sure tbh. I'd say at least once a day, though I might forget to do so at times.

    - Are you on LV's Discord server?

    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    Lessee... I'll probably lean toward roleplaying, posting, and Pokémon challenge runs.

    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?
    May sound weird, but I'd love to compete in rhythm games. Although... all I have are Arcaea, Phigros, and Cytus 2. Not to mention that I really have no idea how last year's Summer Scramble was like.
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    #13 Jun 25, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
  14. Mango

    Mango Hiker

    Level 5
    Jun 30, 2019
    - CST
    - I check it daily whenever I get involved in an event
    - Yes
    - Honestly I really liked all of the events from last year's summer scramble
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    KnightBlader and DuoM2 like this.
  15. Jeydis

    Jeydis Getting cozy

    Level 44
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    @Duo For your questions:
    - Teams are randomly assigned to keep them even in both number of members and spread of interests. Feel free to list your preference though! We will see if RNGeebus is on your side.
    - Send me your idea on the point system via PM! The staff can review it all together afterwards
    SAF and DuoM2 like this.
  16. ChocoChicken

    Krysmus Azelv (lol)
    (Krysmus Azelv)
    Level 56
    May 28, 2018
    Misty's EmblemLegendary Triforce ★★

    Timezone: HKT
    I check LV nearly daily. With SS that's definitely going up again tho-
    Yes, I am on Discord.
    Writing events are personally my favourite, but I also wanna stretch my art horizons!
    I play Minecraft, Splatoon 2 (offline unfortunately), and Smash Ultimate! Plant main. If I'm lucky I might be able to scrape an Online membership...? Who knows. Am a noob tho
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  17. Chicken

    Chicken Cringe Overlord

    Level 51
    Jun 10, 2018
    Ice Stone ★★★★Icy Rock ★★★
    Even though I’ve been dead for nearly a year I’ll join again.

    Your timezone: HKT (GMT+8)
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    Not often, to be honest. I might be more active for the sake of the event.

    - Are you on LV's Discord server?

    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    Art, maybe a bit of writing and RPing. I can’t see myself doing much else.

    - Do you play any non-Pokémongames that you may be interested inplaying as a Summer Scramble event?
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    Jeydis likes this.
  18. Haunted Ditto

    Level 29
    Jun 18, 2018
    Oran Berry ★★Helix Fossil ★★★
    timezone: UTC+2
    -How often do you check LV during the day: Once per day
    - Are you on LV's Discord Server: Yes
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most: Battling, the arcade games event is fun too and (Pixel)art
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble Event: Maybe Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? But there should be only Pokémon events imo.
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    Jeydis likes this.
  19. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 41
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    - Your timezone:
    + Alaksa (GMT-8)
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week?
    + At least once a day usually, but more often during the scramble.
    - Are you on LV's Discord server?
    + Yes, though I rarely do more than lurk
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? (Art/Writing, Battling, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc)
    + I usually try to participate in art and writing, sometimes I'll dabble in the shiny hunting as well.
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event?
    +None that really fit the event, but Minecraft and Terraria are go-to's
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  20. 1mightydragon

    1mightydragon PKMN Breeder

    (Rayquaza Egg)
    Level 7
    Mar 24, 2019
    - Your timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    - How often do you check LV during the day? During the week? At least once a day
    - Are you on LV's Discord server? Yes
    - What type of events do you enjoy the most? Art/Writing, Shiny Hunting, Trivia, Posting, Misc
    - Do you play any non-Pokémon games that you may be interested in playing as a Summer Scramble event? I am willing to play Minecraft

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