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The Extractors Sign-ups

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Vanillite, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    Here is where you will place your character profiles for The Extractors RP!

    Remember: The main playable species are human, dwarf, faery && elf, but I will consider other mythical creatures (or a species you made up!) Just please PM me if you wish to use a species that is not listed. The unplayable species are vampires, werewolves, demons and spirits. (This list is subject to change)

    PM me if you have any questions about the sign up or role play. I'd like to keep the profile thread as clean as possible.


    Name: (What is the name of your character? A last name isn't needed if you do not wish to give one.)
    Nicknames: (Do they have nicknames or an alias?)
    Age: (How old they are)
    Race: (What species are they? Elf, Dwarf, Faery, Human? Or something you created?)
    Gender: (What do they identify as?)
    Appearance: (What do they look like? Be as descriptive as you can! Help us imagine your character)
    Special abilities: (Do they have something special about them? ie. Fire control)
    Weapons: (What sort of weapons do they carry? Reminder that this is a fantasy medieval times sort of setting. So, guns won't be allowed)
    Personality: (What are they like?)
    Bio/History: (This must be at least 3 paragraphs long. Tell us why/how your character was recruited into the Barons!)

    Please do not post in main role play thread until I approve of your profiles!!

    It is okay to post your profiles before I post my own! I'm also a full-time student, so it may take me a few days to get my profiles up.


    (These characters are only to be controlled by myself unless stated otherwise! This will also update periodically!)

    Name: King Barold
    Nicknames: Ol' King Barry
    Age: 38
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dwarf
    Occupation: Current king of Learden
    Appearance: Barold is a short && stout man as all dwarves are. His face is a rosy pink, although apart from his cheeks, brown eyes && bulbous nose, the rest is hidden by thick, russet facial hair. His large beard extends down to his waist. His mustache is just as long, and is braided down on either side of his face. Braids can be manly, okay?! Despite keeping a such a massive, long beard, the red tresses atop his head are kept rather short (Perhaps so that his crown fits better?) Though his frivolous beard may make him look jolly, he is always seen with a stern expression on his face.

    Upon his body he wears robes of the finest materials. His thick knuckles are adorn with myriad gorgeous rings, && in his palm he often holds a golden goblet of fine wine. To always be tipsy is important to him. He is thick around the middle, not that he minds. Underneath his find robes he wears an untied dress-shirt, as he wishes to show off his "manly chest hair" to visiting ladies.

    Special abilities: Barold comes from a long line of Dwarves whom are able to lava.

    Weapons: When he is called into battle, Barold carries a large battle axe made from the most precious of metals. Adorned within the blade are various red jewels (Which he claims are the eyes of demons) to intimidate the enemy.

    Personality: Barold is a boisterous && aggressive king. He speaks with a loud && proud tone && does not like to take no for an answer. Despite his aggression, he is open-minded, willing to listen to all that come before his throne. However, just because he listens, does not mean he will agree with you. For he is a stubborn man, set in his own ways. Sometimes, when angry, he will babble like a baboon, making up words as he goes. He is not always understood.
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  2. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    It says no furries, werewolves or demons, but... Is there anything really non-human I can play as? Cause if my character has to look like a human, I'm not interested. However, if it doesn't, I might join.
  3. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    @[member="Almiraj"] Oh no, they don't have to look human! But since you mentioned there not being many non-humanoid options, I might open it to furries && such. I'd rather keep out demons, werewolves && vampires, though, because they're kind of like "evil" species. I'll open it up to furry creatures, though, so people can be more creative! Good observation! :)
  4. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    Oh, my character doesn't have to be furry (though to be honest, I prefer the term Anthro for actual anthropomorphic animals) I just don't like playing as humanoids.

    With that in mind, I think I might join.
  5. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    @[member="Almiraj"] Antho. . That does sound a lot nicer than 'furry' (furry kind of sounds rude tbh), so I think I'll use that term as well!
  6. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    Alright, I made up my character. He's not really anthro, but does borrow a few animalistic traits, but I also tried to make him different enough that he still looks alien. He's based off a creature I made up called a Scrauser.

    Name: Meriva Omora
    Nicknames: The wandering sage
    Age: 72
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: The creature's face is very long. He has pale pink skin like a human, but he has very long and droopy ears. His nose and upper lip is long like a tapir's, but almost as wide as a pig's nose. His lower jaw is an inch shorter, and his entire mouth sports long, serrated teeth suggesting a herbivore. He also has small, blank eyes with a light blue color to them. His body is small but round near the belly, which is normal for his species. His hands and feet are oddly shaped, almost like a chameleon's hands and feet except there's only three fingers and toes on each. He wears nothing but a large purple and teal robe that conceals most of his body except his head, hands and feet.
    Special abilities: He's rather gifted with electrical based magic, but has limited knowledge in other forms.
    Weapons: Nothing but a giant wooden staff with a large yellow gem in the center of two arcing branches. Upon joining the Barons, his staff was covered in the special metal the Barons used to fight evil.
    Personality: Meriva comes from a species that isn't too keen on meeting other species, but Meriva is more open minded that most, and rather enjoys learning about new species. He's quite friendly, though a bit meek and lacks courage. He also sometimes steals stuff if he thinks it will help him, but he's not a bad creature.
    Bio/History: Meriva lived most of his life in a Scrauser colony, at the age of 43, he went on to pursue his quest to learn more about other species. While in the colony, he learned magic through schooling, and read up on additional magic outside. ...Though he has a hard time reading human literature. His first encounter with the Barons was not a proud moment. In fact... he was being attacked by demons at the time. The Barons managed to save him and take him in to study on him, which Meriva wished to do the same. After being explained the situation, Meriva wished to join among the Barons. To this day he's still training, and is still getting the hang of handling himself in battle. Some of the others don't seem to trust him yet.
  7. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    @[member="Almiraj"] Accepted, I really like the description! It's a very unique design, nice job! As soon as some more people join && I make the first post, you may post! :)
  8. Cobalt

    Cobalt I'M A HURRICANE

    May 17, 2013
    (im so sorry this is so long honestly i did not mean it to be i just love kuro)
    (also i may add more characters later)

    Name: Kuro Kage
    Nickname/Alias: Kara, Bladed Raven
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Black hair falls down Kuro's back, stopping about a third of the way down her spine. Sometimes she'll tie it back, but no matter her hairstyle, she has bangs cascading down her forehead, and typically sweeps them to the left. Her eyes are a radiant topaz, looking rather bright against her pale, gray-eyed face. She typically looks tired, most likely because she doesn't sleep as often as she should.

    Her human body structure falls between athletic and unique, looking like a capable, athletic, lean fighter while still maintaining a feminine figure. She's fit for speed and agile fighting, her body matching with her complex combat training. She typically wears charcoal gray leggings under a mid-thigh violet skirt and high-cut boots, and a neck-cut purple shirt under a tight-fitting black tunic. Over all of this is ragged, torn cape that falls down her back and over her shoulders, tied around her neck, but not concealing her front.

    Special Abilities: Kuro is highly skilled in many types of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, near undefeatable at times. She is quick on her feet and is able to trick her foes easily, bringing some down in less than ten seconds. She is not without weaknesses, though. Kuro is unable to fight more than three or four at a time, otherwise she is easily overwhelmed and can be taken down. Also, including how fast she moves, she can be tripped up with a bit of work, and fell with that method. Along with this, she can also be intimidated if she is caught without a weapon, and even take cover and bide her time if she feels she cannot win.

    Kuro is also a master shadowmancer, able to use shadows to conceal herself or others. She is also able to turn shadows into a gaseous substance, and is able to fight by manipulating them in a similar style to firebending. Save for the heat and pigment, with the shadows being a haunting black, it's essentially firebending.

    To top things off, after many years of vigirous training, Kuro is able to run up to 27 miles per hour without the use of superpowers.

    Weapons: Kuro carries around many knives and daggers, as she feels she is vulnerable without them. She can fight in many different ways with these and typically uses them during any fight. Whether it be throwing or hand to hand, Kuro most likely has something to slash at her foes with.

    She also carries a double-ended blade under her cloak, which she only likes to use when things get dire.

    Personality: Kuro can come off as cold and uncaring, apathetic and unfriendly. And she is, around strangers. Her past required her to be. Kuro doesn't make connections easy, but if someone gets through to her, she'll protect them to the end. She typically acts as if she doesn't care, and she most likely doesn't.

    Kuro is a decision maker, and gets what she wants. If there's an argument, Kuro will be the first to break it up and "convince" others to see her point of view. She often resorts to threatening in order to get her way, and her acquaintances will have to convince her to stop.

    Despite how rude and cold she is, she sticks up for her friends and will be there for, and with them, until death. She once had herself thrown into a POW camp with two friends trying to save their lives. Once Kuro makes a friend, she doesn't leave them. Period.

    Bio/History: Kuro was born into a family known in the underground scene for their assassin guild. They're known for initiating members when they're merely infants, and making them into natural, extremely talented killers. Kuro, was no exception. She began training at age 3, and quickly was shown to have extreme potential. As she grew, her father made her his pride, becoming more of a mentor and trainer than an actual parent. At 15, Kuro realized what she was doing, and made plans to escape. And a month later, still 15, after killing for four years, she got out, leaving behind a four year old sister.

    Despite escaping, Kuro never changed her ways. After eleven years, she's still killing for a living and hasn't changed from what her father taught her. She never opened up and didn't get to know many people. She had a few people she could consider close, but otherwise, she was alone.

    However, at 23, she learned that the sister she left behind, had been raised the same way as she. For some reason, this simply did not feel right to her. And despite her vow never to return, to never see her father again, she went back.

    However, she wasn't very quiet about it.

    Kuro broke into the small compound her father had created, in a hollowed out, small underground city, and immediately began killing as many as she could. She got through ten men before she crossed paths with a girl, who looked almost similar to her.

    Kuro's first instinct was to hold a knife to her throat as she dove into cover, arrows flying at her. The young girl revealed that the two were sisters, and that she had planned to leave just as Kuro had, eight years before. After making an escape, with the younger sister, named Hazel, Kuro felt all was right.

    But not for long.

    (((( If you're skimming, this is how Kuro joins the Barons. ))))

    Kuro was seized, and despite her efforts to fight them off, was taken into custody for crimes against humanity. Her many years of killing had caught up to her, and she was sentenced to death.

    After spending six months time in prison awaiting her death (a punishment for her crime, as they thought death was too good for the young woman) , two escape attempts, and a complete surrender from Kuro, she was given a chance.

    "Kuro Kage, master assassin, sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. You have been summoned, by the Church, to work as a Baron and combat the demons that infect our lands. In return for your service, your crimes and felonies will be cleared, you will have a chance at redemption. Do you accept?"

    There was a bit of a silence.

    "I'd rather die." was her raspy response.


    When the day of her death came, Kuro faced it with dignity. However, as she was being walked to the rope, a pang came to her. She suddenly felt the same way she had when it came to rescuing her sister, about the Baron deal.

    As the rope was hung around her neck, she said.

    "Stop. I will work for the Barons in exchange for my freedom."

    Despite them wanting to, the guards had no choice but to free the young woman. Despite her silent disbelief in the Church's religious practices, Kuro Kage has worked as a skilled Baron for years, fighting eagerly and urgently to use her skillset for good, over evil.

    Despite her family's infamy in the underground world, most wouldn't recognize her name as anything special. She chooses to hide her past and keep it a secret, only telling a priest (Carmichael) small bits of her history. She feels she can only trust an agent of God, despite the fact she has no ties to any religion.

    Theme Song: Glory and Gore - Lorde

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  9. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    Welcome back Shiki :D (I remember when I gave you that nickname)

    Name: Naomi Shika (My main rp character :D)
    Nickname: Insanity squared
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Bright red hair, short but often put in pigtails. He wears a dragon pendant around her neck. She has a black shirt, often putting a bright red leather chestplate on for battle. For legging she wears a combat skirt (down to her knees) with a flame insgnia halfway down the right leg. She has one emerald eye and one blazing red eye. Her face is normal, but due to her heritage she skin coloured has scales on the outside of her arms and legs.
    Species: Demi-dragon (please let that be okay.)

    Special abilities: Naomi has the ability to cast powerful fire magic every so often, although it drains her by an amount equal to how powerful it is. She can light up any part of her body (Kinda like Natsu Dragneel) in flames, but her most powerful firse attacks entail her either throwing fireballs or breathing out a large stream of fire (in the style of Natsu Dragneel). She can also coat her weapon in flames to deal massive damage to her enemies.

    She is a master of the greatsword. She is able to pull off all sorts of devestating blows with it, and she can quickly switch between that and fire based hand to hand combat. The limit on her magic, as well as mgical potential, is that she has to call her atacks (which will be named similar to Natsu's attack in Fairy Tail.)

    Weapons: She wields a double edged greatsword that is tinted black. It is curved inwards in the middle, wide at the base and the tip and curves in a semi-ellipse at the end. Even part of the blade is sharp, and she slings it aver her back. She names it Darkheart. (Think of the Armourslayer from FE Awakening or the Darknut's sword from LoZ TP)

    Personality: Naomi seems like a bright and bubbly young adult, and most of the time she is. She gets along with most people just fine. However, enough insults and negativity (nickname not included) eventually set her over the edge. She goes berserk and attempts to stab the first person around her with her sword. Almost all of the time she has been stopped by a fellow member of the Barons. She often laughs like a maniac for a while afterwards. She also enjoys battle, it often makes her calmer than she was beforehand.
    (Darkest form of Naomi I've ever made.)

    Naomi's life was weird ever since her birth. He mother was just a regular human, but her father was a dragon. A servants of the demons had cursed her father into a human appearance (teehee callbacks), and he didn't ever break out of that curse. Naomi's mother didn't even know it until Naomi grew up to have scaly skin and a prficiency for fire magic. Her father had hid it well enough until that moment. Somehow, some of his dragon genetics had been passed onto Naomi, giving her some dragon-like features and magic proficiency.

    Why was this an issue? Well, the town where Naomi was born had a hatred for dragons, seeing them as demon spawn after a particularly nasty one had plagued their town for a century. They didn't think a dragon could be kind and caring. As soon as Naomi was seen buy the town, they assumed she was the spawn of a dragon (which they were not wrong in thinking) and set about to kill her and her family. They also figured out that her father was the dragon. He was the first they killed.

    It came around one night, it was the night after a town festival. The town seemed so peaceful. The villagers though had all gathered in a nearby house, waiting for all light to leave that house. One had a dagger ready and the rest had swords and other various weapons in case the dragon and its offspring survived and retaliated. They burst into the house, slitting the throats of both Naomi's parents. Naomi managed to survive though but hiding under her bed. She watched the blood pour out of her parents as the villagers searched the house for her. They never found her.

    She escaped the village, vowing to one day return to destroy the people who had oppressed her and killed her family. But wherever she went she was either thought of as a disturbing half-breed or some interesting specimen for examination. During this time, she developed a bubbly personality and learnt to block out negative comments from the people around her from the outside, but held them in as fuel for later rage. She tried to make friends wherever she went, being able to find one or two before having to flee.

    This is where the Barons come into her story. They had had their eyes on Naomi as an unknown variable. Perhaps she could be useful, but she could also be a threat to the world if she was pushed too far. The latter occurred first. She finally became strong enough to return to her birthplace and burn the town to the ground. She made sure to slit the throat of the man who had killed her parents, although so many years had passed that he barely even remembered the incident when she told him. As she was walking away from the carnage she had cause, she was confronted by the Barons.

    Her first thought were that they were going to take her to some sort of dungeon, or possibly kill her. To her surprise they actually took her in as one of their own. At least half the Barons had opposed the decision, but the half who didn't decided that she needed to be trained to control her anger, in case anything ever truly set her off again. Her nickname originated from the people who opposed her.

    She learned to control her rage, even one day going back and helping to rebuild the village with the survivors (even though they weren't very welcoming). She can still go berserk at the touch of a button, but otherwise you'd never realise that the bright and happy dragon girl walking down the street could kill you at the drop of a hat.

    Other: Theme song (That's allowed, right?

    (For now, Naomi will be my only submission, I might submit more characters another time but i have Demon Lands and another rp that take up a fair amount of rp ability.)
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  10. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    @[member="Cobalt"] @[member="Sachi-Shimazu"] I'm cryin my two faves are gonna rp with me ;( You guys are both accepted!! I'm gonna try to get my profiles up today (I've been working on NPC characters). I'm gonna wait a few more days to see if anyone else joins. But if not, we'll start! :D
    Cobalt and Sachi-Shimazu like this.
  11. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    Name: Carmichael Elswood
    Nicknames: Carmi
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Baron, Priest

    Appearance: Carmichael has rather plain but attractive features. Nothing really stands about his looks. He has short, messy brown hair with matching eyes. Atop of his head is a carmine red zucchetto. A smile is always on his handsome face, though some find that eerie. Over his lanky body is attire that is very monk-like. He is doned in silk, champagne robes. On the top of these robes, starting up the middle of his neck and ending at the top of his elbows is a carmine red shawl. The shawl is made from and looks exactly like the rest of his silk robes, just in a different color. A pretty rosary hangs down from his neck. Under his robe are black slacks and loafers. He's always seen carrying a mysterious book that looks much like the book of Leardis (A holy bible of sorts). Beneath his loose robe's sleeves are two metal cuffs on either wrist that look much line handcuffs.

    Special Abilities: Illusionist. Carmichael is capable of creating illusions of any sort, which can become 'real' for a short time and attack enemies. However; Carmichael is a weak-minded individual, so his illusions cannot remain real for long periods of time. Otherwise, they are just illusions used for distract enemies.

    Carmichael is not very skilled offensively (as he panics and often creates illusions of bunny rabbits– things that are not scary distractions) but is skilled defensively. The mysterious book the he always carries is an extremely potent charm that wards off evil. When battling with demons, waving the book towards them will cause them to hiss and avoid Carmichael.

    Weapons: An acolyte stick. Not very effective, but very holy. Also, his special book.

    Personality: Carmichael is like any other priest. Gentle and kind, offering wisdom to all who seek it. Laid back and can occasionally be a goofball. He refrains from swearing and judging those who do, though he often becomes uncomfortable in a situation where another does swear constantly or acts aggressive. Carmichael is a reserved individual who is polite to all. He is prone to becoming uncomfortable in large, noisy crowds. He is tenderhearted and quick to become nervous when spoken to with a stern tone. Feeble, timid, easy to mold.

    Bio: Carmichael has been raised by monks && nuns within a small church from the time he was 4 years old. His mother abandoned him as a young child, as he showed signs of being disturbed. Fearful of him becoming a sort of 'evil,' he was left for the holy at the church to care for. Never ones to turn someone away, the Church took him in. He was raised under watchful eyes, taught the history of Leardin && of Leardis. His accomplishments, his laws, his wishes.
    && Indeed, young Carmichael seemed disturbed.

    He was often seen talking to unseen forces, 'imaginary friends' he deemed were soldiers whom fought with Leardis to remove the demons from the land. One 'soldier' in particular, Azrael,' has remained with him throughout the years. Of course, Azrael was just another created by Carmichael's disturbed mind. && Azrael was not a being the nuns && monks of Praetus wished to have around. For Azrael told Carmichael to commit awful things.

    Azrael claimed to be sent by the god Leardis himself. He told Carmichael that he was special, that he was to be a direct disciple of Leardis! The priest was told that Leardis wished for him Carmichael to destroy all evil!

    && It was then that Carmichael murdered a prostitute. For it was in Leardis' book of laws that to sell your body was a crime. Azrael had told him to do it, that it was Leardis's wish. . && he could not let his god down!!

    But upon committing such a horrible act, Carmichael was sentenced to death. && Just before his death day, the Barons would appear. They had heard of Carmichael's atrocious act– though that was not what they cared about. They had become aware of his abilities to create illusions && make them reality; Something the Barons found to be a great asset to their forces. They would recruit Carmichael, taking him to the church of Praetus. Very few in the Barons know of his past, besides the one who were sent to retrieve him (Kuro), && those who helped in the creation of his binding.

    It was within Praetus that the potent cognitive wrist cuffs were created. Using the strongest of metals && the strongest of mage magic, the cuffs were created. Upon being placed on either wrist, it would suppress the dark desires that Carmichael's mind created. && it worked! Azrael no longer told Carmichael to commit horrible acts, but spoke with kindness

    That is, until the rift into the Underworld was opened. .

    Other: Carmichael suffers from Schizophrenia. Azrael is merely a hallucination that cannot be seen nor heard by anyone but Carmichael, unless he casts Azrael as an illusion before them.


    Name: Ula
    Nicknames: None
    Race: Faery
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Ula is a water Faery with magenta-shaded skin. Atop her head is long, flowing blue hair. Her hair is slightly transparent, as is the rest of her body. There are small pink horns atop her head that allow her to sense danger within the water. Her eyes are larger than a humans && are a pupil-less algae green.

    Water Faeries do not wear clothing. Instead, they are equipped with special fin-like 'limbs' that cover their intimate regions. These 'fins' can pull back in times of reproduction or whenever the owner so chooses to expose themselves. For Ula, those fins grow in a cyan color much like her hair! These fins wrap around her torso to cover her breasts && grow on either thigh to cover her groin. Overall, her form is humanoid.

    Ula's hands && feet are forever iridescent. Night or day, they will glow a neon pink. This aids her late at night when swimming in dark waters or traveling dark streets. She does not wear shoes, as she likes to feel the earth beneath her.
    Reference (x)

    Special Abilities: Water && bubble control. If there is water nearby, she is able to control it at well. However, if there isn't, she can create bubbles from her lips! These bubbles can explode and cause enemies to flinch, or she can entrap the enemies in them for several minutes.

    Weapons: A trident! The three spiked ends of the trident are frozen solid && very sharp! If an enemy is wet when stabbed by the trident, they can potentially be frozen solid.

    Personality: Naive | Clumsy | Curious | Social | Jokester | Kind | Optimistic | Ditzy | Easily-amused | Analytical | Candid | Loud | Caring | Gullible | Courageous | Risk-taker

    Bio: The reasoning behind Ula's recruitment is rather silly. She was not recruited due to defeating a monster, putting out a forest fire, or any other courageous act. She was recruited because she accidentally encased a whole village within a bubble. Whoops!

    She hadn't meant to, of course! She && a child of the village had been blowing bubbles together. He had a bubble wand, while she used her mouth. After awhile, the two challenged one another: Who could blow the largest bubble! Ula had obviously won, as she had encased the child's whole village.

    The Barons had been impressed by her feat, wishing to use her abilities to encase demons if there was to be another attack. She would happily oblige, as she saw the Barons as an opportunity to become a super hero!!
  12. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014

    I hope this is alright. ^^;; I will draw something on her if I have time.

    Name: Evienne

    Nicknames: Eve

    Age: 19

    Race: Faerie (Because why not)

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Teal long hair in a low ponytail, webbed ears, turquoise eyes, and fair skin. She wears a white sleeved and short skirted dress, bound by a girdle made from vines. She does not wear shoes, until she enters the Barons, where she got herself a pair of sandals. (Whoop dee doo, a fantasy version of OR/AS's Lisia XD)

    Special abilities: Water manipulation, her abilities are quite developed, but she has yet to master the art completely. She is able to summon water, control the movements of water and its pressure.

    Weapons: A javelin provided by the Barons. (possibly temporarily, because she is not accustomed to weapons)

    Personality: Evienne is normally carefree and always going along with the flow. She is not one to make decisions, but when one is weighed on her shoulders, she will be a nervous wreck, because she values others' opinions a lot, which leads to her procrastinating any form of decision making. If she is provoked, offended, or happened to hear of someone's tragic fate, her tears easily form, although she is trying very hard to control this aspect of her. Amongst the Barons, she is more often than not rather scatterbrained, as she knows little about humans and priests.


    Evienne's family has been the guardians of one of the waterfalls of Gwenllian, a rainy part of Learden for generations. Even though everyone lived in harmony, Evienne and her family have little knowledge about humans. After an event or two where people dumped refuse into the water source they were guarding, a slight feeling of hatred towards humans was seeded in her mind. Her living family members are her mother Rillette and younger brother Llyr.

    One day, when Evienne, then fourteen, watched her mother purify the lake, the two had spotted two suspicious figures dumping waste into the lake. Because both her father and brother had gone away from the lake to discuss trade matters with some merchants, the two females were left to defend themselves on their own. After sounding a warning call, the figures made their business in haste and made a ran for it. It was already tiring enough for her mother to purify the water for the day, she had this new "package" to handle. Consumed with anger, she went towards the two men and attacked them, trapping them in a water sphere in hopes of drowning them. She had nearly succeeded in doing so, had her mother not called her back to help out with the polluted water, as the polluting agents were rapidly flowing downstream. Horrified, Evienne ran down alongside the path of the river, only to find that the river was slowly turning murky. It would take at least a year for the water to be completely pure again. Many who relied on the river for water became sick or died from the polluted water for a period of time. Evienne was unsure who was to blame, but she felt that she was responsible for letting this happen, had she not bothered about the two men. (The two men had escaped and reported that the girl would be seized.)

    Since then, Evienne trained hard under her mother to master the art of purifying water, maintaining the purity of the waterfall for a good five years. She had learnt from that time that violence was not the answer to problems, nor was blaming others for something you could have done right without other influences. When she had come of age, she was sought out by the Barons, five years after the incident. Her initial fears was that she would be used by the Church, as she knew that the river pollution was "her" fault. The Barons have voted that she is an important member and somewhat representative of Gwenllian, an area where not many humans lived. Upon telling them about the concerns of the demons' uprising, everyone started to doubt a young lady's ability to represent the faeries of Gwenllian to play a role as a Baron. On behalf of the faeries of Gwenllian, Evienne accepted the offer. Despite protests from her mother, the decision was then made.

    Being one of the newer members, Evienne had yet to be accustomed to a human's way of living in a closed area (and walking around in shoes). She had never used a weapon before, and the idea terrified her.
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  13. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    @[member="Lunar-Peacle"] accepted, great work! :D I also have a faery-- woohoo for faeries! We'll be starting within the next few days-- There's one more member who said he wanted to join!
  14. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    Name: Ezra
    Nicknames: Crow
    Age: Unknown, appears in his 20s
    Race: Scarecrow (Once human, but was cursed)
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Underneath shaggy, onyx lock are a set of piercing topaz optics that always seem to hold a mischievous glint in them. His complexion is tan && smooth, though mostly covered by his clothing. Only the flesh of his face, neck && fingers are exposed. The rest is hidden, as it is not very beautiful to look at, for it holds various scars && stitches to keep his innards, in.

    Over his body he wears a layered, dark-grey tunic that connects in the front. The trimmings of this tunic are gold, while the collar && attached hood are crimson with a golden design etched on it. The bottom of the tunic is layered. The top layer is dark grey just as a majority of the tunic is with gold trimming, while the bottom later is the same crimson && gold design of his hood. Over his palms are black fingerless gloves. His legs are covered by durable black pants && heavy boots.

    Special abilities: Able to communicate with crows && get them to do his bidding.

    Weapons: Dual sickles attached to chains.

    Personality: Flirtatious | Manipulative | Easy-going | Tactical | Intelligent | Social | Quick-thinker | Sarcastic | Jokester | Laid-back

    Bio/History: As a child, Ezra group up in a boarding house run by his parents. Rarely did children come along && stay, so he would have to occupy himself by doing other things. Most of the time he would play outdoors, feeding and talking to the crows that hung about the house. He would realize that they were clever animals, as they were capable of stealing from others and remembering faces. He wished to be like the crows! && so he would begin to infiltrate the rooms of his parents' guests, taking objects he thought they wouldn't miss.
    Until one day, he would choose to steal from the wrong person. Or, well, attempt to steal.

    A witch had stopped in for a rest. The witch wore brightly colored robes and carried a huge, old book of spells. Ezra had to peek into it. He'd snuck into her room later that day, attempting to steal her book. Of course, he was caught! The witch was outraged, and she cursed the small boy. She cursed him to be a thieving scarecrow forever-- or at least until he proved himself to be a good person, then the spell would be broken.
    It was then that his form changed. His skin went from being pale, to tan, light-leather color. He would find stitches littered about his entire body, keeping in his new 'blood'– hay. As the witch had said, he was now a scarecrow– && a thieving one at that!

    He began to steal from the tenants of his parents' boarding out for years, until his parents kicked him out around the age of 18, when he became an adult. He was a man now, && they'd no longer to try make reparations for his actions! Ezra would have to do it himself!

    For the next 2 years he would try to make the best of his situation; Stealing for the poor, trying to return the objects he stole, apologizing. Many a time he would communicate with crows (An ability gained by turning into a scarecrow) asking them to return the things he stole, or even getting them to steal for him!

    The Barons would take notice of this– his ability to communicate with birds. This could be used to their advantage, as Ezra could use his abilities to spy on enemies. Ezra of course would join them, as he wanted to do good so that he could end his curse.
  15. Grelleth

    Grelleth Sailor

    Jul 14, 2013
    ~Slides application under door and absconds~
    Name: Auxren
    Nicknames: Gills, Mudkip, Aux
    Age: 16
    Race: Axolotl Anthro
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: He has messy, scruffy red hair that spills out from under neath a burgundy bandanna tied around his head and blue eyes. His skin is ghostly white and he has pink gills like an axolotl where ears would normally be. A few freckles are visible on his face, especially around and on the bridge of his noes. He wears a simple white cotton T-shirt, brown breeches, and black boots.
    Special abilities: Ice control. He can shoot beams of ice to freeze people, make the ground slippery, or even freeze his sword to enhance the blade. Or use Ice Punch [ X] ]. He also can heal on his own thanks to his Axolotl side. He is pretty good with a blade and is quick around the battlefield. He is a very good swimmer and can stay underwater for as long as he wants\needs to.
    Weapons: Short sword.
    Personality: Auxren is very, very curious. He tends to ask a lot of questions, almost to the point of absurdity in some cases. He is a bit shy around girls, as he has not really interacted with them before and is unsure of what to say to them. He loves being near water thanks to his Axolotl half, but is fine away from it. He likes the idea of the ocean, but the salt water makes him shy away from it. He is a decent fighter, but does not like fighting unless he really needs to. He has no idea about Leardis, as his "Uncle" was a non-believer and never told him about the legends. Because of his life in isolation, he is rather naive about a lot of things. He almost always calls adults sir/ma'am.
    Bio/History: Auxren did not know his parents. He was abandoned by them and was raised by his "Uncle", a nice human man who cared for him like a son. His life was rather ordinary, and he grew up rather peacefully in his Uncle's lake-side house until that day.

    It was a normal morning. Auxren was swimming around in the depths of the lake when he heard something and the water shook. He swum up to the surface to see his Uncle standin in front of the House, which was on fire. Confused and worried, he quickly came to shore.

    "Uncle! What happened? We need to put out the fire!' he said, tugging on the man's sleeve. He knocked him aside and Auxren saw that his Uncle's eyes had gone completely black. Terrified, he retreated to the water while his possessed Uncle tried to throw fire balls at him.

    Auxren stayed at the bottom of the lake for what felt like days, terrified to come out in fear that the "thing" was still there. When he finally did surface, the house was completely gone, as well as his Uncle.

    Now he had no idea what to do. His entire life was completely gone. But he could not stay here; he felt that the thing would come back. So he exited the lake and walked along the road. He had no idea where he was going, but hoped that he could find somewhere to live.

    It was a very long walk, and very energy draining, just day after day traversing the unknown with only a path to guide you. Auxern nearly got mugged by a few bandits, but when they discovered that he had nothing on him, they let him go.

    He finally found the city of Grolden. He knew about this city, and that only nobles were allowed to live there, but he was tired and just wanted somewhere safer than the paths that lead through the country. In the dead of night he managed to get inside.

    He lived in the back alleyways for a few days until one day the Barons found him by pure accident. A petty bandit was trying to escape when he ran smack into the boy.

    "Oi, watch where yer goin'!"

    "I, uh, sorry sir."

    The bandit attacked Auxern, and their fight ended up getting into the streets. Auxern managed to beat the bandit just when police swooped in and took the bandit. He was about to retreat back into the alleyways when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

    "The Barons have noted your skills. Keep them sharp boy, we may call upon you." Whoever had grabbed him said, then was gone.
  16. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    Yeehaw homie you're accepted B) Jump on in, we've only just started!!
  17. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    Name: Veigrus Turmol
    Nicknames: Veig
    Age: 32
    Race: Elf (Dark Elf, to be specific)
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Being a dark elf, Veigrus' skin is naturally a medium-grey color. His narrow eyes are dark red. He wears a dark-grey overcoat most of the time, underneath of which he wears semi-formal attire (usually a white shirt, black trousers, and black shoes). He likes his short hair slicked back, so as to emphasize a scholarly appearance.

    Special Abilities: Elves have a natural affinity to magic, and Veigrus is no exception. Unlike most elves, however, Veigrus is drawn to Dark magic. He wishes to study Dark magic rather than use it, but he is able to use various Dark spells, such as Darkfire (which creates, well, black fire), Darkfall (which calls a small blast of dark energy to fall from the sky), and Darkbolt (which sends streaks of dark energy at his targets).

    Weapons: Veigrus carries a short scepter, which is equipped with blades to fend off enemies who venture too close to him. The scepter doubles as a cane, and is only really used to give him better aim with his spells.

    Personality: Veigrus views himself as a sophisticated scholar and gentleman, and he tries to act as such. He's also a bit egotistic and full of himself, which can cause problems when he gets into arguments. He tends to use "big" words in his speech so as to sound educated. He has a slow-building, but dangerous, temper.

    Bio/History: Veigrus Turmol was born in the Dark Elf city of Morrwika into a fairly wealthy family. He was the family's eldest son, and he was slightly spoiled as a result. He received a fine education due to his family's wealth and power. His family refused to let his study Dark magic, however, which meant Veigrus had to do so largely in secret. He didn't mind in the least; he was a talented Dark mage, and he wasn't afraid to demonstrate his skill.

    Demons, it seems, care not for a person's power or wealth. Such is why Veigrus' tale is tragic. His family - his mother, father, and beloved sister Liliana - all became victims of demonic possession, as did most of Veigrus' home at the time as a wave of demons invaded the city. Veigrus himself resisted the powers of the demons (if only temporarily), but he had to kill his family to free them from the demons that controlled them. In his subsequent grief-driven fury, he went on to drive off the demons, killing several of his kin in the process. He fled Morrwika shortly afterwards. As Veigrus ran with tears streaking down his face, he vowed to do whatever it took to destroy the demons once and for all. Thoughts of that day still haunt him.

    He decided that his quest for vengeance required more knowledge of his prey, which is what lead him to seek out the Barons, the fabled "demon-hunters". He hoped that with their help, he could study the nature of demons and find more efficient ways of vanquishing them. The Barons, both sympathetic for his situation and slightly afraid of his powers, allowed him to join their ranks.

    (I hope it's not too late to join in, seeing as you've posted the new rule and all. I can change this information if necessary. I'd really like to get in on this; this idea sounds like it could go far.)
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  18. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    gucci gucci, accepted! B) Go ahead && post! I'll wait for you to post before I do! :)
  19. Cobalt

    Cobalt I'M A HURRICANE

    May 17, 2013
    Name: Jade Winters
    Nickname: Odd-Eyed, though he's more fond of his name
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: His red hair looks almost flat-ironed, despite it being naturally straight, and it's easy to tell he doesn't put too much work into styling it. A simple brush to the side to keep it out of his eyes, but still on his forehead, though a bit will still fall into his face. His fair skinned face is unblemished, due to almost obsessive cleanliness, and adorned with heterochromia, with the left eye being a darker hazel, the right as a shimmering baby blue.

    Jade is human, and has a thinner athletic build, fitting his shorter height of 5'7. He isn't far from feminine, but still looks slightly masculine in his own way. Jade's typical outfit, outside of his armor, is a pair of black bottoms and an orange top, showing under a brown hunting jacket.

    Weapons: Like Kuro, Jade is fond of knives. He carries several on him, and even one literally up his sleeve at most times. However, it's not the only weapon in his arsenal. He also carries a bladed-end bow with a sling of arrows, and is rather efficient at fighting with it.

    However, the most obvious thing about Jade's weaponry, is his armor. He only wears it when he believes he'll truly need it, but it is a force to be reckoned with. An underarmor bodysuit constructs the first layer, a flexible, breathable fabric. His second layer, the armor, is actually a set of attached pieces. He wears a chestplate, shoulder pads, gauntlets, thigh armor, knee pads, ankle armor, and armored boots. He can still move rather fluidly in it, despite the weight it seems to carry.

    The reason Jade can move like he can in the armor is due to his psychic abilites. He is able to carry himself and make his armor lighter, thus making him appear stronger than he is. This is a common form of deception he uses on his enemy, and it works well. Hell, he hasn't even told some of the Barons yet.

    His psychic abilities include telekinesis, slight telepathy, teleportation of objects (though, in extreme surges of power, he's able to teleport himself) and the generation of force fields. If he tries, he can even bestow those fields into others' control for a limited amount of time.

    Personality: Jade is snarky and sassy, and always seems to have an excuse for his own laziness. He's deceptively charming and charismatic, which he isn't afraid to use to his advantage. Jade, in himself, can be extremely manipulative and dominant, but he has a soft side. Though he only really shows it around those he loves or cares about, he always has a devilish hint in his voice that makes you hate him, but love him all the same.

    History: Essentially the same as Kuro's, raised an assassin by Kuro's father in his freaky cult, but never broke away. He was still arrested, and sent to prison, where the Barons recovered him and asked for his help. Jade is a believer in their faith, but doesn't acknowledge it much.

    Theme Song: Mercenary - Panic! at the Disco


    As well as, Alpha Dog - Fall Out Boy

  20. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    ur accepted nerd now go post
    Cobalt likes this.
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