Erm, don't have any special pics because I'm using the phone atm due to my laptop not working for some reason...hopefully it does gets fixed but who knows? Anyway, the point of this topic is: Do you enjoy seeing dark stuff in fanfics/stories? Yes or no? Imo, yes because if the story is written well and have amazing character developments, then the dark stuff can make the story even more interesting and vigorous. Making you cared and worry about the character or characters more. But yeah, it's just my opinion overall.
It depends on how well it's written and what I'm in the mood for. I do enjoy reading something that isn't pure fluff, but gloom and doom all the time is just too emotionally draining for my liking.
I really love dark things. Especially if it's some type of dark twist that isn't predictable. So that'll be a yes from me.
It depends on my mood, and if the writing's good. I don't want it all just to be dark and depressing thrown together. Sometimes I just want humor or fluff, other times dark stuff. I don't know.
Like a few others before me, it all depends on the writing. I like Berserk, but I also like Pokémon. You shouldn't just have a dark story for the sake of having a dark story. In fanfics, I'll only accept darker stuff if the tone is already dark in the original OR if the fanfic writing is really good, so that automatically eliminates my fanfic~
I like having dark stuff in fanfics because it can sometimes bring the right emotions into the mix. But like how Nova said, a story shouldn't be just all dark; throw humor into it. Dark stuff isn't something I always do in my writing, but Sonic knows that I've done it (Just throwing that out there). If it's done the right way, it brings out the right emotions for certain characters (one might get some pain or understanding from the reader, others can receive anger and such).
I really do like dark things in a fic, but there are two types of 'dark', I catagorise them as mature and immature: 1 - Deep character study and development, serious topics, etc. Doesn't need to but often contains gore/swearing, etc. Shapes the plot and characters (mature) 2 - Swearing, gratuitous gore and sex, etc. Usually doesn't serve much of a purpose except making the story more 'edgy' (immature) I prefer 'mature' darkness in fics, as you probably guessed.
I like it if it's fitting for the universe that the author has set up over the course of the story. I don't mean the canon universe, I mean the universe in the state it is written in. A story doesn't need to start out dark right away but if it has creeping shadows through out that cumulates into something dark and/or tragic I'm all for that kinda stuff hhh!!
@[member="Mandriel"] I'm for the mature ones as well, bud. I usually use dark stuff in stories to set the situation between my character or characters and what they're going through within the story. Of course, like @[member="BlackKyurem27"] said, I do have to throw some humor into the story and not let it be all about dark stuff and such. My fanfic is a good example of that. I give my characters a time to develop before I head south of things. xD
@[member="AeroHail"] Thankfully, my fanfic isn't all about dark stuff. It contains some dark stuff and brutal violence, believe it or not but in general, it does focuses on dialogue, humor and character development. You know that your story is screwed if it doesn't have development. xD
I like some dark things, I don't really mind any of it. Just keeping it in control is my big thing, as in doesn' just kill random people because because. I like things to have meaning and to feel natural in the story.
Dark things are a part of life and I enjoy them, especially if I'm the mood. Mostly I like subtle darkness, not an overwhelming senseless death and despair but the feel of the world around them and how the characters interact with said world.
It depends on my mood, but I enjoy dark stuff in moderation. I like to sometimes see serious times in fics, character deaths sometimes, but not anything that overpowers the plot.
Yeah I enjoy some dark moments. If done right it really enhances character development and the storyline for the better. Now too much does overpower the other aspects and completely gloomy fics are not my thing. I have never written anything super dark in my career yet, but I plan to do so in my current project. If you've played the Sun &a Moon story, you'll know where I'm talking about.
I like darker aspects in stories only where they make sense. For example, if a story is geared toward friendship and exploring relationships between people, then having the story mostly dark would be obscene and extraneous since friendship elicits more cheerful content. However, if a story is centered around action and hardship, then having a darker overtone in the story would be much more acceptable and actually expected. Personally, I prefer stories that aren't afraid to delve into darkness during the plot, including having character death. It makes the plot more interesting and usually raises some internal questions that would otherwise be neglected. A little ray of sunshine now and then doesn't hurt, though. I don't like characters dying left and right, however. When that happens, I end up expecting that everyone will die except for a select few, which I usually end up predicting will live.
I like reading dark stuff on two conditions: 1, if it makes sense that there is dark stuff in the story and 2, if it's handled well. If the author is just throwing in darkness or dark themes for no reason other than the fact that they can, I usually get turned off. This often includes gratuitous gore in stories were it really isn't needed. However, it does work at times, which brings us to the second point: darkness should be handled well. Don't write a genocide into your story if you're not going to examine the effects. Don't write traumatising assault into your story if you're not going to a) take it seriously of b) realistically depict the aftermath and effect it would have on someone. As well as that, putting too much darkness in your story may result in a phenomenon called Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy, where meaningless darkness leaves little effect on the audience. So in conclusion: Darkness is great! I love dark stories! But I love dark stories where the darkness isn't forced, and written well.