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The Newest Smogon Tier: PU

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by East, Nov 9, 2015.

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  1. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    The Smogon staff have officially announced recently that the newest tier that they are supporting in official terms is PU. Despite the common misconceptions of PU being an acronym for anything, PU is intended to be a pun of sorts--"P-U" is what children say to something particularly smelly or stinky. The tier was originally started by a PokemonShowdown user and YouTuber known as DunDeal, who composed the tier with Pokémon that are the "NU of NU."

    In essence, the tier is now fitted as the lowest tier in the Smogon system outside NFE and LC variants.

    The current viability rankings have Pokémon such as Floatzel, Vigoroth, and Roselia as the top of the tier, with Pokémon such as Pawniard, Zebstrika, and Dodrio shortly behind them--making for a very interesting tier indeed.

    What are your thoughts on PU? Do you think you'll play it?
  2. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    Huh, I didn't realize that this existed. It seems pretty interesting now that I've looked it up and gone through what the tier is made of. It's odd to me that articuno is in PU, between its alright bulk and freeze dry capability I thought it'd be still in NU. Swoobat's in PU too, even though it can abuse simple+ calm mind+ stored power. Probably because of sucker punchers tearing it apart or something.

    Overall, yeah I think I'm gonna play PU. I've already got some ideas for a team, though I expect to have my butt handed to me for a while. I like the idea of the tier, and I think it could definitely be cool to battle in and build teams for, what with what the tier is made of.
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  3. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    Too small, too limited. Not catching my attention at all honestly. I can handle OU for its ability to play not only OU Pokémon but lower tier people to spice up the teams. PU is just way, way too limited for me. That being said, OU still bores me some in comparison to doubles. So much more variety and strategy, and people like maractus (a singles PU resident) can be completely viable in the doubles scene. PU is just way too far down for there to be an opportunity to add variety to the team.
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  4. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    That's what I thought it meant! But someone, I forget who, insisted "No, it's just a randomly-chosen letter next to the letter U". Riiight. Listen, pal, I said it before and I'll say it again: Just because whoever decides tiers thinks these things are less-desirable doesn't mean I don't desire them. I mostly ignore what people say I should like anyhow, and Pokémon is no different.

    I first saw it when returning to the LVOU a few weeks ago and noticed that for my current best teams, I had a lot of PUs in them. Dusknoir, Carbink, Marowak, Avalugg. That said, I actually like PU a lot. Or at least, the Pokémon that are there are Pokémon I tend to like. I'm not experienced/educated enough of a battler to know if I actually like the tier itself yet, but its population has some of my favorites.
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  5. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    I remember me and [member='Nauris'] Talking about PU, its a nice tier and I'd love to know more about it, although I find the best thing to relate to it is Balanced Hackmons, a lot of thinks can be used in this stinky tier, but there are certainly bad Pokémon in PU, saying that, there is always room for innovation. I'll look forward to the popularity it will now get!
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  6. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    I've been playing PU for quite a few months now because there are some true powerhouses in the tier. Among my favourites in the tier include the new drops, Exeggutor, Pawniard, Bouffalant, and Gorebyss as well as some classics including Floatzel, Grumpig, and Rapidash, just to name a few. I've been contributing a whole buch to the PU forum on Smogon, learning by both posting and, of course, playing. I'm excited that PU is official now, and its popularity will definitely soar in times to come. Cool tier, cool Pokémon & overall just fun to play. PU has a lot of things to offer and people should definitely try it out. c:
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  7. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    PU seems like an interesting tier. I'm glad they decided to make it its own tier since in B/W most of NU's roster were never used (You know what I mean, at least I hope.)

    I probably won't be playing it myself though, mainly because I suck at low tiers specifically besides LC.
  8. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    So far I've been finding PU to be rather interesting. So far, I'd have to say my personal favorites in the tier are Grumpig and Pawniard. I love the fact that Grumpig is so versatile in PU and Pawniard is a complete powerhouse in the right matchups.
    Tagging [member=shinygiratinaz] and [member=Nauris] to see their current thoughts!
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