So this morning, I decided to start another monotype challenge. My first challenge was in Pokémon Diamond, and I only trained poison types. This time, I'll be playing through Pokémon X, once more only training poison types. (I'd originally intended on grass types, but then I decided to use my favourite type. I might use grass types a different time). So far, I've chosen my starter to be a Chespin, who I left unnamed as I'm putting him into my PC as soon as I can. I can't help but feel sorry for the little guy... But on Route 2, I caught the first member of my team! SPECIES: Weedle NICKNAME: Kevin LEVEL: 3 I'm currently trying to level up Kevin up so he'll evolve. As soon as I get to Santalune City (I think that's the first place with a PC, I'm not too sure), I'll deposit Chespin. It appears that there'll be no more poison types until Route 4, so I'll be relying solely on Kevin to get me through the first Gym. I'm going to try and figure out how to add images to these posts as I'm going to try and draw my team. Until next time, have a nice day!
Yeah, it was really hard to get past Lucian in Diamond...All the same, these challenges are a lot of fun.
[sharedmedia=gallery:images:1775] Level grinding was hard as I kept being attacked by other weedles and fletchlings, but it's finally payed off! Kevin and I are ready to challenge the first Gym! TEAM: Kevin:
Viola's Gym was surprisingly easy. I basically just got Kevin to spam Fury Attack and we won. [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1776] After the battle, I recieved the EXP Share from Alexa, which I promptly turned off. I have a feeling I might regret this decision later, but it's more of a challenge to have to level my Pokémon individually. On Route 4, we gained a new team member! SPECIES: Budew NICKNAME: Penelope LEVEL: 8 I have this kind of nostalgic connection to the budew line as in my first ever Pokémon game (Pearl), a roserade was one of the only three Pokémon that was strong enough to challenge the Elite Four at the end of the game. Penelope was a lot easier to grind than Kevin and before long, we were ready to challenge Sycamore. Sycamore is a relatively easy boss to beat. That is, unless both your Pokémon are weak against fire types and have only one move between them that does any real damage to a bulbasaur. His bulbasaur was the hardest to take down as Kevin's Fury Attack kept missing and it kept using Leech Seed to heal itself. For the first time in my life, I used Water Sport so that his charmander couldn't completely annihilate my team. His squirtle was the easiest to beat though, with Penelope taking it down in two hits. Thank Arceus. That was when we got yet another team member: SPECIES: Bulbasaur NICKNAME: Anakin LEVEL: 10 After the battle, we ran into Lysandre a couple of times. That guy's as subtle as a sledgehammer; he may as well be wearing a shirt saying 'Hello! I'm evil!', but I suppose it'll be hard to make a shirt saying something like that stylish. I just realised that all my Pokémon begin with 'B'... [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1777] TEAM: Kevin: Penelope: Anakin:
Tierno was easy to beat with two grass types on my team and I was soon free to explore Route 5. As I was rollerblading across those metal pole things that lead to some items, I accidentally fell into the tall grass and came across the first pure poison type I added to my team: [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1850] SPECIES: Gulpin NICKNAME: Rachel LEVEL: 10 I've instantly fallen in love with her Poison Gas attack. The moment I found the TM for Venoshock, I taught it to her. As well as everybody else on my team who had a move that could cause poison. Needless to say, I can't wait until I find the TM for Toxic. As well as that, meet... [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1851] (She was a lot harder to draw than I thought she'd be...) SPECIES: Venipede NICKNAME: Monica LEVEL: 12 She's a tough little child who loves to kick butt. Her Rollout attack is much more useful than I expected. Whenever I use it, I have a mini panic attack at the prospect of being unable to heal her, but she usually brings down her opponent before I ever need to use an item on her. I'm hoping that I can quickly train her to be Kevin's protégé. I've only used a scolipede once in my White Nuzlocke run a few years back, but I found it to be surprisingly useful (like most Pokémon one is forced to use in a Nuzlocke run). During my various battles in Route 6, I've decided not to capture an oddish. I already have enough grass/poison Pokémon as it is, and I'm already having a debate over which one to keep in my party as my team expands. So I basically did a heck of a lot of level grinding. At one point, I battled a boy with a croagunk, which gave me hope in defeating Grant's Gym. Provided, if a croagunk will learn any good fighting type moves before I challenge him. I should be able to find one on the next route, as well as a zubat. So Shauna and I learned the dangers of capitalism as we chased a furfrou through a maze and watched some fireworks in broad daylight. It was a great date day. Until next time! TEAM: Penelope Anakin Kevin Rachel Monica
Hello again, nerds! I anticipated my battle against the sleeping snorlax to be difficult, so I placed Rachel at the front of my party to spam Poison Gas and Venoshock. Too bad that I soon discovered that the snorlax's ability was Immunity, making my strategy impossible. I withdrew Rachel and had Monica spam Rollout, but that did hardly any damage and she was soon knocked out. I ended up having to rely on Kevin to keep using Twineedle until I finally beat it. I am so glad I haven't boxed him yet. Speaking of boxing, I deposited Anakin once I reached the Daycare. I know that placing a handicap on my team by not using a bulbasaur is a bad decision as he will ultimately be the only Pokémon on my team to be able to Mega Evolve (even if I do catch a Haunter, I have nobody to trade with so I can never get a Mega Gengar). But oh well, I like to live my life on the edge. I'm going to play Gen 6 with no Exp Share or Mega Evolution! ... I might regret this later... Anyway, I fooled around in the Battle Chateau, earning money, exp and an odd satisfaction in beating a bunch of smug elitists with huge egos before Calem and I battled Tierno and Trevor, taking surprisingly little effort. Penelope easily beat Tierno's corpish and Rachel didn't have any trouble with Trevor's Flabébé. It was only Trevor's pikachu that was a problem, so I might have to look into Nidoqueens/Nidokings in the future. Once I got past Trevor and Tierno, I was able to further expand my team: SPECIES: Croagunk NICKNAME: Amalie LEVEL: 13 SPECIES: Zubat NICKNAME: Leonidas LEVEL: 13 [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1854] (I soon realised that I can't draw croagunks so I didn't add one in this picture) It took me a surprisingly long time to find a zubat in a place called 'Zubat Roost'. Leonidas is a pretty cool guy. My first major concern was Amalie's double weakness against psychic types, which was exploited in her very first battle against a trainer who's smeargle knew the move Confusion. I'm considering going back and capturing a Croagunk with the ability Anticipation so I'll at least be aware if I'm up against an opponent with a Super Effective move. As well as that, I'm not a huge fan of her ability, Dry Skin as it gives her a weakness to fire types who are bound to take advantage of that. As well as that, I'm going to need some good fighting type moves by the time I reach the second Gym... TEAM: Amalie Leonidas Penelope Monica Rachel Kevin
I deposited Amalie and Kevin, and after running around Route 7 for a while, I finally found who I was looking for: SPECIES: Croagunk NICKNAME: Nick LEVEL: 14 [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1857] (To properly draw him, I needed to add a sweater and scarf to cover pretty much everything. Let's just pretend that it's because he gets cold easily rather than my inability to draw croagunk anatomy.) Training him is a bit of a pain, (especially since every psychic move knocks him out in just one go) but he and Leonidas are slowly catching up with the rest of the team. The ability Anticipation has already proved useful in gauging what opponents Nick can take on. 10/10 best move for a Pokémon with a double weakness. Ambrette Town earned us the move Rock Smash, which I all too gladly taught to Nick. I would have preferred Power-Up Punch, but beggars can't be choosers. Some more good news is that Penelope finally evolved; so I don't need to worry about her friendship levels whenever she gets knocked out. Route 9 and Glittering Cave were painful, especially since everything could beat Nick and Leo. I had to keep relying on Penelope to beat all the rock and ground wild Pokémon that kept popping up. The fact that Nick is considerably slower than the wild Pokémon due to his low level didn't help, and we kept running into Solrocks and Lunatones which were near impossible to run from due to his low speed. Finally, we ran into Team Flare. Personally, I don't think they are that bad of a team. They just need a thorough redesign clothing-wise. And to get rid of their unnecessary goofiness. And change... Pretty much everything about them. Anyway, I was so proud of Nick for knocking out the first grunt's houndour in just one hit! ... He later got KOed by a woobat two minutes later but that's not important. He tried his best to run away. I got really excited to find an Old Amber while smashing some rocks, but then I remembered that I can't use it... Dang, the first time I got an Aerodactyl this early on in the game is also the time that I can't train any Pokémon that isn't a poison type... So I also picked the fossil for a tyrunt (as it didn't matter too much which one I chose as I won't be allowed to use either) and promptly deposited my new Pokémon into the PC to hang out with Kevin, Amalie, Anakin and Chespin. At least they won't get lonely. The final thing that happened before writing this entry is I got the greatest item in the entire game: THE DOWSING MACHINE. HELLO FREE ITEMS!!!!! HERE I COME!!!!!! TEAM: Penelope Nick Leonidas Monica Rachel
Sorry this is late, I finished writing this next post a while ago and then the window was closed and I couldn't be bothered to rewrite it... I'm a bit hazy on the details since it's been a while since I last played, but I fortunately recorded everything that happened. So on the following route, I attempted to train Leonidas only to have him constantly knocked out. This wasn't helping me at all as I want him to evolve into a crobat sometime soon. The route north of Cyllage City was full of especially strong Pokémon such as hawlucha and sigilyph, the latter who has a type advantage against everyone on my team. The fact none of my Pokémon have any good moves against flying types doesn't help (except Monica, but she's also a bug type). I tried to be more careful after that as I battled the trainers I came across and used my new dowsing machine to get all the free items I could. After some careful grinding, Leonidas and Monica evolved. Words cannot fully express the pride I feel toward my precious poisonous children. Soon, I decided 'screw it' and went to challenge Grant's gym with Penelope and Nick. Penelope helped me breeze my way through the trainers and Nick held up extremely well against Grant's team. As his Amaura was faster, Revenge did more damage and knocked it out in one hit. After spamming Revenge a little more, I soon beat his Tyrunt and was awarded the Cliff Badge. I also found a HP Up and Protein that I instantly fed to Leo in an attempt to fix the damage I've done to his friendship levels. With our new badge in hand, we battled our way to Gosenge Town. That was the moment that I remembered we were going to have to battle Korrina and her two lucarios. Her two steel types. Who are immune against poison. And fully evolved. Actually, the battle wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I just had Leonidas spam Confuse Ray and Wing Attack while the opposing Pokémon kept using Feint. We won without Leo even losing half his HP. After that battle, I spent longer than necessary searching for a stunky. SPECIES: Stunky NICKNAME: Tamara LEVEL: 21 I'm currently searching for a nidorino or nidorina, but all of a sudden, all I can find are level 21 female stunkys. Ah yes, and Leonidas finally evolved! Now I don't have to worry about carelessly knocking him out! ... I'm kidding but still, it's one less thing to worry about. TEAM: Leonidas Peneople Tamara Nick Rachel Monica
When I saw the weedle and monotype, I thought you were going to do bug only and I'm like dang! :'D This is the first time I've really seen monotype done and it makes me wonder, if you wanted to do monotype of something like dragon or fairy how you would do that since there are none in the early stages of the game. Heck, there isn't even any fire or water easily available in starter areas usually!
A bug monotype sounds hard! Though it could work in this generation come to think of it... Maybe when I'm done with this one, I'll give it a go I guess you either have to cheat, trade with a friend or just play until you find any Pokémon that is either a fairy/dragon or evolves into one. Or just settle for a Pokémon type that is a little more common. Speaking of fairy monotype challenges, I actually wanted to do one for Alpha Sapphire, but then I found out there were only four fairy types in the region, excluding Mega Altaria, so I settled for psychic instead. You just made me think; what about a fire type Monotype challenge... In Diamond/Pearl. The only Pokémon you could have would be infernape and rapidash. Now that's a challenge!
Yeah, D/P is infamous for having only two fire-type families. This was fixed in Platinum, but there's no erasing the mistakes of the past...
All this time people have been talking about how the third part of a generation fixes problems and I thought it only meant additions, not actual fixes like that XD
It didn't take long for me to finally locate a nidorino: SPECIES: Nidorino NICKNAME: Dominic LEVEL: 21 Nick was tossed into the PC in favour of Dom. Soon after entering Reflection Cave, I found a Moon Stone which I immediately used to evolve him. The rest of the cave was relatively easy to get through, though Monica and Tamara are struggling a little due to their low stats and I'm using Rachel less often. We reached Shalour City and travelled east for some level grinding. Monica finally evolved; to which there was much rejoicing and I rejoined the game as I made my way to the Tower of Mastery. What followed was a fight between Calem and me for the Mega Ring which to be honest - he could have taken it. Not one of my Pokémon can Mega Evolve; it would have just been wasted on me. Eh, but I beat him nonetheless and took the ring simply because I could. Sucks to be you, Calem. I stood before the Gym, preparing myself for the challenge that lay ahead. I was ready to earn my third gym badge. Though all my Pokémon resisted Fighting-type moves, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that weighed down my steps and I entered the building. Leonidas clobbered them all. I did not need any backup. I am proud of my purple bat son. Calem then gave me the HM for Surf and a trainer conveniently gave me a Lapras. Whom I promptly deposited after I caught the first Pokémon I met while surfing. Poor Lappy. SPECIES: Tentacool NICKNAME: Xavier LEVEL: 27 Poor Rachel was deposited, too. Oh well. TEAM: Leonidas Xavier Donimic Tamara Monica Penelope
Upon crossing the ocean/river/channel/whatever it is, I wasted the next ten minutes or so riding around on Skiddos because sue me, I love the music that plays. It's adorable. Those were ten minutes well wasted. I also found I Shiny Stone to evolve Penelope with. Yaaaaaaaay! Calem called me and demanded a rematch. So like the good friend I am, I ignored him and went training in the desert where I was surprised how quickly Xavier evolved. But hey, I"m not complaining. Tentacruel is a surprisingly good Pokémon. The only Pokémon I'm having trouble grinding is Tamara, but I'm in no hurry to evolve her. When I reached the Gym, Calem was incredibly excited about seeing Mega Evolution in action. You know, he really should have taken the Mega Ring, I legitimately cannot use it. My Bulbasaur is in the PC and I have nobody to trade with to get a Gengar. I'm just holding onto it because the game insists I have to. Anyway, I beat up Calem's team and, confident in my training, decided to have a go at challenging Ramos's Gym. It was... Painfully easy. It feels weird saying that, but it's true. Monica and Leonidas OHKOed every trainers' Pokémon. Ramos was defeated in under a minute. So I went back to Lumiose Badlands to train Tamara, who instead kept getting knocked out by Dugtrios. In the end, I thought 'screw it' and challenged Team Flare instead, who were in fact easier to fight than the wild Pokémon. Sad, right? Oh well, at least we got some sweet EXP points. Tamara should be much closer to evolving now... I hope... Any day now.... TEAM: Monica Penelope Dominic Xavier Tamara Leonidas
I returned back to the Battle Chateau to grind a little and get some sweet, sweet cash. Eventually, Tamara evolved into a bigger skunk that can spit fire and I figured now would be a good time to move onto Lumiose Gym. Good thing I have a sweet, sweet Nidoking who resists those sweet, sweet electric moves and can win me that sweet, sweet badge. I purposely got the quiz questions wrong so that I could get that extra money and EXP but I soon realised there was a massive issue about Clemont's Gym: almost every Pokémon had the ability Static. And Dominic's only ground-type move is Dig. But somehow, I didn't run out of Paralyze Heals before finally facing the leader. I was a little concerned about his emolga, but it got beaten in one move when its Arial Ace acivated Dominic's Poison Point and his following Venoshock knocked it out. Clemont's next two Pokémon were finished off relatively easily and I soon found myself with a shiny new badge. Yay! And then I went back to the Battle Chateau because let's face it, that place is a goldmine. Money, EXP, fighting condescending rich people... Battle Chateau has it all! Up Route 14, I compared Pokedexes with Trevor and won (I still don't know if it's even possible to lose) and battled Calem and won. Poor guys. Then my friends left me to wander around in the swampy marshland on my own where I found a whole lot of skorupis. Skorupies. Skorupi. I don't know the plural word for 'skorupi'. SPECIES: Skorupi NICKNAME: Kate LEVEL: 31 Since a drapion has better stats than a skuntank, I dropped Tamara off in the PC. And just after I evolved her, too... Oh well, life's unfair. I also finally got the TM for Toxic. At last, I can cause true devastation; no Pokémon will dare stand in our way! Since Valerie is the next Gym Leader, I'm not expecting too much of a challenge but hey, I've always been surprised by Gym Leaders whom I underestimated, only to have them horribly crush my team. Only time can tell! TEAM: Kate Penelope Dominic Monica Xavier Leonidas