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Turn yourself into a Pokemon!

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by Jeydis, Dec 14, 2024.

  1. Jeydis

    Jeydis Getting cozy

    Level 42
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    I went browsing through some old forums I used to go to as a kid and I found this old topic there and it seemed kinda fun!

    This is not "what Pokémon would you be", this topic is to make a whole new species of Pokémon based on yourself! Here is a form you can use as a basis, feel free to add or remove fields as you go.

    Species Name: Essentially your name here.
    Species Classification: The ______ Pokémon.

    Pokédex Entry: Essentially flavor text. Write one or two sentences about yourself as a Pokémon here. Like, "___ are often found in small caves, shying away from society."

    Typing: What type are you?
    Abilities: Your ability. You can make up one specific ability for yourself if you wish, and you can have two abilities to choose plus a Hidden ability, like in the games.

    Base Stats: Your base statistics.

    Movepool: Give yourself the moves you would learn via level up! Simply list the level and the move you would learn then.

    Here is my entry from back in 2014... I made myself really annoying to play against:
    Species Name: Jeydis
    Species Classification: The Channeller Pokémon
    Pokédex Entry:
    This Pokémon channels the aura of other Pokémon to replicate their movement and attacks. It loves to confuse trainers by imitating other Pokémon in battle.

    Typing: Normal/Ghost

    Abilities: Protean/Adaptability/Moody (Hidden)

    Base Stats:
    Veteran (540-600)
    HP: 85
    Attack: 90
    Defense: 90
    Special Attack: 130
    Special Defense: 110
    Speed: 95
    TOTAL: 600

    Level-Up Movepool:
    - Transform
    - Snatch
    - Copycat
    - Lick
    - Tail Whip
    Lvl 4 - Astonish
    Lvl 7 - Hypnosis
    Lvl 12 - Fury Swipes
    Lvl 16 - Feint Attack
    Lvl 21 - Magic Coat
    Lvl 24 - Fake Out
    Lvl 29 - Pursuit
    Lvl 33 - Substitute
    Lvl 38 - Shadow Sneak
    Lvl 41 - Glare
    Lvl 46 - Shadow Ball
    Lvl 49 - Will-O-Wisp
    Lvl 52 - Trick
    Lvl 54 - Hex

    TMs and HMs:
    TM01 - Hone Claws
    TM06 - Toxic
    TM10 - Hidden Power
    TM12 - Taunt
    TM17 - Protect
    TM21 - Frustration
    TM29 - Psychic
    TM32 - Double Team
    TM35 - Flamethrower
    TM41 - Torment
    TM44 - Rest
    TM45 - Attract
    TM46 - Thief
    TM49 - Echoed Voice
    TM52 - Focus Blast
    TM60 - Quash
    TM66 - Payback
    TM77 - Psych Up
    TM85 - Dream Eater
    TM87 - Swagger
    TM97 - Dark Pulse
    TM99 - Dazzling Gleam

    I'll probably work on a 2024 entry a bit later.
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