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HiddenLore's Art Portfolio

Discussion in 'Art Corner' started by HiddenLore, Feb 22, 2015.

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  1. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Figured I should finally start a portfolio here, and what better way to start than with the comic i drew, and finally got uploaded, for the first Valor Quest. When I played the little quest earlier in the month, I decided to do a straight play through, to see what happened, this is the result.

    There are some weaknesses here, and I was mainly trying to convey what happened and not so concerned with art, hence the stick figures. The main problem is that my text was hard to read, so I added it in. unfortunately it doesn't quite look right. Oh well.

    Figured I'd go ahead and add the picture for my Mega Porygon Z here. The story I devised is that it started as an attempt to correct the bugs and glitches in Porygon Z, Silph Co. learned about Mega evolution and created an artifical stone.

    So It's March 15, time for another piece of art. This time some fakemon I developed.
    If you want to know about my technique, visit the deviation page: http://fav.me/d8lw7pl
    and now, what little info I know of them:
    Kadtune- Fairy dragon type (stages unknown)
    Defzhed- Grass type (maybe another?) probably a base form
    Shenth- Normal dragon perhaps? not sure right off, likely a cast off form, like shedninja
    Koff Vox- Dragon Ghost type Most likely final stage.
    That's all for now!
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  2. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    Did you scan it or take a picture? If you scanned, usually with the programs that they come with you can do basic edits to the image to make it easier to see and such. If a photo you might want to try taking a shot in a better lit area, just for future posts ;D Inking also helps darken lines if you want them seen better.

    Are you planning on doing more?
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  3. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    If they do another valor quest that I see I plan on doing it. I only took a picture because my scanner wasn't working for some reason. Inking would help but I didn't have anything handy. I'll have to look around and see if I can find something for next time, thanks for the advice! @[member="DracoFeathers"]
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