If you have friends or family and listen to music (which should be pretty much all of us), you've probably come across a song that reminds you of a certain person. What are some of those songs and who they do remind you of? If there's a specific reason, why does it remind you of that person? I'm currently listening to this song and it reminds me of @[member="ShiroLugia"] because it's sweet-sounding and because I recently found out we both like Porter Robinson. https://open.spotify.com/track/786ymAh5BmHoIpvjyrvjXk Along with Porter's newest song "SHELTER" because we both watched and cried to that when it came out 2 days ago. This one reminds me of @[member="â€Bloomâ€"] because of 2 reasons. 1) We used to play OJ together and also talked about Sora a couple times. 2) Sora's appearance on the art in the video reminds me of Bloom's irl appearance (plus her kawaiiness). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65oP1iGTuGg This one reminds me of my irl best friend because I believe he showed me this song, and then I forgot and rediscovered it months later and then showed him lol. Plus we both really like Red Hot Chili Peppers https://open.spotify.com/track/1ndGB6rvxKYN9seCYO1dTF I have a whole list of songs that remind me of people but I'll keep the list short for now and post another bunch some other time.
The song "A Total Eclipse of The Heart" reminds me of @[member="Eclipse"] for obvious reasons. The song "Take on Me" (Which I really like) reminds me of the Pokémon character N because a long time ago, I saw a flipnote made by somebody with N singing that song.
The song "Alphabet Boy" by Melanie Martinez reminds me of this boy i used to go to school with. He always used to tease people because he thought he was smarter than them. I was just thinking about how glad I am that he moved.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsORX6sKt-k This song reminds me of this girl I once worked with in an office. I don't even know why, timing I think plays a part because this song was relatively new then and I was listening to this album a lot. She came across as kind of cold and unfriendly but once I got to know her I found she was a nice person and we got along well, spent time together outside of work once or twice but had very little in common. Haven't retained contact with her, no idea what she's doing these days.
that country song "you should be here" reminds me of your pappy a lot. I was young when he died so I didn't get to know him as well as I would have liked and I miss him.
This song reminds me of @[member="Maantijger"] because he got into the Christmas spirit this year far too early. >_> But it's Christmas now, so it's okay. REJOICE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXQViqx6GMY
My Heart Will Go On! This song reminds me of my love! Also, the voice of Celine Dion is superpowerful!
One of my favorite songs and definitely one that has a special place in my heart is I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys. The lyrics pretty much describe my relationship spot-on, and I can't think of anyone who sounds better than the Backstreet Boys.
The song Partners In Crime reminds me of my friend, since we randomly found out we both liked it. Also, it reminds me of our RP games. Fun times. The song Tag, You're It is also pretty nostalgic for me, since I was introduced to it and then immediately got addicted to all Melanie's work. #MissingNo
I have this as my ringtone for my Mom. Nintendo helped to begin healing the rift between us, and it all started... with Mario. Who thought that a genocidal sociopath would be able to bring families back together? XD