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Swapping Pokemon

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Pitmore, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    We all know there are Pokémon who need to be unbanned from Smogon/ORAS 1U and there are some that need to be banned due to popular opinion. So if you could unban a Pokémon and ban a poemon (effectively swapping them), what would you do?

    Personally, I reckon that Charizard X needs to go. Yes, it has a stealth rocks weakness and an earthqake weaness, but it has amazing bulk, it has dragon dance and all you need to do is set up a dragon dance on a cripple'd Pokémon and spam the super effective move. It just seems so... easy.
    I would unban Blaziken. Ever since the Speed Baton Pass Clause was added, Blaziken went from Bad to Worse. Now, it could really use OU as it is very weak to priority and most bulky Pokémon can counter/check it. Plus, RockySkin Garchomp can wall the hell out of our Ready-Made KFC bucket thanks to all its good moves being contact.

    So tell me! Which Pokémon would you swap?
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  2. Nauris

    Nauris The King of Konchus

    Oct 19, 2014
    While I kinda want to use Kyurem-White in OU, but since there is one Pokémon I really want to use in OU, (you made a typo btw), it is the Aegislash. Most teams can rather easily handle it, since it has some pretty common weaknesses, and it's as effective as the user, due to King's Shield requiring some sort of prediction skills to use effectively. It also doesn't have the best coverage, can find hard time sweeping some teams, though it can quite easily get one or two down if given the chance.

    While I don't really like Landorus-Therian, the 2nd most used Pokémon in OU, I have to agree with Charizard X with you. It is currently the most threatening Pokémon in the OU tier, due to combination of it's movepool, STAB, Stats, and ability. Pretty much the only reliable check is Azumarill, and even then, it doesn't like getting burned by the potential Will-o-Wisp.
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  3. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    If I had to unban one Pokémon I guess it would be Mega Mawile. Honestly I didn't see it to be broken in the first place. I saw most Pokémon handle it's attacks with relative ease. Sucker Punch did 72% of a Charizard-Y's health. I used Fire Fang against Ferrothorn and It didn't do much...it did about...43% I believe. I just see lot's of Pokémon countering it easily thanks to it's low speed. When it sets up it becomes a very scary Pokémon, but just send out a Pokémon that can burn it fast, or something with Unaware, or something else. It was not a picnic for me to get a SD on Mawile.

    If I have to ban one Pokémon it would have to be Landorus-T. Honestly most of the time I need a Pokémon on the team just to counter it, and I doubt that an ice shard from anything will beat it because of it's intimidate ability, and not only that, but most Landorus comes with a Choice Scarf, and it can pretty much get away with almost anything as far as what I can see. The only real solutions to beating it that I found are to use Alomomola, Azumarill, Rotom-W, or anything that can burn it. I even packed Alomomola with Wobbuffet just for Landorus. Honestly I want to use those two Pokémon slots for something else, but I really don't have a choice, sadly.
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