Best Thing: YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU A GOOD THING ABOUT AUSTRALIA? Worst Thing: YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU A BAD THING ABOUT AUSTRALIA? Besides you Kidding Mim. Nah, Australia is a bit odd, but we're cool. The heat and the scenery is some of the best things we have. The Pollies tho... they're worse than the deadly animals we live with.
I'm in Canada! Best thing: Our PM is cool Worst thing: We're seen as a laughing stock by everyone else, namely americans, all the doctors here are quacks
Australia and Lebanon are my countries! Australia has unique and beautiful landscapes and nature! Also home to many snakes, my favourite animals, Australia is a free country and I love how different it is depending on where you are. Lebanon is an equally beautiful country situated in the Middle East! It is like the oasis of the Arabic world. It's background and cultures are beautiful and the people are friendly in the small villages. Many big malls have so many things! One store sold Nintendos and gaming consoles and every book and manga, and videos and toys and so many things! However, there is practically no government and there can be tensions. Bombs are an occurrence too, but rare.
Oh man, what to say about the U.S. lmao. Uhm, we have a great variety of food and sights. Pretty even climate too. Bad thing: I guess you can say some places are nicer and safer than others. There's really all walks of life here and views can be very narrowed and not open minded. Though not everyone is that way! Some places you just gotta be careful.
AMERICA (F*** YEA!): GOO We mostly get what we want, weather's okay, no 5m long insects (As an insectophobe, that is very good!) BA Fast-food. BAD PLUS: Murder, idiots, racism, pollution. BAD ULTRA: Donald Trump BAD ULTRA, NOW WORSE: running for President.
Ireland: Good? Pretty peaceful. Also one of the safest countries in the world, from wildlife to weather to even wars, this country is really safe. Bad. Terrible language system. In schools we're forced to learn one of the most useless languages ever. Also, rain. So much rain. and the stereotypes? Don't even make me go there.
@[member="EchoSouls"] Yooo you live in Ireland? That's pretty cool!! I heard Ireland is very beautiful, When you say it's safe, is it like how America was in the 1960s? Where everyone could leave their doors open to go talk to their neighbors and stuff?
@[member="ShiroLugia"] More like... There's very little chance of a natural disaster here. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsnamuis, Volacanic eruptions and never happen here. A tiny flood or snowstorm is a huge deal here. Once the road was slightly icey and we got school off. We drove down that road and it was totally safe. Generally speaking, we're pretty safe from thieves too (especially in the country, where i live) I think the biggest 'natural disaster' while i was alive, at least that i can remember, was a big flood around my area. My aunt got trapped in her house because of it. I think the flood was a few inches high, maybe 5"?, which was a first. The west coast is one of the only areas here that floods ( we live in the west, but still inland enough to avoid flooding).