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Suggestion Valor Dex posts.

Discussion in 'Support Hub' started by Sethal, Aug 25, 2018.

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  1. Sethal

    Sethal Vibing to OST

    (Alolan Vulpix)
    Level 1
    Nov 12, 2017
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    It's the same problem from a previous thread made by @DemonicKraken, only with the posts.
    It'd be nice if they also wouldn't appear in the 'New Posts section'.
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  2. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
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    Can I ask why this would be nice? They're already limited as is and people don't mass post there anymore. This could happen in the Games Corner too.
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  3. Vigilance

    Vigilance once here, now gone

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    Personal opinion: I think it's fine as it is. Sometimes I go on a posting spree and hit like 20 topics in the Q&A section so once we start removing valor dex posts from the list, anyone can make an argument about removing other sections.

    I'll leave it to Ben to weigh in after you answer his question :D Thanks for taking the time to drop us some feedback though!
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  4. Sethal

    Sethal Vibing to OST

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    The thing is that, if I'm right, threads and posts get into that section. Even if they're not mass posted anymore,it is still a lot in my opinion. That could annoy the people who don't use the catcher system, because the Valor Dex is only about the catcher, not like the Game Corner.
  5. Chicken

    Chicken Cringe Overlord

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    I don’t think it would be a good idea to “annoy” people with the ValorDex section, as that would lead to it being removed from the New Posts section again.
    Anyways, the ValorDex is often spammy, just like how the Game Corner is. By spammy, I mean there’s a lot of threads being posted at the same time. This could be annoying for people who want to find a proper discussion, or are just not interested in the Pokémon shown in general, which leads back to the first paragraph.

    I’m not a mod or an admin, so I’m probably your least reliable source, unless you think my points are actually (half)decent.
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  6. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in your Boot

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    I don't really see a reason to remove them from the newest posts feed, we should remove all Q&A posts too since people raiding those is not uncommon and not everyone cares about the Q&A, this could be said for a lot of the sections really.
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  7. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
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    I do see your point about them being not really discussions, but a few extra points:
    1. Threads in the Game Corner aren't discussions either, for the most part.
    2. Q&A posts are more likely to consume that area than any other section.
    3. It might annoy someone who doesn't use the Catcher system, but I would hope they could understand that it is our main niche and attraction.
    I'm still a bit torn. Maybe there is an alternative solution. I'll keep thinking because some good points have been raised.
  8. Sethal

    Sethal Vibing to OST

    (Alolan Vulpix)
    Level 1
    Nov 12, 2017
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    I've an idea, it's probably a bad one, but still.

    How about only the Field Reports get shown? You need for them more creativity than for sightings. Also they're not spammed like the sightings.
    I think, the main problem with the sightings is, that nobody really needs them -
    If I'd like to know a location of a Pokémon, I'd look in the 'real' ValorDex, and won't search in the threads/posts.
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