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Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by LassusVulpes, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. LassusVulpes

    LassusVulpes Eclipse Holder

    (Giratina (Origin))
    Level 56
    Sep 2, 2017
    Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Wow, a Pokémon based RP from Lassus? How rare. I just have the time now, especially with how things are playing. This is a concept i've wanted to try, and it's Pokémon based. Instead of the normal "Wooo, we're goin on an adventure! Oh wow look at this cool town!" This is using Pokémon to its fullest. The bloodthirst, the satisfaction of a hunt, the primal instincts of one's true self.

    This story will contain blood, and topics suited to only those 14+ , as it'll handle Pokémon hunting one another for food, and also dominance of the food chain. Our main goal, is to be at the top of the food chain. This is one of those Rp's where cooperation is a "Sure we can, ORrrrr We can kill one another."

    In the RP, you can die. And most likely will, until you find a Pokémon strong enough for the top of the food chain. You'll have to do knowledge and understand a Pokémon to be able to live in this chaotic world. One misplay and you're back to creation. However Violence may not always be the answer, and you can have a chance at perhaps making a civilization?

    Legendary / Ancient Pokémon are not allowed! They're merely myths in this world, and will never take place here.

    All Pokémon generations are at play, so you can be a charmander, or you can be whatever the new Cat started Pokémon is named, idk, idc.

    Have you the skills to break the chain, or bring peace to the world?
    = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    "Look at me Algor, look into my cold eyes." A deep male voice boomed and echoed. Repeating through the sparse trees. You could hear the Starleys and Staraptors taking flight, knowing fully well what was to come.

    "You are but a mere pebble under my paw, and no one will remember you." A canine paw pushed onto the soft body of a Whimsicott. The Whimsicott's heart pounding, eyes dancing around from left to right to try and understand what was happening.

    Saliva dampened its cotton as it stared into the mouth of a Houndooms's closing jaw

    "For a creature named after such a sullen tale, I expected a fight." the Houndoom licked its grayed lips

    "Maltov, you really need to stop praying on the weak. It's cowardice, and in bad taste."

    The houndoom turned and scoffed. "Sure , like you're one to talk." looking at another Houndoom whose horns curved back like knives.

    "I'm the leader of this pack, and I decide what's best. You're nothing but a dead weight if you keep the unnecessary killings!" Snarling at the pup lower than it. With a sigh the lower pup hops up to the same level only to be pushed back down, sliding down the rough landscape. Tumbling over itself before slamming into a flat piece of the cliff that poked out.

    It looked up to where it once stood to see the leader glaring down at its weakened body. "You were only dead weight now that I think of it. You're nothing to this pack and are to be left out to die."

    The leader turned as Maltov's breath slowly damped out, before silence. It's body picked up by a Corveknight to be plucked apart. Not even a bone scrap left of it.

    The animal world is truly a cruel landscape, of betrayal and brutal killings. Fight for yourself or die to try and help the world. You can decide to be at the top of the chain, and dominate all below you and win the world for yourself? Or try and build a spare civilization for all Pokémon to live in comfort? That is something for you to pick. Each of us has a different tale in this world, and you build your own story .

    = - =

    Instead of the traditional "oooh guys we're all gonna work together and kill this baddie, and make the world a better place and better ourselves! In this RP, we can decide to never once work with one another.

    Your Pokémon can die very easily by the world's fate. And how this RP will work is instead of "Yeah lemme make a character, let the rp leader pick how things'll be led." You'll be writing your own pages to your own story, however we can interfere with one another's stories. Meaning you get to decide what your region is like, and how it's run.

    TO ADD SPICE TO IT, TO MAKE SURE NO ONE PLAYS TO SAFE OR VIOLENT! I will allow us each to be able to each page, decide a random event to happen onto another player. Meaning say on page 4 *grabbing a random personn..* Neb is playing it very safe and making sure that he doesn't get into any altercations with another tribe near them that they put. Oop Kecleon just said |And a wild Pokémon decides to attack Neb's tribe in the middle of the night. Making him lose a stock pliage of food.| Forcing Neb to have to now scavenge for more food.

    Oh no! While Neb was out looking for food a wild Hydreigon vaporized him. And now he makes a new Pokémon to be as, or picks another one from his tribe. *kinda like spore, if you die in spore you just become one of your offspring, however in this you can become another Pokémon you've already built*

    1. When you're doing your random event on another person, it must be structured like this
    | {Name}, *random thing* by a {event}

    these can be natural disasters, Pokémon encounters, shortages, a cross invasion from another region.

    2. Don't go after another player because they did something to your land. Say you had a shortage, work around your shortage. Don't insult or flame other people over their actions. Life's cruel , so is this.

    3. Legendaries and Mythicals are not allowed to be used! They're mere myths of this world.

    4. Don't make your Pokémon dodge death like it dances with it. Accept death or i'll have no choice but to |*Name has suffered a heart failure and explodes*|

    5. Don't be a Tyrant to other regions without fair use. Meaning say you rule the forest, don't go to the tundra one day and act like you own it. Without any sort of war / open borders with the tundra.

    6. YOU CAN BE REMOVED FROM THE RP IF YOU LOSE EVERYTHING, AND ALL REGIONS ARE TAKEN! HOWEVER, after death you can pick events to still happen, however you'll have no control over any Pokémon.

    You're a wild Pokémon who has to live in the wild, each person has their own region to pick from. And a story to write. Each death will allow you to make a new perspective of the news of your Pokémon's death. You can either be a peaceful keeper of lands, or a vengeful warmonger. This is a living breathing world where each member has a choice. Even at times of peace you still are allowed to mess with one another, to spice things up.

    You will have to have a complete understanding of your Pokémon. So I recommend reading their Pokédex entries, and finding out how to use them to the best of their ability to live in the wild.

    You'll gain experience each post you make, meaning the more you post the stronger your current Pokémon will get.

    (Remove ()'s)


    Level (Be reasonable):


    Region you're in command of:

    We each have a land to control and write a story of, Wherever you pick you'll rule. Make sure each Pokémon you make is habitable in those lands. You can't have Slugma in a tundra, that's just cruel. As it'd be best for a compact mountainous area with volcanic areas.

    Forest | Has lots of trees, but few Pokémon. However the few Pokémon that live here are ferocious and will kill without any second thought.

    Forest2 | Lots of berries and few Carnivores, however not much resources other than food.

    Forest3 | The trees are starting to die here, not much lives here nor grows here. It's a sullen location with not much to it. Their main use is ease of charcoal and getting non living resources.

    Mountains | Tall arching mountains that make the wind boom, not allowing for flying Pokémon to live here. However the wind pushes light weight Pokémon off easily as well. Not much for resources, but lots of shelter from the weather through its caves.

    Mountains2 | Lots of rocks, and not much form to it, seems to have been an ocean at one point however through time and gods it's dried up. And is now a bunch of rounded rocks and pebbles. lots of rocky resources and loose terrain to fight in. As well as meat for carnivores.

    Mountains3 | A forested mountain that constantly has snow atop of it. A cold region that best supplies carnivorous flyers. Lots of wood, not much berries or stable ground.

    Tundra | Ice capped, not many trees, however lots of Pokémon. The snow is abundant and never stops.

    Tundra 2| a forested tundra with sweet berries, however the strongest carnivores live here. The weather calms down near summer time but has rough winters.

    Desert| Sands o' plenty, has cacti along with an oasis allowing for water consumption.

    Desert 2 | More sand, less Cacti, but a long flowing river that cuts in half. Lush and lively around the rivers, not much else around.

    - more when i think of more regions, this'll do for now.

    You'll not be able to change your region you rule, however you CAN, take over other regions through conflict or deals.


    Level : 17

    Pokémon; Cinccino

    Region you're in command of: Forest3

    Let the call of the wild fuel your desires, and let the world know your name!
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. LassusVulpes

    LassusVulpes Eclipse Holder

    (Giratina (Origin))
    Level 56
    Sep 2, 2017
    Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    After some discussions on the discord it’s been agreed on that a demo post of how the RP would work is wanted. Should say Each post is 1/3 of a day, meaning 1st is dawn, 2nd is afternoon, 3rd is night. *Sometimes a fourth will come up for special events.

    this will be a demo on the event per page thing (I need a name for it, someone suggest something)

    |Gehs land suffers from a Tier 2 earthquake .

    |You’ve had a wild Pokémon attack your encampment while you slept, you’ve lost some food as well as resources.

    Day 89 | Haldor | Weather: Clear | 84° | Summer ≈|

    Waking up at the beginning of dawn the Emolga checked it’s supplies. A good portion of the food supply is missing and some logs. "Around twenty berries, and 10 logs. What'll the people do..? We don't have much jaw strength to deal with predators..."

    ⌠27/100 Food|30/75 Water|4/5 Workers|2/2 Builders|17 Population|78/100 Faith, 38 Defense.⌡
    -28 Food(-17 Daily Consumption,11 Stolen), -10 Water(Daily Consumption), -1 Worker(Haldor) -20 Faith from being raided last night). -5 Defense (Raid).

    Floating around the encampment only small herbivores living around. Running into a Timburr she instructs it to collect more logs due to the recent invasion. Supplying resources is a must, as without logs she cannot set up walls. The flimsy wooden spikes will not hold off large scale invasions.

    Looking at the damage of the invasion, a hole was bitten through the side gates. A canines bloodied cavity infected tooth stuck in the post. Gray fur stuck to the sides of the post. The emolga examined the damage before floating to the campfire.

    Dropping a bag of copper dust into the fire making it illuminate green the Emolga flew above.

    "Attention all! I'm fully aware of the events from the night prior! I will do my best as your leader to fix all the wrong doing! I ask only for your patience and perseverance! Now, onto today's work."

    Snivy - Berry Collection
    Farfetch'd - *Off, Haldor | Day of rest |
    Meganium - Berry Collection
    Timburr - Log Collection
    Ariados - Defense

    As the Pokémon disbursed the few at camp they got to work at their responsibilities of keeping everything up tight. Builders waiting for instruction, tent carers making sure dinner was prepped for the day. Emolga flew around talking to a few members before instructing the builders.

    "I think we need some sort of quest board, to get some exploration done. And some motivation. Please construct it near the campfire if you may."

    The simisage grunted and picked up a log from the supply chest and got to work

    |Quest Board - 2 Days till Completion|

    “Heya captain! Got any news for us?” a kirlia called out to the leader. “Afraid the supply tent got raided last night . Not too much can be done unfortunately." The capt sighed. "We'll be making more defenses once the fleet comes back. Until then we can only wait."

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