The latest trailer for the newest Pokémon movie, Everyone's Story gives us our first glimpse at Zeraora, the electric type legendary Pokémon many people have been waiting for! Currently though, the only thing known about it is that it will be distributed for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games, sometimes after the movie's release in June, as stated by The Pokémon Company. [ Official article ] Get hyped everyone!
Okay, the art style actually looks really nice when animated and I like it a lot. In spite of generally not liking the way the new style has gone.
Finally, the last mythical Pokémon I need to complete my Ultra Moon dex. This summer is looking great!
Is it because of the name? There's virtually nothing similar to those two other than the fact they're bipedal and have Z names.
That's part of it, but they have a similar build and stance as well. Leastways, that's what it looks like from the picture.
I really like this design. It's great that we can finally (officially) meet this pokémon. I've been looking forward to it and what it can do both in battle and for things like story/lore.
I had no idea that Zeroara was even going to be a thing. It does remind be a little of Zoroark, but that's mostly from the name and silhouette. The actual design reminds me more of a mix of Pikachu, Luxray, Electabuzz and Lucario. I'm certainly looking forward to getting one, though I have no idea what I'm going to name it. Maybe Pikanya? Thundercat? Bob?
I think it looks cool but that might be because I'm a furry lol anyways i wonder what kind of distribution it will have
I do like it's design, but to me it doesn't quite have that 'Pokémon feel'. I can understand why people are saying it looks like a deviantArt OC or a Digimon. In my opinion looks like a Fakemon rather than an actual official Pokémon. With that being said I still really like Zeraora, and I can't wait to get my hands on one!
I love its design! I'm such a sucker for blue and yellow as a colour scheme though! I hope we get some cool merch of it!
I'm pretty meh about it to be honest, doesn't really appear to me it reminds me of a Digimon I for the life of my can't remember the name of. If I get the chance t oget it I'll still try to grab one just for my dex at least just hope it'll actually get distributed in a way that you don't need a code fro ma game store.
I normally don't like the blue and yellow combo, but it's overall design is very nice. I want one to be my little buddy.