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Video Games (well just games) meant for Learning.

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by sohrob101, Apr 6, 2015.

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  1. sohrob101

    sohrob101 Destiny Draw!

    Oct 7, 2014
    Now as we grew up, we have most likely stumbled upon a few of those learning style games. I'm talking about "Put-Put", "Reader Rabbit", and many more learning based video game characters for kids. I remember one huge fun game was Math Circus, it was a pre-installed video game learning program (at my school) with all these fun random mini games. Sometimes I feel that these learning game sparked my interest in gaming to be honest.

    What is your fondest Memory with these learning based Video games? Which one was your Favorite? Did you learn anything from playing these games, since they are in fact meant to teach kids while making sure they still have fun.
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  2. Nator

    Nator Banned

    Oct 22, 2014
    I just remember some underwater, scuba diver learning-based game, and some other game that involved a roller coaster & theme park. These were computer games in school, and for some reason, people actually liked these learning based games. I found the scuba diving based game boring... the entire game was underwater; I think that's why. The theme park one had weird glitches going on all the time where if you clicked in the wrong spot, it would reset the entire game and you'd have to sit through the ridiculous intro again. I do not remember the name of either of these games, nor was I really fascinated by any learning based games. This likely stems from the fact that I wasn't introduced to very many as a child to begin with. To be fair though, technology was kind of limited back then... We're talking Windows 95 and Windows 98 technology.
  3. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    I used to have some learning games on the N64 back in the day. They were Sesame Street games (marketing ploy!) and they were alright, I guess. I mean, it was nothing that I didn't already know at the age of 5.
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  4. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    I don't like the concept, but how are kids going to learn these days, with GTA?
    I've played some myself when I was younger, such as Dora, but now if you count Rosetta stone a game, I'm playing Rosetta stone as well.
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