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Pokémon: The Song of the Elements (IC thread)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by WavePearl, May 16, 2016.

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  1. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    @[member="Shady Pirate"]; @TheYorkieofDoom; @[member="122 Generation"]; @Lunar-Peacle;

    Let's begin this adventure!

    The city of Argenta is one of the world's busiest, with bustling mining and trading industries, as well as the many tourists that come to explore the mountains yearly. But the city's icon is its tallest peak, Mt. Luna.

    You arrive in the bustling city after receiving an urgent message from Brock, the city's resident minstrel. While normally happy and awe inspiring to see in his magnificent purple, red, and gold costume, the tone of his message had a kind of urgency that seems very out of character for him.

    As you approach the town square, you can:

    --visit the tavern (?) (rumors and possible information)
    --visit the city temple (!/?) (the cleric Joy provides healing and blessings on people, things, and Pokémon alike)
    --visit the marketplace ($)
    --visit the adventurer's guild (!) (Brock said he would be waiting for you here)
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  2. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Michelle looked at the message, It had been awhile since she came to this city. But she had no idea what she would do here in the first place.
    When she stepped out of the airship, she looked around. She remembered that it was very busy, but Michelle thought it was extra busy today for no reason.
    After taking another look at the message she put it back into her pocket and checking out of the airship station.

    At first she wanted to get right away to Brock, as it seemed very important however her stomach said the differ. And decided to take a de-tour through the market to get some snacks and some snacks for on the way.
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  3. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    (@[member="Shady Pirate"]: Trains do not exist, but flying and teleportation does)
  4. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    In Frima, Annika looked at the message she received from Brock the minstrel. Which was odd to say the least, that he wanted someone so far away from his home region.

    Instead of taking caution, she happily spread the word to her mother, Eira, and packed her things before she went to the teleportation crystal.

    Upon arrival, she became awed by the sights and sounds of the busy city of Argenta. Definitely much more lively than back at home. Annika, unaware of where she is, gleefully let the crowds and people sway her as she took in the new sights. The marketplace, the tavern, the temple she passed by.
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  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    [SIZE=10.5pt]Leon Pinetree stood at the foot of the Argenta border. The mountains nearby towered in the distance and he knew that if he was only ten minutes closer, their height would have already occupied the sky above.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]"Ah, finally! Argenta!" he said.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]From his home city of Raisu, in Fanyan, he had traveled to Argenta's southern neighbour Meralda via Company ship. Leon had no idea how long the journey had taken from Raisu. Five days?[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]Sapphire Bay Company (SBC) was the trading company he had worked with, headquartered the port city of Raisu. The 17-year old had no major affiliation with SBC anymore due to circumstances regarding his cousin, and after receiving an urgent message from the city of Argenta he was on his way there. He was glad the Company supported his request when he needed a ship. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]He arrived at Meralda after the marine journey, where he had disembarked. While the SBC traders got down to business with the Meralda locals, Leon left straight for Argenta on foot, but not before saying farewell to the traders. In exchange, the traders notified Leon of a small number of Company trading posts elsewhere who would be happy to assist him. Albeit they didn't know where they were exactly located.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]"They should be able to recognise you just by looking at your shirt. Only Sapphire Bay Company would use that kind of blue!" they said. "If you need to write some letters home, you can do that at a Company trading post too! They won't charge you as a Company affiliate, and they guarantee -"[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]"Two days' arrival," Leon finished the sentence with a smile, whilst straightening his collar. "Yeah, thanks for letting me know."[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]Now dressed in that very same dress shirt, and black pants, Leon walked past the Argenta gates and right into the town square. He considered the busy atmosphere, which was quite different from Raisu's.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]Ha, and I'm told Argenta has a cool market[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt], Leon thought. Perhaps there might be some trading opportunities there! Or perhaps some local goods.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]Unfortunately, Leon reminded himself that he hadn't taken any SBC goods with him to trade. He only had his bag with plenty of personal items (most of these items he wasn't willing to trade, and Leon doubted anyone would have use for a couple of flasks). [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]There was the letter he had received from Brock, reminding him of his reason for coming here[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]... and a seashell.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]Leon sighed and tried to hold back a tear. That seashell brought back so many memories of home and... his younger cousin. Maria. He desisted those thoughts. N[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]evertheless he would still be interested in checking out the market but still needed to know where it was, though.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=10.5pt]As a result, Leon approached someone, a local flower girl, for directions.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]"Good day," Leon greeted, whilst tipping his hat. "Would you know know where the marketplace would be?"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]"It's over... oh, can't you hear the sound, buddy? East side," she replied. Leon didn't realise it, but this girl seemed happy to see him. "Would you like to buy some flowers?"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10.5pt]Leon looked over to the market, to the east, which nearby the square.[/SIZE] He thanked the flower girl (who still wore a smile on her face), and made his way over to the market.
    If anything, Leon currently craved something to eat. He hadn't eaten anything since he left the ship!
  6. The Royal Aegis

    Dec 30, 2014
    Hanako, already tired from her long journey pushed through the crowds towards the tavern, she was dying for a drink. Brock could wait until she was fully hydrated.
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  7. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    @ Shady Pirate; @[member="122 Generation"];: The marketplace is bustling with activity--the calls of the merchants, the chatter of people talking, the jingling of coins changing hands, and the occasional Pokémon cry and giggling child. But the most notably absent sounds are one of Brock's instruments and his voice, singing of some brave hero, love lost or love found, or a wily trickster.

    As you stroll through the marketplace, you notice the general store (general items), the smithy (weapons and armor), and the alchemist (helpful potions and charms) do not look busy.


    The Shining Diamond was one of the busiest taverns in the region, filled with travelers, adventurers and merchants of every stripe swapping stories from the road or rumors from across the world as they enjoyed a hot meal and the many beers, wines, and ales on offer.

    At first, the rumors don't seem too promising as to a lead as to why the minstrel of Argenta would become so frightened-- a cleric has spent all his wealth on magical weapons and armor; the labyrinth known as "The Wing" is haunted by the ghosts of dragons; and the barkeep is especially happy about a rumor that an elven caravan is expected to arrive, carrying the finest ales and mulled wines ever produced.

    Just then, an elven warrior passes on an intriguing rumor: "The trees have said that the wizard Lysandre seeks the Celestial Harp of Rainbows to raise an undead army."
  8. The Royal Aegis

    Dec 30, 2014
    Hanako approaches the elven warrior "Pray tell me more about this Lysandre character" She asks in her most gentle voice. before offering a hand "Hanako Miakori, Brock sent a message out so anything you can tell me would be appreciated"
  9. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Leon stood impressed at just how busy the marketplace was. There were plenty of shops, a lot more than he could count, looking so busy that Leon thought it would be more appropriate to visit them another time. The presence of merchants wasn't what he was used to, as he had spent his past years working for a trading company, not a merchant guild. Still, Leon could appreciate their efforts to deal with a high volume of customers.
    On the other hand, he couldn't see any sign of SBC around here, but he wasn't surprised.

    He straightened his collar and looked around at the busyness of Argenta's market. With the market this busy, there was little chance he could quickly view some local goods. As a result, Leon opted to go to someplace less busy. Better yet, maybe he could find some place to eat. When in doubt, Leon thought, go the general store. He went in that direction, and gave smiles to the locals who would look at him with interest. Leon didn't blame them, since he did dress like he was getting down to business.

    He tipped his hat as soon as he walked into the general store.
    "Hello there," he said to the storekeeper.
  10. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012

    "You know well that there are eight great jewels hidden inside well guarded labyrinths." the elven warrior explains to you. "Collecting the jewels within will power up many artifacts in our world, the most famous being the Eight-color Blade.

    If this is done to legendary Celestial Harp of Rainbows, it will equal even the Great Lord Arceus. The reason the resident minstrel here is shaken is because he knows the wizard Lysandre wishes to use the harp for an evil purpose--raising an undead army. It was Meloetta that commanded him to seek out other adventurers for the perilous journey--because no great hero ever fought alone."

    @[member="122 Generation"];

    The general store is not as busy as one would think, save for the odd housewife buying food or apprentice on an errand for their master.

    Argenta General Store item list:

    Berry Basket-80 G each--holds a variety of Berries for food and healing
    Dried Meat-40 G for a bundle of 4
    Torchstick--100 G for a bundle of 10
    Magical patches--50 G for a bundle of 5; can even repair mail and plate armor)
    Arrow crafting kit--120 G
    Regional maps--50 G each
    Healing herb basket--75 G
    Firestarters--75 G
    Camp gear--120 G for a tent, bedroll, cooking supplies, and first aid supplies.

    You have 1000 G to spend
  11. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Now that Annika had gotten herself lost, she started frantically asking for directions to the tavern where she had to meet Brock.

    "Uhhh excuse me? May I know where Brock is? He sent me a message to meet him."

    A few times this was asked, she managed to get into the guild where Brock said he'd be waiting. Not particularly sure who to look for, she combed down almost everyone present in the guild with the same question.
  12. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012

    The adventurer's guild of Argenta was buzzing with activity as adventurers of all stripes swapped war stories or perused the job board for a suitable quest.

    But among the many warriors, mages, rangers, clerics and rogues was a brown haired boy with tan skin wearing a magnificent purple, red, and gold costume. Just the purple alone would clue an adventurer that this particular minstrel was a high minstrel, and very skilled with music, storytelling, and the ancient art of spellsong. Many of the adventurers present were wondering why the famed Brock of Argenta was not filled with his usual joie de vivre and playing an uneasy melody on his harp.

    Just then, he looked up at the silver haired mage uneasily looking back at him. "Oh, hello!" he began, his trademark smile returning to his face. "Are you maybe an adventurer that answered my plea for help?"
  13. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Curious to know what they were, although his intention to buy them was in doubt, Leon picked up several items and brought them to the storekeeper. A torchstick, a healing herb basket, and a firestarter.
    "What do these do?" Leon asked the shopkeeper.
    The shopkeeper was about to answer, but Leon quickly added extra questions.
    "And, mind if I ask, is that arrow crafting kit expendable? And the camp gear too? How long do these last?"
    The shopkeeper was about to answer again, but Leon yet added another question.
    "How am I going to store these if I do buy them? Plus, do you know where I could get some pie around here?"
    The shopkeeper seemed dizzied by the multiple questions, but Leon waited patiently for answers.
  14. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Her eyes met a brown haired tan young man dressed in shades of purple, red and gold. She blinked before she spoke. "Ah, hello! You're Brock, right? My name is Annika Crosse, and I think you sent for me?" She wasn't sure what to tell Brock that she was indeed coming on his summons. Given her fidgeting, she was starting to think twice before jumping the gun on a prospect for adventure. For safer bets, she showed him the message she had received from him, only to see the parchment wet at the edges, some words smudged here and there. "Sorry about that. My home land is not too paper friendly." Sheepishly, she managed a chuckle.

    (I've posted Annika's picture link in my bio, and also how old exactly is Brock?)
  15. The Royal Aegis

    Dec 30, 2014
    Hanako thanked the elven warrior, bowed and left, heading to the market to stock up on supplies.
    Argenta was such a kind place in her opinion
  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    @[member="122 Generation"];

    "Torchsticks are self igniting sticks for exploring dark places like caves, or traveling by night." the shopkeeper explained. "The healing herbs contain enough to treat many common ailments for a week--you'll have to ask the cleric which herbs do what. Firestarters are exactly that--enough flint and tinder to start two week's worth of campfires. Most arrow crafting kits will make a hundred arrows--these will make a hundred and fifty before you need another. Most camp gear will last for several years before needing replacement.

    He shelved a few torchsticks before going on. "Most supplies can easily fit in a bag, which you can buy from any leatherworker. If you're wanting a meat pie, the tavern makes some of the best in Kanduin. If you want a sweet pie, the innkeeper's wife makes plenty of those.


    (Brock is about late teens-early twenties--the age range I imagine him to be in the show)

    Brock read over the damp and smudged paper, and smiled when he recognized his own writing. "What's important is you received my message and come. There are three others, but they have yet to arrive
  17. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Hmm..." Leon said to himself. "What to buy..."
    Leon took this information carefully. To be honest, he figured he wouldn't exactly require a firestarter since he had his trusty Friction Bow to do that work. However, he had to hand it to the shopkeeper that having tinder would be extremely useful.
    However, he had no idea what kind of request the minstrel Brock had in store. Perhaps it would be wiser to ask where he was going exactly before even buying something. For all he knew, the request might just take him a day's journey away! Let alone an hour!
    Admittedly, all of the goods seemed useful.

    "I guess I'll come back later, but thank you for your time," Leon said. He watched the shopkeeper shelve more torchsticks. Right when he was about to leave the general store, he stopped and turned to face the shopkeeper again. "But hey, before I go, can I ask you a few more things? Could you sell the tinder separately? I mean, not that I'm being cheap, but I've got something with me that'll make fire too. Plus...Okay, I'll admit I'm craving a meat pie, but where's this inn you mentioned? And, be honest, are the meat pies here as good as you say?"
  18. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    @[member="122 Generation"]: "Well, that would be difficult without the risk of the whole shop catching fire, so that is why flint and tinder are often sold together." the shopkeeper went on. "Tinder that is sold individually come in ornate boxes--Meralda and Seulin have them, that I know of.

    The inn is not far from the temple, and near the tavern--both the meat pies and sweet pies here are fit for royalty." he added. "I've had both varieties many times when I forget to pack a lunch."
  19. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Meralda, huh? To think I was just there earlier, Leon thought.
    "Is that so?" Leon replied, in response to the shopkeeper's description of the pies. "Well, thanks for letting me know!"

    He would have to consider purchasing supplies and come back later, for the main reason was the incentive to have pie. Pie. Pie. Pie. With the thought and description of the meat pies and sweet pies, Leon couldn't wait to have a taste.
    Leon tipped his hat in thanks and walked quickly out of the general store.
    Now, Leon was back in the commercial atmosphere of the Argenta marketplace. To be honest, Leon wanted to check out what else the market had to offer, but the area was so busy, and he was so hungry, that he had to pass on the other open opportunities. That including the smithy's workplace and the alchemist's.

    Now, Leon had to focus on finding this tavern. Unfortunately for him, the mass crowd of people gathered in the marketplace seemed to have an impact on his sense of direction.
    Where is it... Leon thought.
  20. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    After Michelle ate a good meal she turned around, seeing how busy it actually was. It seems she didn't even notice it and letting herself getting the empty stomach of her. She laughed slightly at it. While slowly continueing through the crowded marketplace
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