For those who no longer attend school/college/university?: What kind of student were you? For those who still attend school/college/university: What kind of student are you currently? The nerdy one? The one that keeps to themselves mostly? Feel free to interpret the question as you'd like (that goes for both groups).
I'm the introverted nerdy band kid with straight As that hangs out with other introverted nerdy band kids with straight As.
I was a introvert with undiagnosed autism and depression-leading to bad social cues and understandings. I tried to branch out in highschool however either due to 1. people ignoring me or 2. parents couldn't afford/drive me to events all the time I ended up unable to do much. I DID get into a Spanish Club and had a strong bond with the Spanish Teacher during the last 2 years of highschool. My grades and tardy marks weren't the best until senior year. Math was my worst subject, and I'm just really freaking slow. My slow movements are a issue still, post-highschool. The few friends I had were good close friends, and I keep some touch with them on Facebook.
I feel like, at least when I was in high school, I was always the person that sat by themselves. I was also a massive procrastinator so my grades really suffered because of that. Now as a college student, I take my grades extremely seriously and make sure to participate in extracurricular activities whenever I'm able to.
Normally, when going to a new school with new people, I'm a socially awkward mess. But once I get a few friends and get my own social circle, I become a pretty chill person. Alone, I feel powerless and awkward. But once I get a few friends, I feel like I can do a lot of things.
I'm an introvert band student that makes A's and B's, that is also a slight procrastinator. Sure, I had a few people/friends that I talked to, but I never talk to them outside of school. I just went to school talked to friends if I see them and then go home when school lets out or if I have band practice, go to that and then go home.
I'm not sure if this is quite common, but I'm an VERY DISBEHAVED extrovert with the highest grades of the batch. Is that common? IDK xaxaxa
I did well when it came to my grades, though I didn't try to. I just did what was asked, and got nearly perfect grades because of it. I was always really confused whenever other people would get impressed by the work that I did, because I thought that I was just doing what was expected. I had a really hard time when it came to socializing with others though. When I was in school I was referred to as the quiet yet dangerous one. I wasn't exactly shy, just quiet. I didn't talk to people, and didn't pay much attention when they talked to me. If they actually bothered me though, they would be met with my deadliest glare and a few sharp words. I got into quite a bit of trouble with the other students because of it.
Well,I am the guy who often talks a lot and sometime just sit on my own. Have few to no friends.Always do things on my own.
Most of the time, I see myself as a lazy student who only does the bare minimum. In reality, I'm the kind of student who does what needs to be done no matter what that may be. If I say it needs to get done, it gets done. This mentality is what's allowed me to have exceptional grades in HS and College. Usually though, I always see how I could do more and just don't because I'm lazy. I could be the class genius if I put in the work, but I don't want to put in the work and am okay with being just above average. Socially, I'm easy to approach. I don't have a lot of friends and I don't want a lot of friends. Compared to my colleges, I'm rather extroverted, but I'm still very introverted and quite to most. I love being in silence. I don't really like to think about HS because back then I shunned everyone in order to avoid the potential social pressures that High School friends brought. I was young and naive. Edit: I never studied in HS and got A's on all the important tests. Remember how I said I do the bare minimum? Well this where that comes from. I don't study and I get close to acing. If I actually studied, I would get perfect but I don't care that much. That mentality changed in college. I had to start studying to pass the exams. Although the studying I did is extremely light compared to other college students, I still get above average on exams.
I'm a total introverted nerd. However, I do participate in a number of more artistic activities around campus (dance and choir), and I'm in a sorority. Grades are rather important to me though they're not my entire life, and I don't enjoy seeing the scattered B's from last year on my report card.
I'm still in high school as of right now. I've always had fairly decent grades, and I never really studied because I could do great by just doing what was expected. I kind of hit my first roadblock in grade 10 after flunking a math test completely. I realized that there were some things I would have to go the extra mile for and that I'd need to start developing good study habits. That lesson has really helped me this year, and my marks have been spectacular. When it comes to marks, I really don't like to see anything less than my best work. Socially, I've got a fair amount of friends divided among various social circles. I'd consider myself almost a "background" character in school life: not really standing out but still there. I don't participate in many extracurriculars mostly because my school really lacks anything that I would find interesting. At my school, if you're not playing sports or music, you're pretty much out of luck. I used to participate in the school si club, but I missed out this year because I signed up late. Hoping I can join again next year if my courses aren't too heavy.
are teacher's pets still a thing cause like I remember during one of my electives that was the entire reason I passed that class. not even ashamed of it.
Introverted who kept to themselves, throughout the majority of my schooling days for the most part haha. I was extremely outgoing and extroverted up until junior high and then puberty hit and all that just....faded. Not really a teacher's pet or anything but definitely quiet with a select few people I could call friends and feel more comfortable around. ='p
I was a fusion between the student who keeps to themselves and draws a lot, and the student who's able to get good grades without studying until senior year when they start to fail because they don't know how to study. If you know an abridged version of either of those names, please do tell me Since I wasn't too good at making friends, I'd do a lot of drawing. And because I used to always get good marks without studying, I never felt the need to learn how until my very last year. Come to think of it, I was also that student who started every task as late as humanely possible. It's a miracle I survived until graduation...
I was one of those annoying students who did as little work as possible, but still managed to graduate with decent grades. I don't think that my course mates at university liked me all that much...
I'm a very mediocre student. I've never failed a class until junior year though, but i was always very average. Didn't have great or horrible grades. My senior year was my best year academically. I'm a very vocal, extroverted person- students and teachers alike know my name, or at least, my face. I talk to my teachers often, and if they get on my nerves, I let them know. I'm the class clown, I crack jokes all the time, things like that. I'm pretty much a delinquent, haha.
I was one of those students that hated school and failed a lot of classes because I didn't study enough. I though being there was a waste of time, especially in my later years, so I didn't see any point in getting high grades. The only subjects I put effort into where Art and English because I liked them more than the others. For the most part I was introverted, but suprisingly I did have a decent amount of friends. About 20 or so in High School, more if you count the ones I had in my earlier years. Of course I have only kept in touch with about three of them since leaving, so yeah.
I'm the type of student that gets good grades, but not extremely high. Unlike most students, I actually liked Mathematics, along with other nerdy subjects. I'm introverted and I usually don't talk a lot, but I do answer any questions given by the teacher. My grades have been pretty consistent over the course of these few years. I had some friends and a few good friends. I wasn't popular nor hated.
I do my best to get my work done on time, and take breaks if things start getting too stressful. However, I do get plagued by the procrastination bug at times and it really kicks my butt. I get pretty decent grades and try to avoid any kinda math.