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Clear The Air, Vent Here!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Almandine-G, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Almandine-G

    Almandine-G All Men Are Equal

    (Odd Egg)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    Hello, and welcome to LV's venting thread!
    Need to get something off your chest? Feel free to do so here.
    Please remain respectful to all users! Ignoring this will lead to a warning via pm, and any further occurrences will result in an infraction.

    For messages directed towards an anonymous person, please utilize the Dear Anonymous thread.

    Rules & Info:
    • You may not direct any of your posts towards a specific member or staff member. That's what the PM system is for.
    • You may not use this thread to rant about site-related issues. PM a staff member if you have an issue with a choice made here on LV.
    • You may only make 1 post per day here. You may, however, edit your original post as many times as you like.
    • Keep all things appropriate and swearing to a minimum.
    • Keep all posts at a fairly decent length, at least 1 paragraph long.
    And of course, all of LV's official rules apply to this thread as well.
    If you have a problem with any posts made in this thread, please report it to a staff member and they will take care of it.
    Happy venting!
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  2. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Anywayyyy let's see. I could talk about the annoyances that come with a wild af family but the nuisance that has been driving me crazy today is...toy shops, funnily enough, haha. Okay, some toy shops are tiny and in this world of the internet brick and mortar shops are something of a dying breed but why, on earth, would a toy shop carry a range of toys, that, say, there are six figures or whatever in a set (or a wave, which is what I think they're actually called), and yet in that same toy shop chain, no matter what shop you go into they'll only ever put 3 out of 6 figures from the waves on their shelves, causing children and collectors alike to go elsewhere for 'the complete set.' For me, this happens with Skylanders. Especially with Trap Masters, I see some stores never actually carrying certain figures, leading me to oftentimes turn towards the internet to buy the missing guys, which are always sold at a premium price.

    Oh well, my kingdom for a local shop here that would sell all the Skylanders in a current series. Lol.
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  3. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    I fucking hate tumblr sometimes.
    I can never be myself, I have to walk on eggshells with those people.
    I wish there was someone I could just let loose with about my interests without fear of being hated.
  4. eeveeongirl

    eeveeongirl Collector

    Aug 25, 2013
    I sometimes feel so alone at home, my family doesn't understand all my interests (mostly about my gaming habits, anime watching, and other "geeky" stuff) and have made no attempt to even hear me out about why I like them. My dad isn't as bad as he just lets me be and doesn't question it, so i guess the problem doesn't really extend to him. But my mother and sister can be nightmares. They constantly judge me when I talk about anime or games and degrade the things i talk about. My mom always gives me a disapproving scowl when I wear my attack on titan, Pokémon, or legend of zelda shirts and tells me that I'm not acting like I should because im a girl. I'm just so sick of it! My brother-in-law is the only one who really understands me as he has some interest in my hobbies and actually talks to me about them.
    I wish there were some way to get my mom to stop bringing me down because I do love her, and i know she loves me. if anyone has any suggestions please tell me, because I really want to fix this.
    GiratinaMissingNo likes this.
  5. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    Work has been really stressful for me, and that's not good considering the fact that I've got severe anxiety. I've been thinking of quitting a lot recently and finding a new job, fast food is very tough on me. A lot my coworkers are really immature and screw around too much. My managers are fine, but the coworkers are too much for me, I think.

    I just need a new start.
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  6. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    I'm siiiick and tired of my anxiety acting up all the time. I always have that feeling in my chest and I hate it, I want it to go away. It just hinders my daily activities ugh.

    My anxiety and negative thoughts are getting to me more and more.
    I know what I'm thinking is irrational but it still hurts.
    I wish I could just think normally.

    I'm so anxious lately, about loads of things and it's really affecting me. I'm always tired and unmotivated and I think they're connected really, I wish this anxiety would just end.

    My anxiety should be gone.
    But of course, it isnt.
  7. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Windows 8.1 annoys me to no end. How could Microsoft be so incompetent as to let such a broken OS be rolled out? Was it because they wanted to get in on the tablet game like Apple and Google? Man,do monopolies suckkkkk.
  8. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    I fucked up again i always do this i hate myself and i hate that i always make mistakes like just when i thought i couldn't make any more boom I made a new one i hate myself i want to just curl up and die
  9. Bubbles

    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 14
    Jun 10, 2014
    Mewnium Z  ★★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Heart Scale ★★
    I've said this many times before, I can't stand Tumblr. Just the atmosphere of the whole place really upsets me... I don't really get that upset most of the time.

    So I was just casually browsing through google images and found a Tumblr page with some cute art on it. Although I debated on whether or not to check it out, I gave into temptation and checked Tumblr. At first it was just a bunch of kawaii arts and fashion here and there... but then this showed up.


    There always has to be some sort of twisted beauty on Tumblr. Don't get me wrong, this model is gorgeous even with the crazy outfit, but its pretty messed up that the media and other influences put girls who look like this on a pedestal. How many people do you know have that kind of a thigh gap? Not many! When I was at my lowest weight with an eating disorder my family was worried about my life, but I was praised by others for looking "perfect." Seeing images like these just remind me of all of the pain and suffering I had to deal with trying to perfect myself in every aspect. Its as if you have to go to the extreme to just be accepted by society in some form. I've learned to love myself and ignore society's skewed perception, but even with all of the willpower in the world, things like this still make a hard blow on someone's self esteem.

    I'm sure some of you who use Tumblr are aware that there are those "Tumblr Girls" who have pages upon pages of beautiful pictures. They have thousands of fans and girls looking at them for inspiration when most of the time they photoshop their pictures to achieve an look of perfection that is impossible to reach. All the attention they get only further exacerbates the issue!

    The even more so stressful part about Tumblr is the community itself. They are so obsessed with image that its common for those who do not meet certain standards to be bashed for their appearance, interests, skills, and personality.

    Don't get me wrong, Tumblr can still has amazing things about it, but with the super slow page loading and all of this negativity just upset me on so many levels that I can't help but just rant or scream in a pillow because of how outrageous the whole place is. Thanks again for making me lose more of my faith in humanity, Tumblr!
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  10. Ravenide

    Mar 23, 2015
    I always compare myself to my artist friends, and when I do, I feel bad because I haven't improved nearly as much as I'd like to over the past few years. I want to be successful too. I want to be recognised too.

    It's like, when you get past a certain number of followers/watchers/people who admire your work, you've got it made. Anything you post now will get more attention than something a less popular artist would post. I guess that's how the world works, but popular people stay popular, and it's really hard to claw yourself out of this pit.

    It's really frustrating. Especially because I have friends like Rosuuri and Ktcee, who are both amazing artists and good personal friends. They've been setting my standards for art.

    It was so frustrating in fact, that I found myself drawing this... thing. What I felt felt like drowning, and I wanted to illustrate that while trying to improve.
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  11. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    i hate this i hate everything i hate myself when will it end
    "fake it till you make it" ive been trying i really have but you know what even when youre faking it its hollow and empty and just not real and i hate hate hate myself for not believing in myself more and i hate hate hate caring so much about every little thing and i just want it to s t op
    i hate hyping myself up to the point of crying over stupid little things that dont end up happening and i hate being so nervoius and insecure all the time and i hate hating myself but what can you really do anymore
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  12. ThatPsychoticPichu

    Sep 5, 2014
    How could anyone willingly lie and abuse?

    I don't like how people have lied to me- that have promised me they'd be by my side, only to leave in the end. Do not like the emotional abuse they've put me through, that I still experience. I'm constantly led on to believe people care, that they want to be with me because they like me. Then they just point out my flaws, emotionally abuse me, etc. I'm tired of it.

    I'm trying to be the best I can be. Please stop poking fun at me for volunteering. Please stop poking fun at me for my godawful high-pitched voice. Please stop poking fun at me for the things I've been through. Adding onto that, please stop poking fun at me and my older twin brother entirely. You're not a friend for abandoning me, abusing me, hurting me. Not a friend if you do that to anybody, actually.

    I'm better off not having any friends at all, then.
  13. Deltheor

    Deltheor The Demon of Shikoku

    Level 2
    Dec 21, 2012
    I'm so tired of discrimination. I've dealt with so much of it over the years, it's just getting to a point where I'm sick and tired of it. It doesn't even affect me much anymore, all it does is make me more tired and irritated.

    I've dealt with bullying pretty much all of my life, because I never really fit in anywhere. I grew up in an area where everything was stereotyped and everyone was put into two small categories based on their supposed gender. Anyone outside those extremely rigid boxes was considered an outcast and shamed for being so. I never had many friends until later on in life, because I felt like I didn't deserve them because I knew I didn't fit in anywhere. This discrimination led me to keep my feelings inside and not express myself because I was afraid of backlash, and I forced myself to become someone I wasn't just to fit in. I was absolutely miserable even though everyone else praised me for how I had finally "grown out" of my "awkward phase". Eventually I was tired of hiding myself, so I just stopped pretending and started showing the person I truly was inside. And I felt a lot better because of it. I'm doing great now, and I would be doing fantastic- if it wasn't for the seemingly constant harassment I deal with just because of my self-expression.

    As far as I'm concerned, as long as what you're doing isn't hurting you or anyone else, and it isn't illegal- who honestly cares? I hate that people will purposely put others down just because they are different from them, or if they go against stereotypical norms. It's honestly none of their business, and I'm tired of invasive questions just because I have a different sexuality and gender identity than most people.

    The sad thing is, I know this isn't going to go away anytime soon. Thankfully, LGBT+ rights have come a long way in recent years, but bi/pan/ace/trans/etc. people are still incredibly discriminated against. I know I will have to deal with the constant questions and the constant harassment by people who just don't understand- it just comes with the territory, unfortunately.

    But I am so tired of it. I just want to exist without question or harassment because of my identity.

    Just let me be a person.
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  14. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    Urrrrghhh I told myself to avoid this thread because I knew I couldn't help but read all the posts here... And so, this post will be very ironic.

    I hate negativity. I hate hearing people complain about things and I hate hearing people talkin' shit about stuff they hate without even considering any good points about it. You want change? Be that change! Don't like something? Keep calm and make an unbiased comparison of the pros and cons! If you still don't like it, good for you! Keep it to yourself, or present a calm and logical explanation about why it should be avoided if necessary.

    Basically, complaints are a big moodkiller for me as they only make me feel negative too. I try to keep in a positive mood for most of the time, so when I do get in a bad mood, I get really antisocial and don't feel like doing anything.
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  15. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    I wish I was able to remain positive like others do.
    I always think the worst of everything, maybe that's why bad stuff keeps happening to me?
    I dunno,
  16. Aurelia

    Aurelia Supporter

    Dec 5, 2014
    I'm usually a happy person and I can tolerate a lot of things that happen, online or offline. I deal with a lot of drama and happy times with many of my friends, online and offline. I don't really get mad unless there is a legit reason why, that can go for strangers, family, and my friends. BUT the one of the things that I cannot tolerate is someone backstabbing me to another person, and not messaging me to own up to their mistake and apologize. There is way too many things I let go, but this certain thing will not go unspoken to me. If you cannot apologize to me, then I will tear you down to the ground.
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  17. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    For most of my life up to this point, I was selfish. I was a horrible, despicable person. I cared little for the misery of others and didn't have a speck of kindness in my wrathful mind. Thankfully, I changed that. I soon decided that it was time for me to live life not for myself, but for others.

    I've devoted myself to being someone who is always changing and shifting personalities to be exactly the sort of person that the people around me needed me to be. Sometimes, this made me a rival who would challenge others to do better. Sometimes, this made me a blunt, cold man who spoke the harshest truths to those who hadn't discovered truths themselves. Sometimes, this made me a warrior who would stand up for others not strong or confident enough to stand alone. Sometimes, this made me a leader who could unite and keep together a group that would otherwise tear itself apart. Sometimes, this made me a silver-tongued manipulator for when truths and teamwork simply wouldn't get the job done.

    I've changed so many times and I've been so many different people in my head that it's driving me insane, but I'm happy to help in a way that only I can do so. I live to help others now. It's what I do, and I don't want that to ever change.

    Soon I'll be all alone. I'm moving out. No friends, no family, nobody to live for. I'm terrified that, with nobody I care about to keep changing for, I'll see what I really am. I fear that I may not be happy with what I find.
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  18. Aurelia

    Aurelia Supporter

    Dec 5, 2014
    Lately I have been feeling really resentful to almost everyone that I talk to. I mean, its not really my fault that I am like this, but sometimes its just the actions that others do around me that makes me push away the people that are either making me feel like crap, or just annoy me too damn much. I used to love talking to people in general, and I used to love making new friends, but these last few months to a year just seems like something I am not able to do anymore, but the friends that I currently have and the people that I know, do the same redundant shit that irritates the hell out of me...
    Like so, have friends who put me in the same drama that involves their boyfriends and them getting pregnant and demand my advice on situations. Like damn, just because I used to be pregnant and am in a relationship DOESNT MEAN I know the answers to every problem you have, or tell you that you should kick him to the curb or help you figure out what kind of crib you should use for you damn baby. Shit I am happy for you, and I do not mind helping out once in awhile, but I am not going to be the parent of your child, you friend, need to step up and figure out what to do for your baby.
  19. guest

    Dec 18, 2014
    Everything I try to do ends up screwing up, I'm so sick of it. I don't have the energy or the interest to do much of anything as it is but whenever I do try it doesn't work and I end up hating myself even more. I want to do fun and cool things that people will enjoy and be proud of but I'm too incapable and end up as little more than a disappointment. I want to be useful and worth something but I feel like it's impossible. I can see that people have given up on expecting anything from me and it hurts so much.
    I can't help that my own brain cripples itself with self loathing and melancholy, and it's hard enough when people don't understand that, but my own uselessness compounds that.
    I probably just sound like everything I say is a lie or an excuse
  20. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    i want to sleep forever. im so tired of everything. school is right around the corner and im just so sick of everything and i hate myself and i want to curl up into a ball and die. i hate feeling inadequate and i hate myself for comparing myself to other people because i know i shouldnt but i do anyway because everyone's better than me anyway.

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