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Wanderlust, the obligatory travel thread

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by BlackSmithy, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. BlackSmithy

    BlackSmithy Memelord Supreme

    Naked Boi
    (Burmy (Cloakless))
    Level 1
    Jun 29, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Staff of VerityPhilosopher's CowlCrown of Valor
    I’ve always been a fan of traveling, even within the United States. While I’m still young and have yet to travel extensively, it’s always fun to talk about places you want to go. So, what are a few places you guys would like to travel to?

    I’ve made a list:

    1. Japan (Shhh I'm not a weeb)
    2. UK (I enjoyed Scotland so much I actually wanna go back...)
    3. Spain (Because I heard it rains in spain)
    4. France (Obligatory baguette reference)
    5. Egypt (The pyramids are on my bucket list)
    6. Tanzania (as sure as kilimanjaro rises like olympus over the serengeti)

    ...there are more but if I had to name them all I’d probably be here for another hour.
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  2. RadEmpoleon

    RadEmpoleon certified EPIC Gamer™ (they/them)

    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 2
    Jun 4, 2018
    Comet Shard ★★★★Poké Doll ★★
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  3. Moonstruck-Mist

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 35
    Feb 2, 2017
    1. Wales. I've heard the island of Wales is quite the nice vacation spot if you want to hear boats and be away from the mainland.
    2. Greenland. I know that its name is ironic, but visiting the largest island in the world is a must for me.
    3. Nagasaki, Japan. Historical matters of course. It was one of two cities nuked, and I feel maybe visiting would tell me a little about it.
    4. Netherlands. I don't know why, but I just want to. It sounds like a fun place, honestly.
    5. Rome, Italy. This is more personal than anything, but I want to visit the Roman Coliseum. I just get the feeling I need to.
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