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What is your happy place?

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by BiohazardSr, Sep 23, 2015.

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  1. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    What do you do to help you write? What do you do to prepare in other words. Do you make sure to eat first? What's the area around you like? Do you have to bribe yourself to get motivated? What do you do when you're stuck? Any of these questions, feel free to answer. Or talk about other things you do to help you write.

    I'm beginning to see how my writing area is stern doing my poetry. I like to be in my bed with the bedside lamp on and the fan to keep things cool. The most important thing though is that there needs to be a certain level and type of noise. I like rain, my cat purring, and other things like the cargo planes on the runway, tere just needs to be noise
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  2. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    When writing I'm always at my desk, because that's where my computer is. I don't have too much of a choice for location in that regard, though occasionally I will scribble down notes on my laptop should that arise.
    I suppose ingesting nutrition beforehand helps, or at least having a water bottle nearby. However I can't actually write until an idea strikes, which may take a ludicrously long while, as much like weather, the brainstorms come and go.
    Thankfully I tend to write those ideas down right away when I get them, so that even if I don't fully act on them right away, they will be there when needed.

    As for noise levels, just like any other work or concentration I do, noise must be minimal. I can't even listen to calming music, as music is known to destroy my train of thought (I listen to music to help me sleep, for example, so my thoughts will stop rattling about my brain).
  3. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    I try to write well-fed and caffeinated. I mean, I try to do everything caffeinated (even sleep caffeinated sometimes), but it's especially important when I write. (I tell you, once they invent the caffeine IV-drip...)

    I have two happy places involved in making literature: my idea place and my writing place.

    My idea place is usually my car or at work when I have downtime. In those two situations, I can turn my task-oriented concentration down to about 50% and use the other 50% to figure out my next literary move. A logical next step, a clever title, a way to get un-stuck. Plus, in those situations, I tend to have plenty of new stimulus all around me: conversation and decoration and inspiration. I just can't write or type while doing those things, which brings me to my next point.

    My writing place is either at my desk computer or lounging in bed on my laptop. On one hand, my music is all on my desktop, and my XBone controller turned- music remote control won't work when my screensaver comes on, so I really can't listen to music from bed if I want to adjust the volume or skip a track at all. On the other hand, the bed is way more comfortable than the desk. Either I need non-vocal music of my usual varieties, or total silence. Heck, I was writing a foreword for my next big chapter fifteen minutes ago and Theophany's rendition of Majora's Wrath came on and I couldn't even write that from the emotional overload. And it was just a foreword! Silence or usual, non-vocal non-emotionally evocative music.

    So here would be my ideal setting for writing: Saturday morning after a not-terrible work week, sitting at my bedroom desk, breakfast food in my belly and coffee in my cup (black as night, hot as the sun, and strong as love). Lights off and blackout curtains drawn. Writing in DarkRoom (solid black fullscreen except for text, no blazing-bright white in my eyes) with some ambient varied-subgenre non-vocal metal in my ears (free from places like Newgrounds, BandCamp, and OCRemix). That's the stuff.
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