Hey everybody! Summer Scramble is almost upon us! This thread is the place to chat with members of other teams throughout the lead-up and duration of Summer Scramble, about Summer Scramble! Each team will have their own chat thread in their own section to discuss individual team matters. This thread will be open through the end of this month and for the whole month of July. Happy chatting!
This Is Actually A Nice Additional To The Event. We Can Use This To Actually Ask Question/Inquiry About The Scramble Tasks Or Any Last-Minutes Change Or Actually Put The General Discord Chat For Scramble. It's All Just A Idea.
Nice! It would have to be Moongeist for me as well! The role color looks really cool and I like it a lot Nice choice!
I might be down for sun steel. I ain’t letting these Pokémon be the king of me. I’m gonna be coming in swinging!
I'm leaning towards Prismatic, personally. I've already got some ideas in the works for whenever the writing event comes around.
I Also Go For Moongeist Too. Cause It Seems Like Lunala Is My Favourite Among The Light Trio Especially When Come To Her Cry... (*Vinesauce Flashback*) Yea...That Mahina Pea Cry...