Welcome to Lake Valor. We have a lot of things here, from art to writing, we have a lot. The mods and admins are willing to help. Hope to see you around the Lake! See you later! Eee Hee Hee! Warps out
Nope, not a cool person in sight here. Sorry. I couldn't say for sure if you've come to the right place if you're just looking for 'cool' people - I mean, there's a few, but that's not all that's here - so perhaps you're looking for something more. Short, sweet, and to the point, but how'd you find us? A referral? Google? Boredom? A guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy's cousin? Regardless of how you reached here, we're glad to have you.
Welcome to the lake! Glad to have ya joining us! I can't wait to get to know you. Make yourself at home here!
Hi and welina to Lake Valor! If you have any questions or unsure of what to do around here, feel free to ask me or anyone else here. See ya around
Hiya, welcome to LV! It's great to have you here. That's pretty cool of you to stop by and say hello to everyone too. Hope you enjoy your stay!