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Event Wonder Trade Weekly #7

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Absolute Zero, Jun 3, 2018.

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  1. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    Wonder Trade Weekly #7

    Lucky number seven, I have a good feeling about this week's event! Wonder Trade Weekly is back again! Returned for another round, our recurring segment in which we work together throughout the week to send out quality Pokémon nicknamed with a special URL out to the world through Wonder Trade, to lead those Pokémon's recipients to the lovely Lake Valor.​

    This is how we do it:

    - Breed a bunch of impressive Pokémon.
    - Nickname them all "tradepkm.net", which is a redirect URL to Lake Valor's homepage.
    - Send them out en-masse on Generation 7 Wonder Trade, whole boxes every week.

    It's as easy as that! Now, when I say "impressive Pokémon", I'm talking about Pokémon with great IVs, or with egg moves, or with preferable natures; all that good stuff. If you're unsure what any of that means, just ask me, Negative Zero, and I'll be glad to clarify. Now let's be generous to the Pokémon Trainers of the world: Wonder Trade sees enough unloved Pikipek as it is, so we should give away something nice.


    - All Pokémon must be nicknamed "tradepkm.net" (so people are redirected back to LV when they try that url).
    - For this to count, you must post complete boxes. You may send these out anytime during the week, but only full boxes earn points.
    - Your must take pictures of your entire box as proof before and after Wonder Trading or you will not be eligible for prizes.
    - To get prizes for getting someone to join through our WT, please edit your post here with a link to their profile.


    - For every full box you trade away, you'll earn a nice 12 PokéPoints for yourself.
    - For every member who joins Lake Valor during that week and mentions getting a tradepkm.net Pokémon leading them here, every weekly participant will get an additional 6 PokéPoints on top of those first 12.
    - If the Pokémon that brought a new member here has your OT, you'll get another-another 12 PokéPoints.
    - This means that if you send out just one box of 30 Pokémon and bring a member here, you'll get 30 PokéPoints and a new friend. Is that great or what!
    - Once you send out a total of 10 boxes, you become eligible for the Wonder Trade Operative medal on your profile page. This is 10 boxes total, not 10 boxes in one week; so please pace yourself!

    Additional Information

    - The thread will close Sunday midnight and a new one will go up the following Monday morning (GMT).
    - If you're unsure of how to breed impressive Pokémon, or if you think it's too hard, send me a PM or find me in Discord. It may seem like a time consuming process but once you get started, it is not difficult at all and very quick to do.
    - Also, a favor to ask: due to my personal internet connection stuff, it is way easier for me if you upload your proof through the "upload a file" function using images that aren't high in resolution. I appreciate images that are less than 1 full MB in size if you can do that in still have a clear picture.

    All right, that should cover it. Now let's get busy and spread the word!
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  2. Canpake

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 21
    May 24, 2018
    Ooof, here we go:

    I'll edit my post once I finish trading these lovelies away. Mareep and Solosis may not seem so special, but they're unobtainable in ORAS (unless you get them through trade). Which is a shame, because they're some of the best Pokémon. And the Mareep line is my favorite!

    Whew, all done.
    #2 Jun 6, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
    Absolute Zero likes this.
  3. Arctiquaza

    Arctiquaza Never quite gone

    Level 32
    May 27, 2018
    Sail Fossil ★★★
    I would, but I'm doing a shiny hunt
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  4. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    And a somewhat late post, since I did this a few hours ago, but I also have one box out as well. Thirty Fennekins, all with great IVs, and all knowing Wish and Heat Wave as egg moves.

    ---------- ---------- ----------​

    This concludes this week of WTW. PP will be given out shortly, and next week's thread will be up soon!

    Also, Public Service Announcement, if you're unsure about how to start breeding excellent Pokémon en masse (a surprisingly easy task once you get started, with guidance), send me a private message or find me in Discord. I'll be glad to help get you started, not only for the good feels of recruiting, but also for the selfishness of breeding even better battle-ready Pokémon!

    Attached Files:

    Canpake likes this.
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