And by challenge I mean from just turning off Exp Share if we can, to a full nuzlocke even! As for me, I usually am very casual, but... idk, I just kinda really feel like trying a nuzlocke... maybe a simplified one? - After all, I've got some time before deciding
I think I'll at least attempt to nuzlocke them. If it ends up not going well, I'll just switch to a regular run.
casual first, definitely. i'd rather know the game before i start my nuzlocke, unless it's a randomizer nuzlocke but since this is going to be gen 8 i don't think we'll have our randomizers out for a while, especially on a switch title
I'll probably do a somewhat-casual blind playthrough of the game first, but catch only the first/newest Pokémon in each route (special priority to all the new Pokémon species, of course). Then on a second playthrough, I'll almost definitely do another proper nuzlocke challenge.
i've learned from Ultra Sun/Moon that you dont want to do blind nuzlockes. I'll probably still do a regular run, albeit without Exp. Share, and having battles to set like i normally do, and take some time to explore it. After all, since this would be on the switch, hopefully we can do seperate save files per account.
I’ll do it causally if I want to even buy the game. If you could walk with Pokémon then I’d give it way more thought.
While I like a good challenge run from time to time, I will definitely be playing casually through the first time. I want to truly experience the region and what it has to offer without worrying about a nuzlocke challenge or anything like that.
My first run through is just going to be a casual one, so that I can really get a feel for the game and experience all the new Pokémon. However, I will probably do a challenge (most likely playing using a single typing) on a future play through of the game.
Bold of you to assume I have a Switch But if I ever end up getting the games, I’m definitely doing a casual run. I’ve never done a nuzlocke and don’t plan on doing one.
Usually I do a casual run first, then try and challenge myself with a nuzlocke or something. I like to take my time with my first play through and really experience the region. I usually try and complete the Pokédex if possible as well.
I will play normally. I don't like to call it "casually" because I tend to focus on one game at a time and I will probably go for a living dex or I find the concept of "casual" and "hardcore" etc. ridiculous when there is only playing the game...but that's another topic for another thread. That I will probably make. Elsewhere. Yeah. But honestly I don't much care for the idea of self-imposed challenges in Pokémon games...amongst other things, I don't believe I should be doing the dev's work for them in making the game more difficult than it actually is. Plus I just don't have the time for it when I have something like 300 games on my backlog and more coming out this year besides that I want to play...and it's Pokémon; it's not that engaging, and drawing it out by setting rules for myself in how I play won't make it any more engaging. At least not for me. It's enough of a challenging just playing these things these days... I'll play it, put it down, and forget all about it the same way I have every Pokémon game.
I won't really be doing any sort of challenge for these games. Unless you count the fact that I'm going to try and completely avoid using any Pokémon that I don't already have (read: any Pokémon already available) and focus exclusively on new Pokémon. But that's just something I do with every new Generation of games.
After recording so many challenge runs for other Pokémon forums, I feel burnt out. Once Sword and Shield release I’ll turn off the exp share and just try to make the most balanced team I can. It’s what I did on Moon version and it turned out to be a lot of fun.
I like playing the games normally first, and if I like them, I play through them again but in a challenge. So thats what I'll do for this game tbh.
I like to play new games casually first, and then when I'm ready to play again I'll do a Nuzlocke. It lets me enjoy a region as much as I want before I try it in a new way.
I like to play the newer games as a challenge at first to try new Pokémon with new mechanics. If my interest in competitive peaks again I would then use that game to go back and catch/raise what I needed or would get the other version to do so and reset the challenge one over and over for nuzlockes and the like.
I always play a normal run first because trying to Nuzlocke blind and get frustrated can really sour my first impression of a game. I always turn Set mode on though because it feels like a nice way to challenge without imposing anything outside the game.
I might, but for the first playthrough I usually just relax and enjoy the game before I take it into nuzlocke hell which I most likely will unless SnS are as hand holdy as Gen 7, that was a turn off for playing those.
Depends on what Pokémon game exactly. Though, I play most of the time casually, since I just want to enjoy the game. On a second playthrough I'll probably gonna challenge myself more often.