After a full count of all of the events that were participated in the winners for this year are... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Team Future with a score of 1245 Scramble Points (point breakdown here) Congrats to the members: @HiddenLore @ID Zeta @Riddles @Beffie @SAF @Captain Comet @Gazi @Louise @Cherry3Fairy Prizes: - Winners medals for all of your profiles! - Your mascot Pokémon, Mewtwo will be added to the catcher as well as a secret version. Both are going to be hard to find and catch though so good luck! - You will all be signed up for a giveaway that will come along later this year. ------------------------- Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's activities, I know a lot of people felt some level of online burn out but we pulled through! Win or lose we all got to have some fun during this special month and everyone deserves a crisp high five for that as well as a ShInY BoOst!!! This boost will last until September 1st, let the hunt begin! For all of the Medals, head over to The Medal Request Thread and request it there. Make sure you include the event that you won and/or participated in. No need to post all of them just one will be enough for us to confirm. So join me in celebration here and get your comments ready for the feedback thread which will be up shortly. Thank you all for joining us for another fun July and have a great end of Summer!
Grats, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i helped with the banter, all the things we've wrote on the discord is 100% true
What?.... That's such a pleasant and huge surprise! Congratulations and well done, team! @SAF, I feel like you were really helpful and I give a big credit to you for this win.