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Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by tgr83, Feb 24, 2015.

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  1. tgr83

    tgr83 Youngster

    Feb 22, 2015
    Title: Everyday

    Summary: Have you ever wondered how Pokémon would change our society? From our jobs and home lifestyle, to our daily routine and gripes, these short stories detail the everyday life of the average person in a not so average world. At least one drabble uploaded every week for the foreseeable future. Feedback sought after and appreciated.

    Welcome to my collection of drabbles. For those that do not know, drabbles are short stories that are exacly 100 words long, which forces the author to be concise in order to convey an entire storyline. I started this drabble series on my fanfiction account and have already created 12 chapters. I will be posting one existing chapter every day. I generally try to update my story at least once per week. Do note that I will post a new chapter on my fanfiction account one day before I post it here, so if you are anxious for a new chapter, check my fanfic page (link available by each chapter). All feedback here or on my fanfic account is welcome. Enjoy!

    [3D='063']CHAPTER 1: To Net a Quick Buck[3D='063']​

    Mestipen knew creating a psychic link would hurt, but the benefits of such a connection made it worthwhile.

    He lifted the star-printed tablecloth and stared at the snoring abra underneath.

    "Oww...If I didn't need you, I would've returned you to the game corner already."

    A bell interrupted his thoughts. He turned to face a raven-haired boy.

    "Welcome to Monsieur Mestipen's Enlightenment Emporium. Do you need insight into your love life?...Oh...you wish to communicate with the dead?"

    "...How do you know that?"

    Mestipen smiled. "Sit down, let's talk..."

    His head was going to explode, but he had money on his mind.
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  2. tgr83

    tgr83 Youngster

    Feb 22, 2015
    I decided to include a bonus chapter for today!

    [3D='310']CHAPTER 2: To Not Get Fired[3D='310']​

    Jessica knew she was going to be late for work. For the third time this month, she found herself stuck in traffic.

    Bolts of lightning shot from the sky. She sighed and tuned the radio to her favorite station–Arceusian Rock FM–hoping to ignore her frustration.

    Hours later, she found herself passing police with two trainers–and their Pokémon–in handcuffs.

    "Finally the highway is clear."

    She tried to merge left but was cut-off by another car. She honked, flipped the guy off, told him to burn in hell, and sped to her job far above the legal limit.
  3. tgr83

    tgr83 Youngster

    Feb 22, 2015
    This is probably my least favorite chapter but enjoy it anyways!
    [3D='059']CHAPTER 3: To Make a Mistake[3D='059']

    "Suspect running. Permission to pursue, over."

    "Copy, permission granted. Presume thief is a trainer."

    Officer Terri and her companion arcanine sprinted the sidewalk. She was sleep-deprived, having worked both shifts all week.

    She cornered the crook–a middle-aged man–and motioned the arcanine to be alert: her last suspect had a freakin' salamence.


    The man nervously raised his arms. Suddenly, he reached for his pocket. He's releasing Pokémon! Terri whistled; a flamethrower shot forward. The man screamed–a passport fell from his hands.

    "...I thought his identification was a pokéball?"

    "Paramedic needed, over..."
  4. tgr83

    tgr83 Youngster

    Feb 22, 2015
    Please comment/review!

    [3D='664']CHAPTER 4: To Escape Poverty[3D='664']​

    Hunger gnawed at Kit and Jeremy as they slouched by a dumpster–"home." The Lumiose streets are harsh–people are merciless, and food–surprisingly limited. To survive, one must take.

    The twins were honorable, but they couldn't live off café dumpsters forever. They decided to rob a bakery–only taking necessities.

    For weeks they took bread when the owner was out-of-sight.

    One day, the children found a basket and note outside the door.

    Earn your next meals.

    Inside: two pokéballs.

    A guy with a scatterbug saw them.

    "Hey, let's battle." The twins smiled, contemplating how they would spend their winnings.
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