title! i’m curious i think in english, chinese, and japanese! it’s probably an equal amount of each what about you guys???
Since my primary language is English, my default 'thinking' language is English, though given the types of books I like to read the variant tends to be older than common American-English.
I only speak English, so it makes sense that I think in it. I think it would be amazing to be able to think in more than one language
I guess if we’re counting pictures as a language now, I do that too xD But anyway, because I interact in English so much on a daily basis, I now think mostly in English rather than Dutch, which is my first language. It’s like 60-40 but yeah, mostly English xD
Klingon. Occasionally. Usually when I'm half-asleep. English otherwise. Even when I was studying French in school I thought in English...probably why I was never any good at French. xD
Only French for most of my life, as it’s my native language, so I have a lot of vocabulary. But now that I speak better English, I started thinking in English.
I only speak English fluently, though I used to speak intermediate Spanish, French, and Latin; so English is my de facto language of thought. The thing is though, my thoughts are very verbal, I rarely think without mentally audible words. Which makes me wonder... does anyone here know (firsthand or otherwise) how Deaf self-perceive thoughts? It's so difficult for me to grasp since I'm so verbal.
I think in picture mostly but when I do think in words It's usually in english because I only know snippits of other languages.
I think in English, because its the only language I actually know. I've tried learning Spanish and Japanese in school, but I've never been able to pick up more than a few words of anything other than English.
You stated my thoughts so eloquently that I will not even bother to repeat them. On the whole image-thought thing, my mind operates very much like a computer or machine, so my thoughts will take the form of logical chains or connections, as I attempt to layer or construct everything together. Sometimes they will take the form of lists if it's a set of tasks I need to accomplish. Yes, they'll all be in English, but the shape of the thoughts varies vastly depending on circumstance. ...Speaking of which, that gives me an idea...
Sometimes I think in Filipino and sometimes I think in English. At rare times, I will think in Korean. It really depends on who I'm talking to, what I'm seeing at the moment, or what my mood is.
I only speak English, so I think in English. But I have caught myself using maybe a word or two of Spanish on occasion. It's usually tinged with sarcasm, though, because I've just had so many bad experiences learning Spanish that I can't get myself interested in the language anymore. At least I'm sort of learning it this year. (oh, and if Italian words that I learned from music count, sometimes I'll think about something slowing down as a ritardando. But it's only the one word.)