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Least Favorite Tier?

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Shada, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    Sometimes, there are just tiers in competitive battle that shouldn't even exist, or aren't even used that much that you just happen to hit the ladder in a few wins!

    What are your least favorite tier/s, and why do you think so?

    In my honest opinion, I really hate Uber, because I feel like it's basically the same teams being played over and over again or Pokémon, and the tier gets pretty boring when played for a while.
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  2. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    Tiers that are the same over and over I can at least build a completely counter-stereotype team... its not great though

    My least favorite tiers are first off every single BL tier ever made. Just make up your mind and give it a tier and play it stupid smogon

    Tiers that are playable though? I got really sick of OU to be honest. First, the really competitive matches take foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Also the bans are completely stupid and most are undeserved. That, and landorus therian needs to be banned from everything. Once I started playing doubles I realized how much more competitive doubles are, and I think its so much more fun. Can't flat out stall in doubles, it takes a lot more predicting. Again... BAN LANDORUS-T. But yeah singles just isn't fun to me anymore
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  3. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    My least favourite is Ubers, solely because I don't like (most) legendaries and I wanna use normal Pokémon that I like and can realistically get in game. Take an NU Pokémon and it can compete in OU with the right team. Take an OU Pokémon to the land of legendaries and unless your opponent f***s up massively then you can't do anything. Ubers Legendaries are honestly boring.

    Also, I can agree with Doomhound on Doubles v Singles. I still play Singles plenty, but with doubles there are so many teams that you can make and strategies that make Pokémon worthless in Singles viable in Doubles. VGC Doubles at the moment is so freaking stupid because people aren't creative and just use the same BS all the time.
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  4. Nauris

    Nauris The King of Konchus

    Oct 19, 2014
    I generally dislike all of the tiers almost equally, so I can't really say which is my least favorite. If we were to include all formats that are or have been playable, Hidden Type is my least favorite, in which, Pokémon gain 2nd or 3rd typing, which is same as their Hidden Power.

    I personally don't see Ubers as tier, but merely as a playable Borderline aka Ban List. Though, with the Mega Rayquaza ban, it is a mix of BL and a Tier.
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  5. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    I have to agree with Turnip here, Hidden Type wasn't good. I didn't find Mix-And-Mega any good either, that's just me XD

    I have to disagree with doubles, being raised as a singles player, I can never get the handle on doubs, I probably will but until then, its just too implicated.

    I don't mind Ubers, its fun in its own, simple way. A lot like Gen 1

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  6. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    Though I said OU is my favorite tier I can say that OU can be my least favorite tier on occasions.

    The only reason why I do say this is because there are a lot of Pokémon that are very annoying. Ex: Landourus-T and whenever I team build I have to come up with something crazy just to get rid of them the best I possibly can. I had to use two Pokémon slots to counter one Pokémon effectively. (That team is the best team I have now, but still.) I remember trying Frosslass and Scarfed Jynx to try and get rid of Lando easy, but they just don't work in my eyes. I really don't want have to do that. Then sometimes some of the Pokémon I really need to counter others get banned or they just bring in a Pokémon into OU that shouldn't be there in the first place. Kinda like Genesect....but that's just in my opinion.

    I also don't like doubles too much either. I just can't get used to it. Well, honestly I could if some Pokémon were banned or if we weren't allowed to use the top 10 Pokémon at nationals/worlds. I'm still trying to learn doubles, but it's a real steep learning curve.
  7. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    I hate playing in the OU tier. Why does every Pokémon in that tier have to either be completely spindly and frail looking, have absolutely no emotion or both? There's, like, one possible team I can make that doesn't fall under that. Sorry, but I hate spindly Pokémon. I hate Pokémon that look like you can just hit them once and they die. I like monsters with meat on their bones, ones that look like they can take hits.
  8. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    I have to agree with Borderline tiers. Except that they're not really tiers because you can't use them in the tier that they would otherwise be in. What's the point? If I can't use Volcarona in UU, just make it OU.
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  9. Nauris

    Nauris The King of Konchus

    Oct 19, 2014
    You know, the tiers are solely based on usage, and Volcarona doesn't have enough usage to be OU. Borderlines have never been tiers since they are just banlists, though if one of the BLs get big enough, it might become a playable format, similar to Ubers, as in how the usage in it doesn't affect the tiers such as OU or NU. If they would, Pokémon like Charizard, Ferrothorn, Garchomp, Latias, Latios, Ditto, Dragonite, Talonflame, Sableye, Smeargle, Tyranitar, Scizor, Diancie, Scolipede, Metagross, and Gliscor could rather easily end up in the Ubers, due to fact that they aren't uncommon in Ubers. Also, it could mean that various Arceus formes and Reshiram could end up being OU.
  10. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    I don't like ubers. It's a bit predictable, and doesn't allow much wiggle room in using lower tiers
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  11. Almandine-G

    Almandine-G All Men Are Equal

    (Odd Egg)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    As much as I love going to OU for the challenge, it's also my least favourite tier for a number of reasons...

    For a start, a lot, and I mean A LOT of the teams there use your basic "Smogon-says-this-is-good" mons. You know, Landorus-T, Talonflame etc etc. That's kinda lame imo, that you're using a mon cause it statistically is a good mon and not cause you actually like it as a mon. If you genuinely like it, then I can't really fault you there, but I'd bet that most teams have mons like that simply cause they're powerful fighters. Crying shame that Landorus-T gets OHKO'd by MegAggron's avalanche attack, even if his attack is lowered.

    For another, a lot of the players I encounter ruin the fights for me. Players are the main reason I haven't visited the main Showdown server in a while. A lot of OU players are competitive, and whilst there is nothing wrong with being competitive at all, there is a limit before it becomes... disturbing, shall we say? The amount of times I've been insulted for losing or insulted for winning is really not making me feel welcome battling there, and the fact that a lot of people forfeit, sometimes when they still have a good chance of winning, just bugs the heck out of me. I understand that from a time-saving standpoint, yeah it saves time, but don't forfeit if you still have half of your team left, perfectly capable of stopping me.

    But the worst about OU, and I mean worst, is when you do something perfectly fine, or maybe land a lucky crit or secondary effect, and you get shouted at for it. There's a level where it isn't a joke any more. For instance if say I was using Scald and got the burn chance, and the other player shouted "Hax!!!" well I wouldn't get annoyed by it, cause I do the same! It's when they start using abusive language against you and are genuinely tikked off is when I have a problem. For example, similar scenario, scald burns the foe, but rather than a jokey "Hax" we're greeted by "You ****ing noob, wth scrub move". Now I'm condensing and cencoring there, because I have been met with worse. I'd like to know, where's the point in this? The player had nothing to do with that burn, it was pure luck, but they're treeted like that was a jerk move.

    All in all? OU can be a pain to fight in considering the players, and more often than not I have to turn my eyes away from the chat window, simply because reading their complaints just isn't worth it.

    Still, offers me opportunities to try get under their skin >:D
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  12. Filibuster

    Filibuster School Kid

    Aug 21, 2015
    The worst tier in existence is Gen 2 OU, the synopsis being every mon has leftovers and prepare for a lot of toxic wars leading to 200 turn battles praying your last mon doesn't faint first. it's not even stall, it's just hoping your last mon loses the very last speed tie so that your opponent's last mon faints first from toxic damage.

    Also, thankfully, Showdown recently implemented an ignore opponent and ignore spectators button [member="★OfficialRedG★"], so you can hax your opponents in peace without having to see how creative their insults are.
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  13. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    Ubers. People complain about OU having all the same mons, but Ubers is built around the same 3-4 mind on almost every team, it seems.
  14. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    OU is pretty meh right now so I think I'll have to go with that. If Smogon keeps banning everything to Ubers eventually we can have our old OU back... right?
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  15. Eru Iluvatar

    Eru Iluvatar Poké Maniac

    Nov 26, 2015
    Can I say VGC16 because I can see that being absolute crap.

    I don't hate or love any tier but I do dislike Ubers the most. Teams are almost always built around a few common Pokémon and it's usually always just brute force. There's relatively less strategy involved and you're more likely to win if your team has higher stats, or so I've found. Then again, I don't battle as much as some others do so I might be wrong. xD
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  16. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    UU. I know, that's probably weird. I just stink at it. MyRU team does better in OU than my UU teams do in UU. I use UU Pokémon fairly often, in Monotype and the occasional OU. Yet i try to use a team of mostly UU Pokémon, and fail. NU and PU aren't far from that either, and i once again use those in monotype and RU. I'm not a fan of Ubers, but that's because there are no Ubers Pokémon i particularly like using.
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  17. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    Level 1
    Jan 18, 2016
    I haven't battled too much during my time as a modern Pokémon player, but I know for sure that I'm not a huge fan of the OU tier. In most tiers, I can win about 2 out of 5 matches, I'm not marvelous. However, I battled in OU like 20 times and didn't win at all. No matter what strategy I tried to use, it just didn't work out because of all of the Overpowered Pokémon that seem to have found there home there. I'm all for having another tier between OU and Ubers.

    If we were to somehow get a tier like that, then perhaps I would like OU, but perhaps not. There are too many bulky Pokémon when I play, and the matches take way too long. Chansey is OP, Ferrothorn is annoying if you don't have any fire type moves left on your team, etc.

    Now, I have heard some things about Lake Valor OU, so I may just check that out.
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  18. Mewtwo

    Mewtwo Camper

    Apr 6, 2015
    Ubers has always seemed quite pointless to me.
  19. TheBlazingInfernape

    TheBlazingInfernape Gone, probably forgotten

    Level 23
    Dec 12, 2014
    My least favorite tier, is a tie between the two highest tiers. OU and Ubers.
    Let's start with OU *cough* Talonflame, *cough* Landorus T, *even bigger cough* Heatran and Garchomp on every single team.
    Now Ubers, *COUGHING INTENSIFIES* Darkrai and Arceus.
    I hate these tiers because they are too predictable. Batlles in my mind, are an art and repetitiveness isn't a good thing in a masterpiece.
    Also, too many people who don't know what they are doing play these two tiers.
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  20. broongus

    Oct 23, 2014
    Gen 6 OU. I don't like a meta with only 2 types of teams.

    Uber. I don't like legends in general. Except myself.

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