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We Are Family

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Bubbles, Jan 20, 2015.

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  1. Bubbles

    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 14
    Jun 10, 2014
    Mewnium Z  ★★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Heart Scale ★★
    Family is a very big and important concept in life. Some of us have big families, some small. Whether they are by real life relations or by ultimate friendships, what do you consider as family? Are you family or friend oriented? How many siblings do you have? How has growing up with your family affected your life? No family is perfect, but they sometimes posses the basis of who you are as a person. Do you consider certain individuals as family for a particular reason? What quality is the difference between friend and family? Remember to be respectful of the opinion of others to achieve a full perspective of the topic. :)
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  2. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    I think we choose our family. Just because someone is blood related to you doesn't mean they have some special privilege to you, especially if they are abusive.
    Personally, I only have two people I think of as my family, and no one else. My "actual" biological family, save for my mother and grandfather, treated me horribly, so in my opinion they are not my family.
  3. Almandine-G

    Almandine-G All Men Are Equal

    (Odd Egg)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    Mmm, I agree with Hakuryuu there, we choose who our family is, whether through blood or not. For the most part, my family through blood have actually treated me well throughout my life. They've always supported my choices, and always treated me like a human being. I couldn't imagine life without them.

    But the person I'm closest to is my brother. He's one of few people I can truly relate to. I've known him my whole life, and whilst we have a few tiffs every now and then, for the most part we get on well. I couldn't live without him. If something ever happened to him... I don't even want to go there.

    But I feel privileged to have my family. I respect my parents for who they are, and will always cherish my family. And when I say family, I include LV in that. Because this community has made me feel welcome, and truly feels like part of my family. Granted, being a massive family at that.
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  4. Nator

    Nator Banned

    Oct 22, 2014

    a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
    b. The children of one of these groups: She raised a large family.
    c. A group of persons related by descent or marriage: My whole family, including my cousins, gets together once a year. See

    That said, my family tends to be very distant, excluding a select few. I'm one to have few close friends than a bunch of distant ones. Whether you be family of friend in the end, our bond depends on our overall chemistry. I like you or I don't. However, I always give benefit of the doubt before getting to know a person.
  5. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    I pick family. For me, my family and I get along pretty well. Even if we haven't talked in a while, we never run out of things to say or do. We're really close and nothing is considered awkward. However, I pretty much consider my brother's best friend as part of the family nowadays considering they're are always at my house hanging out. Sometimes they make food for us too. Pretty rad friend my brother. Pretty rad.
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  6. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    Definitely going to have to agree that we choose. I consider the people of LV my second family, haha. You guys are all awesome. =w=

    As for my irl family, it's pretty small actually. I don't know a lot of extended family, so most of who I consider to be, well, family, are my parents and their significant others, as well as my grandparents that live pretty close. I either haven't met my extended family or haven't seen them in a long long time, so I dont really consider them as part of my own family, but rather the family of my relatives.
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  7. Crest

    Crest Hex Maniac

    (Articuno Egg)
    Level 5
    Jan 3, 2013
    My family in real life is moderately large; I have twelve great aunts and uncles on my mom's side alone, as well as their children, cousins, etc. My dad's side is much smaller, but I never see them (or my father himself) and don't know them very well. I have a younger half-brother on that side, who I've yet to meet in person. As far as who I actually consider family, though...

    Only my friends and communities like these, pretty much! I've never been very close to any of my irl family members, and unfortunately it's because of how they treat me - and other people like me - on a regular basis. I've lived with just my mom and older brother (and as of currently, my grandmother) for my entire life. But they're all very outgoing and chatty people, while I'm extremely introverted and don't mesh very well with any relatives besides my brother. My family members are the types who assume that anyone who is quiet and doesn't talk much must have something "wrong" with them because of their lack of knowledge about introversion and social preferences, so I've attracted a lot of ire for being the way I am.. I prefer friends to family because they always understand what I go through, never judge or poke fun at me for having struggles with school and life, and are always waiting for me with open arms when I need them. I feel less awkward when go to confide in them for any reason, which makes it easier to get things off of my chest instead of holding it in all the time. It makes me feel appreciated, and I always try my best to return kindness in any way I can! I genuinely do consider friends - as well as every friendly face or helpful individual in a community - true family.
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  8. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    I consider different groups to be different kinds of families. I have my home family, which is who I live with (including pets); my extended family (everyone I'm related to by blood), my church family, and my families on various internet sites (like LV). The last two are almost synonymous with community, but they have a deeper meaning than that because of how well I know everyone.
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  9. Halcyon Storm

    Halcyon Storm Joking motive

    Level 11
    Sep 25, 2013
    First of all, I only know anything about my mother's side of the family. We never talked about my father, as he broke all contacts with his family himself when he left the house. As for my mother's family... Well, my grandfather has twelve brothers/sisters, so it gets really confusing from there. We have a lot of contact with my uncle/aunt and my grandparents, but that's where it ends pretty much.

    And yes, I personally do consider Lake Valor to be my second family. You all mean a lot to me, and I feel like I'm a real part of this community. I'm glad to be here :D
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  10. DIO


    Legendary Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 12
    Sep 14, 2014
    My family as a whole is very large. It's not so bad when it's just the closest members, aka my parents' siblings, their spouses, my cousins, and my grandparents, but beyond that, WOW. SO. MANY. PEOPLE. Like I legitly forget who these people are and how I'm related to them, especially extended family on my dad's side, who we rarely see.

    Due to how I was raised, family is very important to me. My parents, brother, and grandparents are all very dear to me and it especially scares me that I'm so far away from home even as my grandparents advance in age. :(

    To me, there's a very big difference between friends and family, even the closest of friends. Really the only people I'm not related to that I consider to be honorary family members is my roommate and his family, aka my family's best friends.

    Honestly, I don't know how to describe the community of LV. It feels like the community is much more dear to me than most friends, but at the same time I don't really consider anyone family. I'm at a loss as to what to call you guys.
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  11. Phantom of Music

    Jan 17, 2015
    I have a tight-knit family, especially on dad's side. But oh lord we have so many cousins no one I ask knows the exact number!I feel like I have more of a connection with dad's side as well.
    I would consider Lake Valor my second family, of course I would!
    No one here is mean or distrusting like most people I know, and you all are much more tolerable than my family! Especially my sister *looks over at the doorway to see her picking up my guitar* TOBI! Don't touch my guitar!
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  12. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    I consider family someone by blood, that I can share anything with, and friend's who've gained my trust as well. I treat them like I would my siblings, and they've treated me as their family as well. I'd consider some intrenet friends family as well, but there's not many of them~
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