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Nurse Isabelle and the Pokédex - Kanto Edition

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by Iridescent Isabelle, May 1, 2016.

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  1. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #043 Oddish
    Oddish, the Weed Pokémon. During the daytime, Oddish buries itself in soil to absorb nutrients from the ground using its entire body. The more fertile the soil, the glossier its leaves become.
    On a gorgeous autumn day, Isabelle and the other aspirant nurses were chattering excitedly in the few minutes they had before their class would start as they pulled on their gloves and wrapped their scarves around their necks since they would be working outside.
    Wearing a warm, woollen sweater with Butterfree on them, Isabelle was one of the first to be outside. She observed their assignment as the leaves wiggled above the ground. It'd be winter soon, and the Oddish needed to be put into pots inside or else they'd freeze to death. Grass types didn't like ice very much. While some of the girls, childishly, pulled up their noses at having to dig in the soil, Isabelle was actually rather pleased with the task. She liked Oddish. Their little squeaks and optimism never ceased to make her smile.
    Inside, in the greenhouse, lots of flower pots were on the ground, in which the Oddish would have to be placed. The objective was simple, the elderly Joy said; pull up an Oddish by its leaves, gently, carry it inside, place it in a pot, and cover it with the fertilised soil from the bags. The girls were warned that the Oddish did not like being pulled up since the earth was warm and the outside air was rather chilly.
    As Isabelle knelt down near the foliage, she smiled at Wendy Foxglove who immediately chose the wiggling leaves next to Izzy's. The girl's chubby cheeks and nose were pinkish with cold, but her eyes were glistening like seasonal lights. General Pokémon care was something Wendy excelled at.
    At Joy's command, Isabelle gently wrapped her hands around what she hoped were Oddish's leaves. It'd be rather embarrassing to pull up carrots or something similar. Next to her, Wendy did not pull hard enough and did not manage to extract the Weed Pokémon from the ground. Isabelle was a bit firmer in her handling and soon she held a squealing, blue Pokémon by its leaves in the air. It kicked out its little feet as it screamed its lungs out. Surprised by the sheer volume, Isabelle nearly dropped it, but managed to hold on. Sending Wendy a quick smile, she wrapped her arms around the dirty Pokémon and hurried inside.
    Kneeling yet again on the ground, Isabelle placed the Oddish in a large, Raichu-orange pot. Holding her left hand on its head, Isabelle scooped handfuls of soil into the pot to subdue it. Only when its head was no longer visible, it finally stopped squealing. Sighing in relief, Isabelle wiped her forehead and flashed a grin at the Joy that was grading them, receiving a kind smile and nod in return.
    As Isabelle had been covering her Oddish, Wendy came in with her own. This one was particularly big, explaining why Wendy had trouble pulling it out and had a low, throaty cry, like an adult man's. Since Wendy would be okay, Isabelle stood in the door opening to the greenhouse to watch how her classmates were doing.
    One of her classmates was messing up pretty badly. How it happened, Izzy did not know, but she had been bitten by the toothless Oddish, dropped it, and was now chasing it all over the yard. Oddish were pretty fast, or at least, this one was. Along with the other girls, Isabelle laughed as she saw the flustered young Joy run after a frantically screaming Oddish.
    These were the kind of memories Isabelle had of her time at the Nursing School.

    #044 Gloom
    Gloom, the Weed Pokémon. The evolved form of Oddish. From its mouth Gloom drips honey that smells absolutely horrible. Apparently, it loves the horrid stench. It sniffs the noxious fumes and then drools even more of its honey. Gloom releases a foul fragrance from the pistil of its flower. When faced with danger, the stench worsens. If this Pokémon is feeling calm and secure, it does not release its usual stinky aroma.
    In a world so focussed around Pokémon, special accommodations are made for them. The most commonly known institute is the Pokémon centre, but there are also Pokémon spas, Pokémon hotels, and even Pokémon playgrounds. It's at one such playground that Isabelle finds herself. On benches all around, the trainers are sitting, bragging about their Pokémon while they play on slides and monkey bars.
    Approaching the playground, Isabelle saw that while most trainers looked pleased, one did not. A girl stood a bit away from the others, keeping her distance from a Gloom that stood near her. As Izzy approached, she saw that the girl was about fifteen years old and the Gloom obviously belonged to her from the way it was staring at the dark-haired girl.
    "Hey there," Isabelle greeted kindly. The girl merely gave her a quick smile and looked away again, not looking at her Gloom.
    Said Gloom emitted a rather strong odour, which worried Isabelle a little. Gloom only smelled like this when not feeling safe or when being upset because of sickness for example.
    "Hey, your Gloom smells a little. What's wrong with it? Is it scared of the other Pokémon?" Isabelle nudged her head to the playground where a Sandshrew was just sliding down the slide with a delighted squee. The girl shook her head.
    "The other Pokémon don't want to play with her. She stinks," The girl said, bitterly.
    Isabelle rose to her full height, crossed her arms over her chest, and frowned. Instead of attacking her outright, Izzy held back.
    "Can you tell me about yourself and your Gloom."
    With an exasperated sigh, the girl sat down on a stone bench and stared at the adorable Charmander stumbling around in the sand.
    "I'm Rebecca. I used to have an Oddish, who was the cutest ever. She was so playful and affectionate. Everyone loved her. But then she evolved into this," Rebecca said it with a sneer on her face, which made her look rather ugly. Gloom flinched as well, hiding herself behind her hands with the logic that if she couldn't see, she couldn't be seen.
    "What kind of awful trainer are you?" Isabelle demanded to know in a harsh tone. The girl looked up, startled at the angry nurse. "This Gloom is still your affectionate Oddish, you know? Their personalities don't always change when their bodies do. Gloom is upset because you don't love her anymore. This much is clear. If you show Gloom the love you showed Oddish, she'll even smell nice."
    Rebecca stared at Isabelle dumbstruck. Then, after a minute of staring at each other, the dark haired girl turned around and faced Gloom. Hesitantly, she opened her arms as an invite to a hug. After an unsure glance at Izzy which was received with a reassuring nod, Gloom rushed forward into the hug, exclaiming excitedly. As the two hugged, the stench faded away. Gloom did not smell as nice as Izzy's Ivysaur just yet, but they were getting there.
    "Don't judge a Pokémon on its looks or scent. Gloom loves you very much, Rebecca." And with that, Isabelle left them alone.

    #045 Vileplume
    Vileplume, the Flower Pokémon. The evolved form of Gloom and the final evolution of Oddish. Vileplume has the world's largest petals. They are used to attract prey that are then doused with toxic spores. Once the prey are immobilized, this Pokémon catches and devours them. Vileplume's toxic pollen triggers atrocious allergy attacks. That's why it is advisable never to approach any attractive flowers in a jungle, however pretty they may be.
    Back in her hometown of Celadon City, Nurse Isabelle was doing some shopping for herself. She'd already bought a new shirt and a new pair of trousers, and was currently in a perfume shop. The wonderful fragrances that had enticed her inside also made Izzy contemplate buying one. It'd been a while since she'd bought herself a gift. As she was inspecting the bottles, she saw that the scents came from Pokémon. One she especially liked was made of a Vileplume; one she knew very well. It was Celadon City's Gym Leader Erika's Vileplume.
    Seeing the name Erika made her stomach leap. Having grown up here, she and Erika had been close friends, since their mothers had done a lot of business together when they were younger. Wasting no time, Isabelle put the bottle back on the shelf and hurried out of the shop to rush to Celadon Gym.
    One of the advantages of being a nurse was that no one stopped one when they saw one running. People assumed it was an emergency. So when Isabelle ran towards the entrance of Celadon Gym, the ladies that were the gym trainers immediately opened the door for her to allow her in. Isabelle couldn't be bothered to stop and explain. She just wished to see her good friend.
    In the middle of the garden, near a gorgeous pond, a young lady sat in traditional eastern garments. Next to her, sitting on the ground with her petals on the lady's lap, sat a Vileplume.
    "Your Oddish sure grew up, Eri," Isabelle said, grinning as she placed her hands on her hips. The black haired lady looked up, startled at first but then ecstatic.
    "Izzy! Oh my goodness, is it actually you?" Her voice, ever soft, was like music to Isabelle's ears. The girls embraced and then sat down on the stone bench Erika had been sitting on. Because this was a gorgeous garden, Izzy let loose her own Pokémon. Pigeotto could fly around, Wartortle enjoyed the pure water of the pond, and Ivysaur napped in the shade, enjoying the scent of an actual garden for once.
    "So, you took over as Gym Leader now, hm?" Isabelle asked. "How's your mother?" Erika nodded.
    "She's well. At home, taking care of Pokémon that get injured in the battles here. Instead of leaving them at the Pokémon centre, they get nursed back to health at her place. Your mom goes there regularly, too." Isabelle chuckled and nodded.
    "Yes, that does sound like Mom. At the lack of grandchildren, she fully focussed her doting attention on Pokémon."
    "So, what do you do now? What is this clothing?"
    "I'm a Pokémon nurse now. I travel around Kanto to take care of injured or sick wild Pokémon, or do house calls." Isabelle showed her badge proudly. Erika seemed very impressed with her childhood friend. "Anyway, I was at a perfume store and found a bottle of Vileplume perfume. I recognised this beauty here," Izzy stroked the petals of the Vileplume sitting near them, who turned all bashful. "... and I immediately made my way over here. I had to see you. I forgot all about that perfume, though. What a shame, and it smelled so nice." Isabelle rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
    "Oh, I know something to remedy that! I have a few experimental bottles around here. If you like any of those, they're my gift to you, as long as you check out my Pokémon from time to time."
    "Deal," Izzy said with a grin.
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  2. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #046 Paras
    Paras, the Mushroom Pokémon. Paras has parasitic mushrooms growing on its back called tochukaso. They grow large by drawing nutrients from this Bug Pokémon host. They are highly valued as a medicine for extending life.
    Despite trying to, Nurse Isabelle is unable to sleep in the Pokémon centre every night. Tonight was such a case. In a tiny village whose name she did not know, Izzy knocked on the door of a house in a calm and quiet street. A hand-painted sign told people that this was a 'Bed and Breakfast', which was basically a place to spend the night, grab some breakfast and be on your way again. With so many kids trying to become a Pokémon master, these businesses popped up everywhere.
    An old lady opened the door. It was the kind of elderly woman that had obviously raised quite a few children and hadn't been able to quell the desire to take care of others. While some adopted Pokémon, others did something like this. Isabelle bowed her head respectfully.
    "Good evening, ma'am. Is it true you provide bed and breakfast services? My Pokémon and I are weary from travel," The smile on the lady's face caused the corners of Izzy's mouth the curl up as well.
    "Oh yes! Please, come in! We even have some supper left, if you're hungry." The lady spied the badges on her backpack and the official badge on her hip. "A Pokémon nurse? A genuine one? Oh my goodness." The woman looked absolutely ecstatic. She turned around as if preparing to call for someone, only to deflate a little when she assumedly realised there was no one to call for.
    "I assure you, my Pokémon are very well behaved. They'd sleep so much better if I could let them out of their balls. Is that okay with you, ma'am?" Isabelle asked as she headed inside, accepting the offer of supper. It was obvious the woman was lonely, so Izzy would do her best to make this a good evening for her.
    "Oh, please, let them out. It's been so long since I heard their little paws over the ground. They're little, right? My house can't take a Charizard or Fearow." Isabelle smiled and assured her they weren't as big as those. Opening their balls, she introduced the lady to Ivysaur, Wartortle, and Pidgeotto.
    As they all ate supper in the lady's kitchen, listening to Ma'am Umberta's life story, Izzy noticed Wartortle did not look at her. Like a sulking child, she ate her food silently and then inched away from her teammates, who were chattering lively. The lady spoiled them by offering them homemade Pokémon food.
    "So, tomorrow is our annual festival, and we'd be so honoured if a genuine Pokémon nurse could be there! There will be a competition and if you could be in the jury, everyone would accept the results." Madame Umberta suddenly said, in an excited manner. "Unlike last time," she muttered, which was probably not meant for Izzy's ears.
    Isabelle smiled, a bit uncomfortably. "If I could repay you for your kindness by evaluating Pokémon well being, then it'd be my pleasure."
    Unfortunately for Izzy, those were quite some famous last words. The over-excitement of the villagers made her very uncomfortable, and by the time she was placed in a seat of honour at the jury table, she already had a migraine and wished she could just leave. But the horrors of the day had not ended yet. The competition still had to start.
    "Welcome, townspeople and honoured lady Nurse, to the annual Paras competition!" The ringleader announced, causing Izzy to pale a little. Paras? Hundreds of Paras to inspect?
    And yes, indeed. Hundreds of Paras. This one had slightly bigger mushrooms than the other, the other one had glossier eyes — which only meant it wasn't as possessed yet — and yet another one had a gentler voice. Paras in all sizes, scuffling over the stage. It was torment. It was torture!
    By the time the sun set, Isabelle was relieved when she hung a medal around the winning Paras's mushrooms. She declined all offers of staying another night at the town, proclaiming to have important work to do, and left with her backpack as soon as she could. She'd rather sleep out in the open than another night in Paras town.

    #047 Parasect
    Parasect, the Mushroom Pokémon. The evolved form of Paras. Parasect is known to infest large trees en masse and drain nutrients from the lower trunk and roots. When an infested tree dies, they move onto another tree all at once.
    With her legs crossed, Nurse Isabelle leant against a mossy, stone wall. She'd been dragging her feet a little all day, feeling somewhat off, when she discovered these two children in the back garden, clearly about to hold a Pokémon match. When Isabelle asked if she were allowed to join, they had run to their mother, who had been absolutely pleased to see her. So, supplied with a jug of lemonade and a platter of sandwiches, Isabelle rested up here during the kids' match.
    The two children that had attracted her attention were obviously twins. They even dressed perfectly similarly, aside from colour scheme. One was in a Rattata purple dress, and the other in a Paras red dress. When they summoned forth their Pokémon, Isabelle sighed, smiling softly. Just as she had expected, they owned a Rattata and a Paras. Weak, common Pokémon for young kids wasn't such a bad idea.
    Maybe the mother had a say in it, but the Pokémon looked pretty well taken care of, in the way the mother had taken care of Izzy. The Rattata was on normal weight, which was a refreshing sight to see, after all those thin, wild Rattata. The Paras was okay, she guessed. She did not really look at it. There wasn't anything glaringly wrong with it, at least.
    "This is the battle between Em and Cee. Em has chosen a Rattata. Cee will be fighting with Paras. No time limit. Begin!" Izzy announced it for them, making her smile in glee. It felt really exciting to say it. As the girls set their Pokémon to each other, Isabelle thought about what their mother had said to Izzy earlier when she was given all this food.
    "They've been trying so hard to make them evolve. All the kids in their class have an evolved Pokémon. So they've been training all day and night. Can you make these Pokémon evolve?" When Isabelle had shook her head and explained that Pokémon evolve at their own time, the mother had sighed. Isabelle had been able to suggest battle experience usually helped.
    So that's why the girls were having a Pokémon battle right now. It was clear Rattata-Em was the oldest of the two. She seemed more self-assured, though a bit hasty, as she ordered her Rattata to Bite. However, Cee's Paras was a tricky one. It was quite speedy, making it very hard to hit. Cee seemed to be the calmer one, who observes first and then makes a move, such as when she ordered Paras to use Stun Spore. It hit the Rattata full in its face and it crashed to the ground.
    "Rattata is defeated. Paras is the winner. The round goes to Cee!" But no one was listening to Isabelle anymore, because Paras had lit up with a bright light. By now, Isabelle had seen this often enough so she was the only one who didn't stare open-mouthed at the morphing Paras. When it was finished, Isabelle dryly corrected. "Parasect is the winner. The round goes to Cee."
    While Parasect were actually rather creepy once you knew that the mushroom has fully taken over Paras' body and that they were basically undead now, Cee did not seem to care. With a delighted squeal, she flung her arms around Parasect's mushroom, and bragged a little to Em, who seemed to be happy for her younger twin sister. Smiling softly, Isabelle brought the jug and the platter back to their mother and said her goodbyes, not wishing to disturb the two who seem to have forgotten all about Izzy.
  3. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #048 Venonat
    Venonat, the Insect Pokémon. Venonat is said to have evolved with a coat of thin, stiff hair that covers its entire body for protection. It possesses large eyes that never fail to spot even miniscule prey.
    While the business of daytime inspired her to work even harder, Nurse Isabelle preferred night time. She loved the colour of the midnight sky, which was such a deep blue it appeared almost black. Yet the darkness never seemed scary. The pavements, which were always so full with people and Pokémon were now entirely empty, lit by street lights. The world felt so much bigger, yet small within the small, illuminated area.
    While most Pokémon have gone to sleep, some others had woken up. Oddish, for example, were now trotting around on their little root-like feet, looking for fresher and better soil to nestle in before morning. Some Pidgey were roosting in the trees overhanging the stone path. This is how she preferred to see Pokémon. All calm in their natural habitat. Not forced to battle by selfish, eager kids, or used for who knows what.
    The night wasn't entirely silent, though. Police sirens rang faraway. One of those sirens was coming closer, and soon the source of the sound was visible as well. A figure in blue on a motorcycle. The silhouette of Officer Jenny was unmistakable, even at night.
    "Halt! Do you have any idea what time it is? Where are your — oh, hello, Nurse." Jenny commanded at first, only to soften her voice when she finally recognised who she had in front of her.
    "Good evening, Officer. As you can see, I am no child up past my bedtime. But what's the hurry, and who have you got with you?" All Isabelle could see was something hairy with antennas on Jenny's bike.
    "This is Venonat. He's helping me track down some Pokémon poachers and thieves."
    "Oh goodness. Poachers and thieves? Is there any Pokémon these guys do not steal?"
    Jenny sighed and nodded. "Yes. It's a real problem. Call me if you see anything, okay? They might try to get you, too."
    Isabelle smiled as she laid her hand on Venonat's head, only to pull it back grimacing to find it covered with poison. "Blegh," she muttered as she pulled a paper tissue from her back pocket to wipe off her hand. It was already tingling a little, so she would have to take some medication to be sure. "I didn't know this thing was Poisonous?"
    Jenny shrugged. "Secondary. It's mostly Bug type." Isabelle smiled wryly.
    "Well, good luck on your search, and I'll call you if I see anything." After that, Isabelle continued walking down the pavement, rubbing her hand which was becoming increasingly numb. "Bloody buggers. And it was such a beautiful night." Looks like Isabelle would have to end her day with an antidote. Not entirely how she planned on finishing her midnight stroll.

    #049 Venomoth
    Venomoth, the Poison Moth Pokémon. The evolved form of Venonat. Venomoth is nocturnal–it is a Pokémon that only becomes active at night. Its favorite prey are small insects that gather around streetlights, attracted by the light in the darkness.
    Despite the antidote last night, Nurse Isabelle slept poorly. Her hand had tingled deep into the night because of Venonat's poison, which caused terrible dreams about that stupid Ekans again, only it was bigger than an Arbok this time. Before dawn, Isabelle decided she was unable to sleep anymore and got out of bed. Her Pokémon were deeply asleep, so Isabelle headed over to the cafeteria of the Pokémon centre she was staying at to have breakfast with the Joy on morning shift.
    Saffron Joy, or at least this one, was a peculiar one. The other Joys called her 'Gothic Joy' behind her back. She had dyed her hair Rattata-purple, wearing it in all kinds of punky fashions that the conservative Joys would never do. Today, she'd braided the left half of it into a faux Mohawk. Her clothing also lacked the pink elements. Instead, they were Ekans-purple. On her feet were high, belted boots. Isabelle thought she looked really cool, and always complimented her on her looks. After all, she tried to be her own person, instead of yet another Joy.
    Instead of sitting properly upright, both nurses laid languidly on the booths, cradling a cup of tea in their hands. The scent calmed Izzy down some. While they had chatted animatedly during breakfast, now they only listened to the mostly silent Pokécentre.
    Until, suddenly, a massive, purple moth descended on the table in between them. The Joy sat up, nearly knocking over her tea.
    "I know that Venomoth! Isn't that Sabrina's?"
    Isabelle merely shrugged a little; she was exhausted and didn't really care whose Venomoth it was. It was obviously in good health and after Izzy's encounter with the Venonat, she didn't hold a lot of love for the evolved form, either.
    "Oh, come on, Izz. It's got a note, with your name on it," Joy encouraged her. Raising an eyebrow, Isabelle sat up, slower than Saffron Joy had done, and took the envelope Joy held out.
    "Wandering Nurse Isabelle,
    Welcome to Saffron City. My name is Sabrina, and I am the
    Gymleader here. We, the Saffron Gym, have foreseen your coming to Saffron. We've heard and seen a lot of your reputation as travelling nurse and we'd like to invite you over to the Saffron Gym the next time you're in town.
    Be careful of the man with the Nidoking and Nidoqueen. He's dangerous.

    To Isabelle's surprise, Gothic Joy burst out laughing.
    "Oh, that's just like her. I love that lady. Do tell me you'll come back soon. I want to hear all about your visit there! I'm so jealous; I wish I could go."
    On the back of the note, Isabelle wrote her reply that she'd be back soon and would visit then. The Venomoth took the note and flew off.
    "I still don't like that Pokémon..." Isabelle muttered.
  4. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #050 Diglett
    Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. Diglett are raised in most farms. The reason is simple–wherever this Pokémon burrows, the soil is left perfectly tilled for planting crops. This soil is made ideal for growing delicious vegetables. Its skin is very thin. If it is exposed to light, its blood heats up, causing it to grow weak.
    Nurse Isabelle had been in Vermillion City's Pokémon centre when the earthquake hit during the night. Such events were rather rare, so it should be no surprise everyone in the town was very alarmed. Helping the Joys on duty, Isabelle spent a while, long before dawn, soothing panicked residents. Just around dawn, Isabelle managed to lay down for a while and sleep an hour or two before she was called by Officer Jenny. There had been collapses in Diglett's cave. Izzy was asked to join a Ranger and make their way through the cave to look for any injured Pokémon, since earthquakes were disastrous for digging Pokémon.
    Awfully sleepy, Isabelle made her way to the entrance of the cave, yawning. In front of the cave stood a man she was actually acquainted with. Despite her exhaustion, she smiled at him.
    "Good morning, Dominic," she said. He turned at the sound of her voice, smiled brightly at him as if he'd slept perfectly fine, and surprised her by giving her a quick hug.
    "Hey there, Isabelle. So you're the nurse I've been assigned to? Can't say I'm disappointed, working with you over one of those identical Joys." Wearing a white t-shirt, Isabelle could finally see he was decently muscled from his work as a Ranger. His arms were nicely sculpted, but she didn't have much time to inspect them.
    With a hard hat to protect them from falling rocks, the two descended into the cave. While Dom kept an eye out on where to walk and where not, because of collapsed tunnels and all, Isabelle checked on the Diglett around. None of them seem to be injured, just shaken and a bit agitated. However, they'd settle soon when the earth would no longer tremble with aftershocks. Steady as the earth itself, those Ground-types were.
    Because of the earthquake, many Diglett had stuck their little heads out of the ground to see what's going on, making it incredibly hard to walk through the cave. Izzy desperately wished to avoid stepping on one of those little moles, whose chanting made her smile.
    With a lot of 'digladee digladee' on the background, Isabelle looked over to smile at Dominic. He seemed so cool and in control, always looking out for her as he tried to avoid her tripping or getting hurt. It was very touching.
    Way too soon, they reached the other end of the cave, where they had to say goodbye. Isabelle had to call in her findings at the Pewter Pokémon centre, and Dom was needed elsewhere. Shaking each other's hands, they said their goodbyes. Isabelle watched him leave with a strange feeling in her stomach. She'd miss his presence, even though they didn't talk much in the cave.

    #051 Dugtrio
    Dugtrio, the Mole Pokémon. The evolved form of Diglett. Dugtrio are actually triplets that emerged from one body. As a result, each triplet thinks exactly like the other two triplets. They work cooperatively to burrow endlessly.
    Wearing her Squirtle raincoat, Nurse Isabelle slowly walked over the empty streets of Viridian City. It truly was pouring, but the water was warm from the pleasant weather the last days, so it wasn't bad at all. Truth was, she was dragging her heels a little, having an appointment at Viridian Gym with that scary Giovanni, to check out his Pokémon. There was something very unsettling about him, and it wasn't his posse of bodyguards, though those didn't help one bit.
    It truly was a gorgeous building. Compared to the tacky decorating of Vermillion Gym, this one was of an entire different class. Massive marble columns made the building look incredibly elegant. Like most gyms, it had a very high ceiling, Isabelle noticed as she entered Viridian Gym. Her looking around was stopped when two neckless goons stopped her, demanding her reason of entry. Isabelle showed her medical badge and said she had an appointment with the Gym to inspect the health of the Pokémon. Faced with authority like her, the goons immediately straightened up and went to get someone to escort her in. Isabelle merely rolled her eyes. Goodness forbid she walked around alone in a gym. Would almost make a girl wonder what they had to hide.
    Her wet sneakers made squeaky noises on the marble floor as she followed a man in a suit without the jacket towards where presumably the Pokémon were kept. Her coat had been hung near the door, where the goons were. She hoped they liked Squirtle.
    They appeared to be somewhere west of the main field, judging from the occasional glances Isabelle managed to get of it. They went through two double doors in a place that did smell vaguely of Pokémon. The first homely sense Isabelle got from this place. However, that seemed to be the only trace. In the place they've entered were lots and lots of cages. The ceiling was lower here, but still about twice as high as Izzy was. The bars reached all the way to the ceiling, only broken by a large, padlocked gate door.
    Seeing her surprise, the man explained this is where the Pokémon were kept in between training and matches. It was too much to keep calling them back to their Pokéballs. As Isabelle approached the familiar Nidoking in the cage closest to her, the man behind her told her how often these were fed, what they ate, and when and how long they exercised. Theoretically, there was nothing wrong with their regime, and so she thanked the man for his time and explanation. However, as she looked at the Nidoking in his cage, she felt her heart break for him. She extended her hand out through the bars and smiled weakly when the Nidoking laid his snout against it. What about love? Who gave these Pokémon some love?
    The Nidoqueen nearby was in a similar state. Physically she was pristine, yet her eyes were dull. There was nothing of that spark of life Isabelle had seen of the Nidoqueen back in the woods, with the Nidoran and Nidorina. A bit further ahead was a Dugtrio. The trainer explained something about the concrete being lower so that they basically had a bit of a dirt pit to reside in. Kneeling in front of the cage, Isabelle looked at the Mole Pokémon. Dugtrio were a little hard to read, Isabelle found, just like Diglett. Emotions were hard to see in them, aside from physical pain, which was usually very clear in their eyes.
    Declaring all these perfectly healthy and taken care of, Isabelle inquired after the other Pokémon. The answer she received was a bit vague. Unavailable, the man in suit had said. For a moment, Isabelle contemplated demanding to see them. What if they were held back because they were in less of a good state? They were Pokémon, and Pokémon were her duty. So, she told the trainer she'd like to see every Pokémon that was in this gym. He surprised her by bowing and walking away.
    Hovering around Nidoking's cage, Isabelle waited with crossed arms for whatever was going to happen. The doors opened, causing Izzy to stand upright again to face the trainer coming back. However, it wasn't him. Giovanni himself came striding in, in his impeccable suit and his awful mood. The most frightening part about his mood was that it wasn't to be read on his face. His face was calm. It was his aura that was stormy. A bit insecure, Isabelle took a step back when he came thundering towards her. Her back hit a wall, preventing her from escaping. His right hand slammed into the stone just next to her head, causing her to flinch.
    "Who do you think you are, missy? Demanding to see my Pokémon, as if I'd hide them from a little girl like you?" He hissed near her ear. Izzy was frozen with fear. All words that had been on the tip of her tongue about treating his Pokémon in a more humane manner had been entirely forgotten. All she could do was glare at him. That was the only feature of her anger that was still available.
    "If I catch you snooping around, looking for my other Pokémon, I'll make sure it's the last thing you do. Understood?" Isabelle nodded frantically, hoping he could not hear her heart pounding in her chest. "Good." He pushed off the wall and walked away without even sparing her one more glance. Utterly relieved, Isabelle sank to the floor, taking a moment to calm down before getting out of here as fast as she could.
  5. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #052 Meowth
    Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to slinkily sneak about without making any incriminating footsteps. For some reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that glitter with light.
    To earn some money to live on, Nurse Isabelle occasionally worked in a Pokémon centre whenever there was one in town. Having done the morning shift, Isabelle walked through town as she reflected back on the Pokémon she treated today. One was particularly worrying since it showed no sign of progress. Its problems didn't appear to be physical, so Isabelle had no idea how to treat it.
    Somehow, Isabelle had managed to walk into a street filled with Pokémon fashion boutiques. In one of these, which looked far less flashy than the other ones, a lady with long, green hair sat talking to her Vulpix. Intrigued, Isabelle entered.
    The shop looked clean and even smelled pleasantly like flowers. Isabelle seemed to be the only customer at the moment, so she knelt in front of the pedestal where Vulpix sat and admired her shiny coat.
    "She looks so gorgeous, but she doesn't look like you used any curlers or anything. How did you get your Vulpix this way?" Isabelle asked the green-haired lady, who stood nearby.
    "With lots of care and love. I believe the Pokémon's inner beauty can shine through. I'm Suzy, by the way, and this is my Vulpix."
    Isabelle shook her hand. "I'm Isabelle, a Pokémon nurse." She thought for a moment. "Could you help me? I have a bit of trouble with a Pokémon of mine. She seems very upset these days, yet it has no physical cause. Maybe she's just stressed. Could you help me? Since you're a massager, after all."
    "Of course. I'd love to help nurses. You don't need to pay. Consider this my tribute of appreciation of what you do for Pokémon."
    Isabelle summoned Wartortle. "This is her. Wartortle is very keen on hygiene and loves to keep her beautiful tail groomed."
    While Suzy brushed Wartortle's tail, groomed her shell, and massaged her paws some, Isabelle sat in a sofa nearby, watching them. For once, Wartortle looked absolutely happy, the happiest she'd seen her Water-type since she caught it. It made her sad.
    "So, you're able to make Pokémon feel better by massaging them?" When Suzy affirmed that, Isabelle continued: "I've got a depressed Pokémon at the centre, and we're unsure how to treat it. It's physically okay. Well, it's a stray, so it looks a bit rough, but there's nothing we can do for it at the centre. Could you take a look at it? I can bring it if you want. Wartortle could use the relaxation."
    Upon Suzy's agreement to take a look at it, Isabelle rushed to the Pokémon centre to pick up the Pokémon, briefly explaining to the afternoon shift Joy what she was going to do. Since the Joy didn't seem to care much what she did, Isabelle gathered the Pokémon in her arms and carefully walked out.
    The Meowth did not respond much. She just curled up in a ball against her chest, mewling occasionally as if in pain, but extended tests could not find the source.
    Coming back to Suzy's salon, Wartortle's treatment was done. Her shell was all shiny now and she was chatting animatedly with Vulpix. Wartortle makes some strange friends, type-wise. First an Electric type, Dom's Raichu; and now a Fire type, this Vulpix.
    While those two entertained each other, Suzy and Izzy worked together to wash, trim, and massage the Meowth. At first, she wasn't too keen on the bath, but she seemed to really love the brushing and the massaging, causing her to purr adorably. The amount of attention and love the two ladies gave the feline seemed to revive the lacklustre Meowth. Within an hour, it was as good as new, maybe even better.
    Their work had not gone unnoticed. A well-dressed lady stood in the salon, holding a Vulpix in a leash with a diamond collar. As Isabelle made eye contact with the lady, both recognised the other. "You."
    "Oh, it's you. I see you took my advice and finally washed that filthy Wartortle of yours. See how much better it looks?" The lady said haughtily.
    Isabelle had met this lady when she visited a Pokémon centre specialised on echolocation. The event was now known among Izzy and her friends as the Golbat Pandemonium.
    Isabelle didn't bother to reply to the lady. She merely crossed her arms over her chest. Yet again, Isabelle looked shabbily. Her trousers were wet from washing, she had cat hair all over her shirt, and some strands of her braid had gotten loose and curled in her flustered face.
    "Oh, look at that gorgeous Meowth! I've just got to have her. Is she yours, Suzy dear?"
    Suzy shook her head. "It's from the Pokémon centre. Brought in yesterday, alone and starving."
    "That's just perfect! My little Vulpix was getting lonely." The lady with the pearl necklace scooped the Meowth up, who was still purring and now rubbed her perfumed head against the lady's chin. "Come on, Vulpix. Let's go adopt this adorable little cat. She'll be your sister!"
    Chattering more nonsense like that, the lady left the salon with the Meowth, leaving both Suzy and Izzy slightly confused.
    "All right... I suppose that's a happy ending for that Meowth," Suzy offered with a small smile. Isabelle just shook her head, unable to believe in a woman as superficial as the one with the Vulpix and the Meowth.

    #053 Persian
    Persian, the Classy Cat Pokémon. The evolved form of Meowth. Persian has six bold whiskers that give it a look of toughness. The whiskers sense air movements to determine what is in the Pokémon's surrounding vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed by the whiskers.
    "Lady! Lady! Lady Nurse! Please! Lady Nurse!"
    Nurse Isabelle Evergreen had been strolling through one of the richer villages around, admiring the gorgeous villas while trying not to be bitter that she could never afford such a house. The silence was interrupted by the voice of what sounded like a young girl, calling out to someone. Turning around, Izzy saw said little girl dash towards her. Crouching on the ground, Isabelle caught her and stabilised her before both of them would fall over.
    "You're a nurse, right?" The little girl demanded to know.
    "Yes, but..."
    "You must come with me! Grandmother's Persian is very, very sick!" The girl looked in absolute panic from the way she shouted and kept tugging on Izzy's trousers, so Isabelle decided to come. Taking big steps, she could easily keep up with the running girl.
    "So, what's wrong with Persian?" Isabelle asked, to gain some insight on the situation.
    "He's been weak for a long while now, but this morning, he wouldn't get up anymore."
    Isabelle made a humming sound in her throat; the situation sounded rather severe.
    Grandmother apparently lived in one of the villas nearby. The guards bowed at the little girl, and allowed Isabelle to pass through, too. The butlers escorted them upstairs, where the girl was asked to wait in front of a closed door. 'Lady Nurse' was allowed to enter.
    Inside the room, which seemed to be Persian's room judging from the fact toys were everywhere along with cat beds and scratching poles, an elderly lady knelt in front of a long chair on which laid the elegant feline.
    As Isabelle approached, the rich lady, who obviously had been crying from the way her eyes were wet and the handkerchief she held, made room for her to approach the cat.
    "Oh, poor darling," Isabelle whispered as she took in the normally gorgeous cat.
    Persian looked terrible. As Isabelle ran her hand over his body, she could feel the bones of his ribcage. He also seemed to have trouble breathing.
    "You do feed Persian right, don't you, ma'am?" Isabelle asked to confirm.
    The lady nodded. "Only the best. Fresh fish, steamed meat. But lately, he has not been eating much."
    Isabelle hummed again, nodding, and stroked Persian's snout while inspecting his eyes.
    "I have good news and bad news for you, ma'am," Isabelle said as she kept stroking the Classy Cat Pokémon. "Persian is not sick. However, he is very old. I don't think he'll live until dawn." Isabelle finally looked at the elderly lady, who had begun to cry silently.
    Isabelle stood up and placed her hand on the lady's arm. "Persian has had a great life. His fur might be thinning, but it's still groomed perfectly. Stay with him until the end. You should decide for yourself whether you want your granddaughter to be here, when he passes away."
    The woman nodded and knelt again in front of the struggling feline. "Oh, what will I do without my poor Persian? I've had him ever since he was a starved street Meowth."
    Isabelle sat down on the other side of the feline. "You could always adopt another one. So many Meowth out there long for love. You rescued this one. He knows how tough it was on the streets. I think he'll like it if you rescue another one. Think of it as his legacy."
    Then Isabelle stood up again, watching over Persian sadly. "Keep him warm, and make sure he knows he is loved and will be missed. That's all you can do for him right now." Then Isabelle bowed her head to both the lady and the Persian and left the room.
    As she opened the door to go outside, the little girl rushed by her to get inside, rushing to Persian's and Grandmother's side. By the time Isabelle was outside, the girl's wails were very clearly audible. Isabelle guessed Persian has passed away, surrounded by those who loved him.
  6. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #054 Psyduck
    Psyduck, the Duck Pokémon. Psyduck uses mysterious powers but doesn't recall that it has used them. That is why it always looks puzzled. When it does so, this Pokémon generates brain waves that are supposedly only seen in sleepers. This discovery spurred controversy among scholars.
    If looking for a nurse, the most logical place to look is a Pokémon centre. That's where Dominic Whitewater found the golden-haired young lady he had become so fond of. However, the Pokémon she was currently treating was not one he particularly liked.
    Nurse Isabelle Evergreen had been doing some chores at the centre she was staying at when a Pokémon was brought in. It was a Psyduck with a very severe migraine. It was very common for these ducks to have a headache, but this poor little fellow was so confused, he kept walking against the walls and injuring himself.
    She was sitting on one of the beds with the Psyduck in her lap when Dom entered the room. The guy was decently good-looking, enough for the Joy in the lobby to let him through when he asked for Isabelle. When Dom saw Izzy, he smiled warmly. Only that smile faltered and turned in a disgusted grimace when he saw she was cradling the whimpering duck in her arms.
    "Oh come on. Psyduck are not that bad. Ever handled a Parasect? Those are gross. Not these harmless ducks," Isabelle chided him gently. Dom merely huffed.
    "I can't stand them. That look on their faces... It gives me a headache."
    Isabelle laughed, hugging the duck closer to her chest. The Psyduck, being entirely dry at the moment, had this really soft, downy coat all over its yellow body.
    "So. What's wrong with it? How are you treating the little derp?"
    Isabelle lightly frowned at him for calling the poor, helpless Psyduck a derp. "Psyduck got a severe migraine. I've given him a sedative to help him sleep it off. However, it works very slowly and if I let him walk around, he bumps into stuff. That's how confused he is. So I hold the sweetheart until he falls asleep" When she heard Dom scoff at the endearment, Isabelle grinned.
    Dom sat down nearby, and the pair talked quietly for a while. Isabelle held the duck as he was slowly getting drowsy and eventually fell asleep with a very unflattering snore that caused Dom to snort. Ignoring that, Isabelle laid the Psyduck down on its bed and left the room with Dom.
    As they both walked to the lobby where Isabelle would have to report in, Dom slid his hand in hers, holding it protectively, as if she needed protection from a horde of sleepy Psyduck. Nevertheless, Isabelle didn't mind one bit.
    The Joy at the desk in the lobby grinned widely at the two. Isabelle was blushing furiously and glared at the Joy while Dom looked kind of proud to be holding her hand. He refused to let her go, no matter how bashful she may get, and only grinned wickedly at her. When Isabelle gave in, she had to admit it was actually kind of pleasant, once the sensation of Butterfree in the stomach was ignored.
    Dom treated her to coffee and they spent their lunch break together. After that, they each went their separate ways again after hugging each other briefly. This might have been a perfect moment to kiss, but Isabelle could not do it yet, due to a surge of shyness. Dominic merely smiled at her, fixing her with a gaze before letting her go entirely.
    As she walked back to the centre, Izzy grumbled at herself. She'd faced an angry Charizard but could not act normally around the black haired Ranger. What was wrong with her?

    #055 Golduck
    Golduck, the Duck Pokémon. The evolved form of Psyduck. Golduck is the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon. It swims effortlessly, even in a rough, stormy sea. It sometimes rescues people from wrecked ships floundering in high seas. The webbed flippers on its forelegs and hind legs and the streamlined body of Golduck give it frightening speed. The Pokémon is definitely much faster than even the most athletic swimmer.
    Sometimes, her self-made travelling nurse uniform felt too restrictive, especially if the sun was shining as brightly as it was today. So, to allow her white skin some sun, Isabelle was wearing some shorts and a tank top, which had an image of a Caterpie wearing a Butterfree onesie emblazoned on it. She found herself at the beach again, near Bill's lighthouse. It was so far away, Cerulean being the only town nearby, that few people came here.
    Walking through the sand on bare feet, Isabelle enjoyed the wind through her loose curls. Even her hair was enjoying an off-day. High above her, Pidgeotto was surfing the wind. She'd let him loose since he hadn't had a lot of time to shine, recently. To give her bird some much needed attention, he was the only one of her Pokémon she had released today. He seemed to be practicing Agility from the speed he managed to achieve in this unrestricted space of air.
    Dragging her eyes away from Pidgeotto and the scorching sun, Isabelle saw a man at the coastline, with a bunch of tall, blue Pokémon. Upon approaching him, she saw they were Golduck. Only barely giving her a glance, the trainer tossed a heavy, Rattata shaped toy into the surf, waited for a moment, and then blew his whistle. As one, his flock of Golduck dove into the water had retrieved the toy within less than a minute, however far he threw it.
    "They're training for Search and Rescue," the man suddenly said, closer to her than he had been before.
    "Hm?" Isabelle hadn't really been listening, transfixed by the competence of the Golduck. They were now training themselves. As soon as one dove up the toy, it flung the purple thing away for another Golduck to retrieve.
    Golduck were very magnificent creatures. Being as tall as Isabelle and a bit heavier than her, they could swim faster than any other Pokémon. This made them unbeatable underwater since nothing was too speedy for them.
    "Search and Rescue. They're aquatic aid Pokémon," the man repeated, a little impatient now.
    Pidgeotto descended upon Izzy's arm, perching proudly with his head held high.
    "This is Pidgeotto, a Medical Bird," Isabelle said, not to be outdone by his Golduck.
    The man checked out her Pidgeotto, smiled softly, and gave her a salute.
    "Keep up the good work, Officer," Isabelle greeted the man who obviously belonged to the police.
    "You too, Nurse."
    Smiling, Isabelle let Pidgeotto fly again as she continued to walk down the beach, enjoying the sun on her neglected skin and the wind through her hair. It truly was a glorious day.
  7. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #056 Mankey
    Mankey, the Pig Monkey Pokémon. When Mankey starts shaking and its nasal breathing turns rough, it's a sure sign that it is becoming angry. However, because it goes into a towering rage almost instantly, it is impossible for anyone to flee its wrath.
    One of the most amazing things of Pokémon was that a Pokémon's nature occasionally overruled its natural behaviour. There were docile Charizard and vicious Oddish. Another of those cases was back in Pallet with Professor Oak. Some of the rangers occasionally visited to keep an eye on the Pokémon, both to check that Oak wasn't becoming too old for this, and protecting them from poachers. Dominic, who was in the reserve at the moment, had called her when the report came in, so that's where Nurse Isabelle was headed.
    Looking in her agenda, which also served as a notebook, Isabelle read up on the case. The basic outline was that a colony of Mankey needed injections. A virus was going around and it would protect them from becoming sick. Everyone knew that a sick Mankey was an infuriated one. Sighing, Isabelle closed her notebook. She was not really looking forward to this case. Subconsciously, she rubbed her left wrist, which had begun hurting again at the memory. While no blemish could be seen, the mark certainly was there in the manner that her left wrist was less agile than her right one. A result of an old wound, and a painful lesson that an enraged Pokémon was a dangerous one.
    Upon meeting Dominic at the gate, Isabelle surprised him by wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders and giving him a close hug. She rested her forehead against his shoulder for a moment as he rubbed her back, not asking any questions. When she was ready to pull back, she did so with a soft smile.
    "Nice to see you too, Iz. How are you?"
    "Not looking forward to this, but let's do it," she told him.
    The colony wasn't very hard to find. The pig monkeys smelled intruders and were slightly agitated because of it. Frowning, Isabelle looked up the tree in which most of the Mankey sat. However, in another tree, a single Mankey sat. It looked smaller than the rest but not small enough to be a young one. Mankey would never even leave a young one alone like that.
    "Let's start with this one," Isabelle suggested, still looking at the single Mankey. Not only was this female smaller than the rest, it also didn't seem agitated; her breathing was normal and her face resembled friendliness even. Taking a small risk, Isabelle called out to her:
    "Come here, honey. Give me a hug."
    Without even a single moment of hesitation, the Mankey threw herself out of the tree and into Izzy's arms. Those long arms of hers swung around the nurse's body while it made happy little sounds.
    "Look, Dom. A gentle Mankey!" Isabelle exclaimed, smiling. However, when the ranger came near, the pig monkey made angry sounds at him, putting herself in between Dom and Izzy. "All right, all right, little one. Let's not do that," Isabelle said, pulling her away while Dom stepped back.
    "Hey, I don't mean any harm," he promised the young lady, but he gave Izzy space to do her job.
    "So, you don't like men, hm?" She cooed at the Mankey, while starting a report on her. "This one's below average weight. Maybe she doesn't eat enough? If this continues, she might need to be relocated. She doesn't seem to be part of the colony anyway." Isabelle told Dom, while looking at the colony of Mankey up in the tree, who did not seem at all worried she was touching one of them.
    As Dom wrote it down, Isabelle swiftly gave the injection to the Mankey. This brave little lady didn't give a single cry, so she rewarded her with a big hug.
    "That's a good girl. Yes, you're a good girl."
    However, Isabelle was unable to get rid of the Mankey. She had to treat the rest of the Mankey with the smaller one wrapped around her shoulders on her back. Even lighter than she should be, she was still rather heavy when carried for a long time. The other Mankey, on the other hand, did not mind the little back hanger at all. They even seemed calmer because one of them accepted Izzy so much.
    Dom stood a little distance away, writing the report while smiling at the nurse he was so fond of. There was nothing more attractive to him than a woman who knew how to work with Pokémon. He was also relieved he did not have to use the tranquiliser darts he had stored in his pocket. Those truly were a last resort.

    #057 Primeape
    Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokémon. The evolved form of Mankey. When Primeape becomes furious, its blood circulation is boosted. In turn, its muscles are made even stronger. However, it also becomes much less intelligent at the same time.
    A very unfortunate encounter with a Primeape happened only a couple years ago, when Isabelle had just graduated from Nursing school. Now, without her friends, helping Pokémon was a lot more daunting. These Pokémon weren't actors and were really sick.
    To gain more experience, Isabelle's mother had obtained her the opportunity to be a Joy's assistant, joining her on all her shifts to get used to the life as a nurse. As the months progressed, Isabelle was allowed to do more and more alone.
    Filled with confidence laced with doubt, Isabelle started her very first shift alone. It was very early in the morning and the lobby Joy told her that her first patient was a Primeape who'd gotten injured while jogging with his trainer in the morning. Nothing serious, just a bleeding cut on his forearm, the report said.
    Feeling very professional, Isabelle entered the fourth treatment room, where she'd be during her shift. The Primeape sat on the bed, already bristling with rage as he held his injured arm in his gloved hand. A slightly worried looking body builder sat in the chair nearby, who instantly smiled in relief when Isabelle entered in her pink dress and white apron.
    "Nurse, I'm so glad you're here. Primeape has been very agitated because of the pain. The sooner we can fix him up, the better."
    Isabelle agreed with the man, reached in a cabinet nearby for antiseptic and bandages. Cuts were easy to do. She'd done them all the time at school. Primeape would soon feel better.
    While the trainer stroked his pig monkey over his shaggy head, Isabelle stood at his right arm. She laid her right hand on his glove, stroking it soothingly while moving to dab the wound with the antiseptic. However, she forgot to mention it stings some, and this Pokémon did not expect it to like the simulation patients.
    Shrieking in pain, the Primeape did what was his nature to do: he attacked. He stomped the offending hand away that had been causing his wound to sting. Izzy's left wrist got caught between the wall and Primeape's fist, causing it to break with a very painful 'crunch'. Upon the nurse's scream of pain, the Primeape leapt back, startled and fearing punishment from his trainer, who stared at the nurse on the ground cradling her broken wrist.
    The Lobby Joy came rushing in, took in the scene, and called for a colleague to take over here while Izzy would be taken to a hospital herself. Tears ran down Izzy's cheeks. Not only from the pain, but also in humiliation. Merely fifteen minutes into her first shift alone and then something like this happened.
    At the hospital, Izzy's wrist was put in a cast. Primeape are very strong and had shattered most of the bones. The doctor warned her left hand would never be the same anymore. Izzy didn't listen much. She just sat there, still cradling her wrist.
    Only when her mother came in, sat next to her on the bed, and pulled her only daughter into a hug did she finally break fully. She cried for a long while, had over a litre of tea while sharing stories of failed treatments, and eventually felt better. It had been a very painful lesson, but a necessary one nevertheless.
  8. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    #058 Growlithe
    Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything, this Pokémon won't forget the scent, no matter what. It uses its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of other living things. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes.
    Not everyone loves Pokémon as much as Nurse Isabelle does. Not as much as many trainers, rangers, nurses, and common people do. Some people hate Pokémon. How that could be, no one knows, but such people exist. And Isabelle encountered one, today.
    Isabelle was enjoying a lovely afternoon on the river bank, just outside of town, near a gorgeous wooden bridge. Her bag was at the Pokémon centre and all her Pokémon were there too. It was just her, jam sandwiches, and a bottle of milk.
    As she wiggled open the wrap on her sandwiches, a man caught her attention as he walked over the bridge. He was carrying a closed basket, tied with ropes. However, from inside the basket, frightened squeaking could be heard. Calm down, she told herself. Maybe he's just going to the Pokémon centre and whatever's in there is scared of the nurses. It's possible. Children have it too.
    However, all those thoughts left her when the man raised the basket over his head and flung it in the river. The whimpers changed into full blown terrified cries. He was drowning Pokémon! In a split second, Isabelle made a choice, tossed her sandwiches aside, and leapt after them into the water. If Isabelle had been a police woman, she'd immediately apprehended the man, but for Izzy, Pokémon went first.
    Struggling against the strong current, Isabelle tried her hardest to get to the basket and tug it back on land. Gurgling inside of the basket told Izzy it wasn't water proof. However, she wasn't very trained and did not have the strength to both keep the basket above her head and swim to the shore. By the time she reached the shore, Isabelle was exhausted. A woman with leather gloves tugged her out of the water and immediately began cutting open the rope with a knife. As Isabelle coughed up some water, she saw the characteristic blue hair of Officer Jenny on the lady who helped her. However, this was not the kind face of the Jennys she knew. This one looked very grim, as if she wished to burn the basket open with the fierceness of her glare.
    Inside the basket laid the tiniest Growlithe she had ever seen. Less than half the size of an adult one, these bald-ish puppies had hatched recently. And the worst thing of all, they were entirely silent as they laid there in the basket. Their little eyes hadn't even opened yet and never would, because some asshole, who did not want to take care of more puppies, drowned them.
    Stroking the wet hair away from her face, Isabelle took one of them and gently did chest compressions, trying to bring it back to life. However, she did not have the equipment to give it the oxygen it needed. The tiny little thing remained heart-breakingly silent.
    Sobs came from Officer Jenny as she hugged another of the three puppies against her chest, obviously thinking about her own Growlithe, back at the station.
    "How could he...?" Jenny cried. "This is the second damn time! How could he?!" She screamed the last bit, voicing her frustrations and her pain.
    Later, Isabelle sat at the station with a blanket around her wet body. Both women were staring into their tea, as silent as the puppies which were now being buried by the Diglett of the church yard. The women did not need to say anything. Their pain was in the air, the loss was fresh, and the anger was keeping them going. This man will be caught and he will pay.

    #059 Arcanine
    Arcanine, the Legendary Pokémon. The evolved form of Growlithe. Arcanine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blazes wildly within this Pokémon's body is its source of power. Its magnificent bark conveys a sense of majesty. Anyone hearing it can't help but grovel before it.
    Nurse Isabelle had both looked forward to coming back to Cinnabar and dreaded it a little. The old man Blaine still made her uncomfortable, but she longed to see how the Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, and Arcanine that lived around the Gym were doing.
    Wearing her shorts from the time at the beach with Golduck again, Isabelle wore a new tank top. This one had a Meowth on it, happily licking some ice cream. Her hair was in the usual braid, away from her face.
    As she walked up the volcano, she attracted some looks from the locals. With her white skin, that hadn't seen sun in a long time, and medicine bag, she clearly wasn't from Cinnabar Island. However, she looked important enough not to bother with rip-off trinkets.
    At the gym, no one answered so she let herself in. Like a woman on a mission, Isabelle strode right away to the dog kennel. There, in a soft box in the middle of the room, were about four Growlithe playing. These were the first she'd seen alive since the incident in the river. Keeping her bag just outside of the pen, Isabelle stepped over the cage and knelt on the soft ground, letting herself be swept over by excited puppies.
    Adult Growlithe were less eager to accept strangers but these were less than a year old. They were all playful and happy in the way puppies should be. She had her hands full, rubbing all over their happy, little heads and soft bellies.
    The sound of their young awoke the parents from their naps. Slowly, the massive Arcanine came stumbling from wherever they slept. Isabelle held still while the dog, which were taller than her, sniffed her hair and her skin. She apparently smelled okay because she received a very warm lick. Then one Arcanine laid behind her and the others curled up in the pen as well, making one big, soft sleeping pit with dogs.
    Isabelle must have fallen asleep, exhausted from the boat journey to Cinnabar, because it was dark when she was woken up by a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, sleepily, she saw Blaine's silhouette. She carefully wiggled her way away from the dogs, having to carefully pull some puppies off her lap and chest, and stood up.
    As Isabelle followed Blaine into the cool air of the island around dinner time, she waited for him to start talking. For the longest time, he stared out over the sea, of which he had a gorgeous view from his volcano.
    "Join me," he eventually said.
    "Join me. Stay here. Be Cinnabar's personal nurse. Stay here with me," he turned around and looked at her intensely. Isabelle, however, felt highly uncomfortable.
    "Ehm. No, thank you. I love my job as it is and am not willing to settle down yet."
    As Isabelle tried to step away, Blaine reached out and grabbed her wrist tightly. His skin was calloused and leathery, from handling fire his entire life.
    "Don't do it for me. Do it for the Pokémon. It's obvious they love you,"
    "Let me go! I love them too, but I'm not staying! I'll call your secretary to reschedule the check-up, now let me go!" Isabelle yanked her wrist free, swung her bag over her shoulder and ran.
    The last ferry back to Vermillion had already left, but when a fisher's wife saw the light hand-shaped burn mark on her wrist, a boat was arranged for her immediately. All the women seemed to understand, which made Isabelle even more uneasy about the Fire Gym's leader.
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