I recently began replaying ORAS for the heck of it, and one of the things I've realized I miss a lot in Gen 7 is the DexNav. For those who haven't played ORAS, the DexNav functioned kind of like a Pokeradar 2.0, where you could chain Pokémon on a route after catching them at least once. The more times your encountered a Pokémon (just through regular gameplay, not necessarily chaining), the more likely you could later chain for it and get better IVs, Hidden Abilities, and even moves that were usually exclusive to breeding! (Along with the ever-nice chance of finding a shiny as well ) So, for those who have played ORAS, what are your opinions on the DexNav? Did you enjoy it? Did you find it tedious? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I thought it was the perfect upgrade. You could search for any Pokémon that appeared on that route, given that you'd at least seen it. Made hunting for really rare Pokémon SOOOOO much easier, and with good egg moves to boot.
I personally enjoy it and I wish they would bring it back. The radar was more tedious in my opinion and I found the dex nav much easier to use and achieve. Plus the dex nav is useful almost anywhere while the radar was only good in grass.
I loved the DexNav and really wish they had kept it for the Gen VII games. It was really nice being able to see what Pokémon were available in the area. My only real complaint was how spotty calling Pokémon was. I feel like trying to call a Pokémon to me worked less than 1/10th of the time, which was really annoying. Other than that, it was great.
I was absolutely devastated that they didn't keep the dexnav going into gen 7. I can't say that I'm all that SURPRISED since functions like that rarely transfer from game to game, but like people above have said, it made searching for Pokémon much easier. It was super useful to me in completing the Pokédex since it showed silhouettes of the Pokémon on the route I hadn't encountered yet. And finding Pokémon with egg moves? *kiss noise*